Tobie Oshea: I think this is a very good question. Now, scripture says not to be given to much wine. I have a personal conviction about drinking. I am not allowed by Christ. Then again, I live in the United States where drinking is done to get drunk. It's not social or for health. It's to party, get drunk, and be wild. That is something I will not associate with.People in Europe on the other hand have a completely different lifestyle. Drinking is simply a glass with dinner. Nothing more.I think it's all based on personal conviction. That's not an excuse to say. Oh, I don't have a problem so I'm gonna do it. It's actually taking the time to seek the Lord in prayer. If it causes another to shouldn't be done.Luke 16:15But He said to them, You are the ones who declare yourselves just and upright before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted and highly thought of among men is detestable and abhorrent (an abomination) in the sight of God...Sh! ow more
Lynn Hollars: Only if you allow it to take over your life. God has intended us to be free agents, if we succumb to any addiction, then it is a sin.I don't drink at all as I want to have a clear mind, keep in mind that any sins (and there are plenty) that are commited while drunk are still your sins, even if you were inebriated.
Kris Otuafi: if you over do it it is. Anything is a sin if you do it too much.
Dewey Heersink: Weak drinks like wine are OK, but the Bible does say that strong drinks and being drunk are sins.
Rufus Plough: drinking is not a sin...getting drunk on the other hand isin bible times they drank wine..even Jesus.Jesus even turned water into wine
Jonathan Schlussel: Yeah I heard getting drunk was a sin, but drinking itself isn't. It doesn't make sense because alcohol alters your consciousness even at after a drink or two, and "drunk" is a very relative term.
Betsey Muehlbach: No. Drunkenness is.
Frederic E! ngellant: Drinking to the point of being drunk or a little tip! sy, yes. Its best just to leave the drink alone.
Gerardo Greist: Yes drinking is a sin, I haven't drank yet and I am teenager.
Nadia Crauswell: 1 Timothy 5:23 - Drink a little wine for your digestion. Drinking is fine. The proverbs say that getting drunk isn't.
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