Friday, 10 July 2020

A blood bank refused to accept blood from a potential donor who had just had his teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist.?  

A blood bank refused to accept blood from a potential donor who had just had his teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist.?  

answers 0:Why did they refuse the blood?answers 1:You can donate one day after dental work if your treatment has been completed and you are feeling well. In canada, it''s one day after a cleaning and 3 days after an extraction, root canal or dental surgery- provided there is full recovery.The reason for this policy is that having dental work can result in “nicks” in the gums. Micro-organisms from the mouth can enter the bloodstream through these nicks, creating a risk of bacteria in the bloodstream....answers 2:I have donated blood dozens of times, but never heard of that being a potential issueanswers 3:A dental cleaning disturbs bacteria in your mouth which can get into your bloodstream (I don't know about you but my gums always bleed a little at the dentist). Donated blood with extra bacte! ria floating around in it is not ideal.answers 4:Dentistry is really dangerous for our blood. Some people die from a blood infection after having their teeth cleaned. My dentist puts me on antibiotics 3 days before I'm going to have work done and for 3 days after. If they accidentally cut your gums and plaque from your teeth gets into your bloodstream blood will clot around it and it can either cause a bigger blood clot that can travel to your heart and give you a heart attack, go to your brain and give you a stroke or it can start an infection in your blood that attacks your heart. If you have dental work done there is a possibility your blood may be contaminated and the blood bank can't take that risk since people who need blood already have a compromised immune system....answers 5:Because when you have your teeth cleaned bacteria can get into your bloodstream

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