Particia Thorton: 1
Hilde Heskett: Well for free multiplayer games If your interested in rhythm type games I would recommend Audition Online by Redbana or Dance online from Acclaim. For FPS I would suggest Soldier Front or Combat Arms. For classic online brawling arcade action Dungeon Fighter from Nexon is a simple and easy game to play.
Lindsey Zanardi: XBOX 360-Halo 3 and halo 0dstComputer-maple story runescape
Bryan Avinger: 360: Halo 3 (original or odst), multiplatform:Modern Warfare (2 is coming in a few weeks), Battlefield 1943.PS3: Warhawk, Killzone 2
Mohamed Szollosi: Well there is POTCO (Pirates of the Caribbean Online), RS (Runescape), DO (Dark Orbit). ETC. There are many online games and I have played many of them although I only play a couple now which I barely get on. Runescape is the WORLDS most popular Massively Online RPG that is free and is also a browser game. Runescape has almost 30 skills to do such as Mining, Woodcutting, fish! ing, attack, defense, overall combat, hunting, archery, crafting, ETC. There is a game called Steel Sentinels on Funorb; in the game you war against other players but you are a robot and so are they. You can unlock new robots and weapons and mix them together. Next is Dark Orbit; in the game you are a spaceship and you are either in the company of earth, venus, or mars. You can fly to different star systems and war with other companies and aliens. You can also find different ores to sell. www.Darkorbit.comFinaly there is Pirates of the Carribean online; it is a downloadable game although it is downloadable so that is why some people do not play it. The main attraction of the game is that you are a pirate and you can sail a ship, battle other players, have wars, join guilds, ETC....Show more
Ronny Nowzari: for computer i recommend u warcraft 3,many people play this game.for ps3 or xbox 360, i recommend u halo or call of duty,its very ad! dictive.for wii, i recommend u super smash bros, its amazing!!! !
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