Monday, 1 June 2020

Why is Americas education system a joke?

Lilli Kochel: public ed spends more money per pupil than any nation on the warming globenextttt

Cuc Gire: it has been a joke for over 50 yrs

Jacinta Moitoso: Mainly because mostly liberals are teachers.

Jasper Mangel: really?

Brittanie Zakutney: Liberal teacher's unions are running the show for the benefit of the teachers and not the students.

An Trebil: Finnish teachers are actually paid as the professionals they are, and students and parents like see the importance of actually studying and not wasting time with other irrelevant things.

Jude Colbenson: Please feel free to provide some proof of your assertion. Otherwise, there is nothing to answer.

Tracy Huesso: Because they dumb down the system to leave no one behind. Instead everyone is brought down t the lowest level.

Elmo Tervo: Why is Americas education system a joke?>> YOU and your Best Answer are nothing but hating, lying, whining and STUPID > making some American's! better than you, your kind any day > Love the Jealousy > TY ! !

Indira Wassell: America's educational systems are run for the benefit of teachers' unions, and educating children is a by-product of those systems.BTW, it isn't as if Finland's educational system is doing as well as it once was. You might want to focus closer to home.

Tatiana Evanosky: tesla isn't teached in schools. education is controlled by the gov. its a joke bc we r not really being educated like we should :(

Providencia Jalbert: We have cities with a larger population then all of Finland an as an aside why not pack up and go home?

Perry Deshazior: Common Core.

Logan Bero: They are too busy shooting each other...

Sherri Drakos: We have focused on standardized tests and general knowledge instead of the quality and amount of knowledge we actually give our students. As this trend continued we kept giving ourselves more and more of a handicap, more time to study for the te! st instead of learning what the material actually meant

! Inge Mclaurine: There are three reasons why US education system sucks:1) Education is not valued in most homes, communities, or in the nation. Simply put, education is low on the list of many peoples' priorities. Likewise, that lack of interest is transferred to students. You can see it in how the US children rank among the rest of the world on subjects like Geography, Math, Physics, English and Writing. Then considering that anything above 60% is passing and therefore acceptable, (I slept through class and still got better than an F in middle school) the school districts across the country are allowing a lack of interest.2) Teachers don't get any pay, any respect, or any freedom in teaching students. It's one thing to have a whiny kid, but teachers typically get blamed for any failing student, not the state, not the principal, not the parents, especially not the kid, but THE TEACHER. Teachers also only earn between 30-50k per year, which is nothing when you've got a ! house and family to support. And the cherry on top is that teachers typically have to buy their own supplies.3) Funds are misdirected. Instead of updated textbooks or better desks, funding goes primarily to the district level to fund new policies and keep high ranking officials pockets lined nicely. Meanwhile most public schools can barely keep the lights on and plumbing in working order. Then there's the deal with needing to build luxury schools that look like prisons rather than education centers. At the college level it's even worse. I swear most funding goes to entertainment facilities instead of the physics department.So to summarize, the US education system, from kindergarten to college, is terrible because there is a lack of interest in education in our society, most teachers are poor, and funding goes to frivolous things rather than necessary upgrades. However, you can say pretty much the same thing about many of our problems, lack of interest, corruption, an! d misdirecting of funds....Show more

Georgianna Zollo: If America! ns ever get educated they will overthrow the government.

Sena Highman: Americas education system has become a joke ever since teacher unions were allowed.Most Republicans do not want any more additional funding for public education because the money does not get to the students, it goes to the teachers pensions, education administrators, and the democrat party.If you look at education funding over the last 4 decades you will see as funding is increased student IQ gets lower.http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2008/09/d...Public education used to be the envy of the world now it has evolved into a giant money laundering scam to the democrat party, thanks to the teachers unions.Folow the money,,, look at all the union money going to democrats, especially teachers unionshttp://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/list.php?order=AJust look at the obama stimulus dollars, the biggest chunk of stimulus money went to teachers pensions and temporary teacher jobs, hardly anything to th! e students.http://blog.heritage.org/2010/06/23/billions-more-...Teachers get tenure so it is almost impossible to get fired, so the bad teachers go to waiting rooms and sit there day after day with full pay and benefits while another teacher is paid to do their job.Abolish all teachers unions and public education will become great again....Show more

Devon Kalberer: 2 points

Idell Syed: Assuming that this is true... for one reason among many, Finland is racially homogeneous.Finn 93.4%, Swede 5.6%, Russian 0.5%, Estonian 0.3%, Roma (Gypsy) 0.1%, Sami 0.1% (2006)See, in the U.S., we are not racially homogeneous. When disproportionate scholastic achievement is correlative to ethnicity, people blame racism.It's Harrison Bergeron writ large here in the U.S....Show more

Janean Guz: the school system has been hijacked by democratsI cringe at parent teacher meetings when the teacher demonstrates how stupid they are

Patricia Dornbos: Here's all I know about Fi! nland:https://youtu.be/baHsoEAAMZU

Charissa Bichsel: all about yo! ur money, not teaching you

Virgil Menefee: In your sentence correct grammar would be - America's.

Luana Carothers: Public education used to be the envy of the world now it has evolved into a giant money laundering scam to the democrat party, thanks to the teachers unions.

Efren Clankscales: The United States is a very big and diverse country so I really depends on where in the US. Where I live we have great education. I am a Junior in high school and I can tell you that's my teachers are amazing. I love going to school everyday, there are so many things to do. You can make friends, choose what classes you want to take, join dozens of clubs from community service to anime, and many extra activists, for example, I am in the marching band.

Jasper Mangel: Nonsense! a major difficulty concerns student abilities and political realities. Atlantic magazine tells that 25% of the US population has an IQ of 90 or less. Classrooms are populated with many stu! dents incapable of mastering its syllabus. American education has produced genius and near genius students. Evidence: Microsoft, Apple, Walmart, Boeing, . . .Instead of a 'one test for all', maybe testing could be applied at levels to suit the student's actual ability....Show more

Kara Tabian: i didn't know Finland was producing most of the worlds scientists.

Kenneth Thuesen: Finland has a personal tax burden of about 62%. US around 36%. People in the US don't want to pay more taxes for improved education. There is also the fact that education is run by each state, so each state is completely different, so there is actually no US education system.

Jacques Teri: Somebody approved 'Trump University"......need I say more?.....talk about a cruel joke

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