Cherry Stampka: Ignorant people on both sides makes for a fun argument.The (supposed) cooling of the planet is due to less solar activity. The (supposed) warming is due to the greenhouse effect, which is entirely to do with the Earth's atmosphere. Get it? Those are two entirely independent things. The warming can happen on top of the cooling.
Letitia Bigelow: tsunamis are caused by earthquakes
Tracy Huesso: If we had less people we would need less oil, food ect. People need to understand the effects of having a lot of children has on the planet too.
Glynda Darrin: For those who donât believe that people link the two, perhaps you should read what Piotr KaczyÅski, a senior analyst with the Centre for European Policy Studies had to say Danny Glover (yeah, I know, consider the source) of Danaâs favorite resources (no itâs not called âAlarmism C! entralâ) News random eco-kooks everywhere, itâs whack, but they said it....Show more
Trena Berum: Instead almost every scientist and university in Russia is concluding that the Earth is entering into a period of cooler temperatures. Why are our "scientists" unable to reach the same conclusion? And who do you believe is going to be correct?
Marvel Mcaulay: because polution can wait for ages and their are groups that wrk with the polution. But global warming can destroy the planet in 50 years it wil take polution decades to destroy the planet!!!!Love Brunette_Babe_2k7
Ayesha Genova: There is no such thing as a "global warming alarmist". And the answer to your question is that anythi! ng weather-related or natural-catastrophe-related in Nature is! most definitely being exacerbated by the current climate extremes.Incidentally..... I'd like to see a link to an article using the exact words you've chosen in this question. "caused by"...Show more
Raymundo Kyser: politics at play.of course overpopulation is the root cause of much of world's problems.right up there with greed and religious based killing and bigotry..anti- abortion people ..who then say let me starve and live in the road...a lot of things don't make sense.stop making babies adopt ones already there unwanted uncared fro makes sense but few do the right thing.especially now,greed and fear controls most , sadly.
Jacques Vaquera: I can not say that it's true - I'm not a scientist. But now, really strange things happen. The western part of Russia is suffering from the cold and snow, while we in Siberia snow is very small and quite warm. Normally it should be the other way around. In Siberia, the winter comes much earlier.See for yourself:Novgorod:! this is the south! Uzbekistan: more
Arlen Hamper:, are you serious? by über-conspiracy theorist Laura Knight Jadczyk who believes in alien abductions and frequently 'talks to aliens'?When I provide a graph based on 4 major temperature datasets (including deniers' beloved UAH) which shows that, contrary to your and other deniers' popular claim, the world has in fact continued to warm over the past 18 years, you plainly reject that yet a single 'article' at a conspiracy- and alien and UFO hyping website, conveniently translated from an original article to which no link is provided, is believed immediately by Jello and the rest of us here on YA are supposed to do the same?...Show more
Fannie Collingwood: What global warming alarmists often claim is that tsunamis are worsene! d by AGW because it caused sea levels to rise. It is nonsense like mos! t of their claims. Now one of them claims there is no such thing as global warming alarmists. That is one of the silliest claims yet. Note: To correct the statement that tsunamis are caused by earthquakes: Only some are caused by earthquakes. Some are caused by landslides. One might be caused by an asteroid impact on the ocean etc....Show more
Lucille Saetteurn: The Warmers act like ice never melted before . They think the Universe was born in the1980s . The only thing missing on that list broken shoelaces and flat tires.And that list everything on it happened since the world was made . Nothing new .The starvation is caused by dictatorships .
Cyndy Grimes: The idea that anyone is blaming tsunamis on global warming is a lie. Where do you get lies like this, denier blogs?
Voncile Slaubaugh: over population is not a big issue because it can be controlled but global warming is more important because it is concerne! d with the wars,nuclear weapons either for positive or negative use which has caused a hole in the ozone layer over antartica
William Vickerman: The Russians are looking at science. We are looking at politics. That is why they put the first satellite up. The US was too busy stopping all funding for space research and arguing who was going to be funded for the space program back in the 50s. Get politics out of the way and the US can outperform any nation. When politics enters the picture, all you get is politics....Show more
Blair Abdi: In direct answer to your question: "It's because they can". And they already have in the past. Apparently, melting glaciers will take some weight off of tectonic plates causing geologic activity which includes tsunamis. So there you have, global warming can directly cause tsunamis: alarmists can alarm at the very thinnest of red herrings, they will. For a complete (alt! hough obviously to up date) list of harm from global warming, see here:! more
Nilda Bafia: How many ways is this wrong?Al Gore never said he invented the Internet. Conservative lie.The guy who actually did invent the Internet, Vin Cerf, has said Gore's actual statement is an accurate account of his contribution in helping the Internet develop. don't have to stop using electricity to fix global warming. We just have to make the electricity better.We don't need to stop doing much of anything. Here's a plan to reduce global warming developed by hundreds of scientists and engineers working together.,1518,4... this question added no knowledge about global warming to this forum, here are some good sites for real information.!"climate science from climate scientists"...Show more
Shamika Schools: I do think overpopulation is a definite problem. However, I don't think it's the biggest problem with regard to global warming. The US doesn't have the highest birthrate, but it uses the most resources. Many countries in Africa have a very high birthrate, but don't use many resouces. It's how many each person uses. If every person used as many resources as the average American, we'd run out pretty quickly. That said, with all of the droughts, food shortages, energy shortages, and natural disasters were are likely facing in the upcoming decades, it would help if people had smaller families rather than big ones.
Rheba Cockman: One household in a developed country uses and wastes more natural resource in a year than a person in an underdeveloped country. So, people need to be educated about how their lifestyle is destroying the planet.
Raven Purl: Well, im not against having childr! en, but i do think over population is a big issue beacause of your reas! ons.
Filiberto Amauty: It's almost as ridiculous as claiming global warming might mess up grain harvests, must be in those countries that mainly farm their beaches.
Francisco Schonhardt: Because you are a liar and a moron
Shon Almquist: Ignorance of the laws of physics and plate tectonics.On a broader sense, because they can get funding if it "relates" to "man made" global warming.
Lulu Bukowiecki: Because unfortunately, some people are ignorant to not use a condom when having sex to prevent unwanted pregnancies and also... because life has been supplied with advantages and consequences... nothing is perfect... that's what makes life f**d up as well as interesting...We can't stop people from conceiving children if it brings them happiness and carry on generations/evolution but as new things happens, comes changes...It's crazy i know... but other than the unwanted pregnancies, there is no other changeable reason...xx
Cassey Hollinghurst: Maybe t! hey are hoping deniers will make them famous by naming them, or posting links to their ridiculous claims. Maybe they are trolling.
Terresa Tsasie: ... the internet and Al Gore invented the internet, is all his preaching about global warming just to clear his conscience?
Kizzy Hett: Who claims tsunamis are caused by global warming? I've never seen a global warming proponent claim that tsunamis are caused by global warming. Sounds like you're using a red herring argument.
Georgina Natal: I usually just smile an nod because I know most of the them are not too bright and while the rest may be educated they're really naive.
Cherlyn Tefera: a few rogue scientists from Russia are part of the 3%. Their theory does not hold- greenhouse gases are overwhelming solar variability.
Claire Billegas: Computers also use a very small amont of electricity compared to most other household appliances. That's an oddly sensible answer to a ridiculous question. The i! nternet probably saves energy anyway, alot less post moving around. It ! also gives us an unprecedented opportunity to share information which can give us a chance to combat AGW.
Tyler Burkman: Because people get get very nervous when you go below the beltMans sexuality and very often how many kids hes got is proof of his masculinity and insurance for old agewith many possible incomes to assist him when he himself cannot work any morethe second point is HOW do we ethically control populationspoor areas with less education DEMONSTRATE THE HIGHEST NUMBERS OF TEEN AGE PREGNANCIES,educated women have less childrenBut uneducated populations are more religious and more resistant to birth forcibly control populations is frowned upon to say the leastSo it is being done in sneaky waysIn the Netherlands after the war families were encouragedto have few children because it is such a small countrynot much bigger than Mexico city,so it was physically impossible to fit a lot of people into the country ,There people can understand the concept! of birth control,But in larger countries many think like rabbits and think only of the family ,not the society as a wholewhat happens if the country is fullwage war and kill everybody in another place to invade and settle there ,that would be the natural solutionIn the past conquering countries encouraged the people to have many kids to be used as cannon fodderor settling farmers needed many sons to provide labor,one would have thought that we had progressed from thatBut judging by the answers, many still cling to the old self centered or invasive philosophiesNATURES POINT OF VIEWIn Nature exists such a thing as the law of Harmony and EquilibriumSome Native peoples have always been aware of thisto limit the tribes number to as many as the tribe can afford to feedThe Central Americans sacrificed the excess children,the earlier ones like the Olmec practiced birth controlAmazonian tribes have strict sexual rites that limit copulation in the conventional way.Animals have lots ! of young when there is plenty of food ,and have little or none when the! conditions are badwhen there is a plague of rabbits ,many foxes are born,when there is no game lions ,and other predators have few cubs.plants do roughly the sameAll follow the LAW OF NATURE OF EQUILIBRIUMeverybody is welcome ,but nobody in excess.we must co-exist on this planet and limit our numbers to our resourcesAll of Nature obeys these LAWS,but Humans put themselves above the LAW,and have bred themselves into a plagueIt is a miracle that Nature has allowed us to get this far.everything else is set upon by plagues ,disease or predators ,when they exceed their allotted quantity,or there are Natural disasters .There are two moments in the existence of a specie when extinction is likely,when there are two fewAnd when there are too many.Maybe Gaia is trying to tell us something with Global WarmingHumanity should listen and bewarewe are part of the same Eco systemsand subject to the same LAWSwhether we like it or believe it or not...Show more
Clark Lachowski: Sheesh ! Bob, you dont have to cry about it
Alise Rutgers: @ Cake Good, Jeff M and Pegminer: to answer your questions -The Wall Street Journal records the shameless way in which Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace linked the devestating Asian tsunami with global warming THE DAY AFTER the tsunami struck.QUOTE --------------------------------"One might think that a disaster of this scale would transcend normal national or political considerations. But in the world of environmental zealotry, even an event such as this is seen as an opportunity to press the agenda. Thus, the source of the South Asian tsunami is being located in global warming.In an interview with the Independent newspaper in Britain, Stephen Tindale, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: "No one can ignore the relentless increase in extreme weather events and so-called natural disasters, which in reality are no more natural than a plastic Christmas tree." Speaking to the same newspaper, Friends of the Earth D! irector Tony Juniper pressed the argument home: "Here again are yet mor! e events in the real world that are consistent with climate change predictions."------------------------------------------Well, it was too good a fund-raising opportunity to miss, wasn't it? Source: more
Matt Gerdeman: Absolutely, overpopulation has a huge effect on global warming,as well as resource depletion, ( were seeing this in places like India where they're seeing fresh water shortages and also Africa ,China, South America, and other places, social upheaval, eventually wars over resources. But true to form we won't see it until it smashes us up side the head but by then it'll be waaaaaay!! to late to do anything about it effectively; we may already be past that point, but things happen slowly ( or at least appear to ) on a global scale and that keeps many of us from seeing things until it's to late
Floyd Labuda: You ever been to Russia during this time of year?
Shawn Lelis: Over population! will take care of it self. Too many people = desease, war, ect. once it get too high something will occur to bring it down.. like a pleage or some thing.
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