Monday, 8 June 2020

Christians and Horoscopes?o_o?

Jen Maday: If you're Lutheran, then you're either Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), or Wisconsin-Synod Lutheran Church (WSLC).Step 1) Find out which one of those you areStep 2) If you're LCMS or WSLC, switch to ELCA. This is for a few reasons: LCMS and WSLC do not allow women Pastors, they condemn homosexuality, and are creationists. ELCA is more sophisticated, it is also in full communion with the Episcopal Church in America, Presbyterian Church (USA), as well as all of the Official Scandinavian churches, the Church of England, and the Church of Scotland. So if you move and can't find an ELCA congregation, you can go to an Episcopal church or Presbyterian (USA) church because they are in communion with the ELCA. The ELCA is also about twice as big as the LCMS and WSLC combined. It is the largest Lutheran denomination in the US and its communion is the largest Protestant communion in the world.Step 3) Look for a! congregation near your collegeBy the way-If you cannot find an ELCA church near your college, and decide to go to one of the churches I mentioned, or any other churches that are in communion with the ELCA, make sure it is the right one. For example, if you decide to go to a Presbyterian congregation, make sure it is Presbyterian (USA) because Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is not in communion with any Lutheran churches....Show more

Krystal Cordovano: Because our Constitution was set up to protect the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority.And frankly, with so many Christian denominations and arguments about doctrine, what in the world could you get to agree on?Apparently you have never been a member of a minority.Just ask any kid, I believe Jehovah's Witnesses would fall into this category, that doesn't say the Pledge of Allegiance due to religious convictions - they get beat up in the playground or after school by you so-loving Christians.! Having people forced to stay silent while the rest all pray w! ill only aggravate that kind of bullying.The founders set up the separation for a very good reason. You might want to read a history book sometime....Show more

Luke Creitz: People who are really walking with the Lord don't go against his word and that is most certainly against his word. That scripture reference given above Isaiah 47:11-13 read verse 9, 10 and 14-15 it says that because they trusted in those things the loss of children shall come and that the sorcerers and astrologers and stargazers shall be burt up with fire for THEY CAN NOT SAVE YOU!

Jackson Esmiol: As the other poster stated, you need to decide if you agree more with the LCMS or the ELCA. There are major differences in doctrine and dogma. (basically one has walked away from Lutheranism and one hasn't)While at college, look for a Lutheran Campus Center. Both church bodies have them. It's a great way to get involved and active in the church, but with other college students. Many either hav! e their own Sunday services or are sponsored by a local congregation. These campus centers will surround you with other like minded students, and can be an awesome support during stressful times.In the meantime, try to get to church as often as you can. Sometimes we have to rearrange our Sunday morning schedule to make time for church. Some churches also offer Saturday evening divine service. Also, with the season of Lent fast approaching, Wednesday evenings are another time to attend church. While none of us are perfect at getting there, make it as often as you can.Also, an online resource for some daily word and some great podcasts is Higher Things. It is a ministry of the LCMS, aimed at High School and College-aged students. Their pastors come at you where you are, making you think, reflect, and dare to be Lutheran. They do have daily reflections and a wide variety of podcasts, blogs, online radio, etc.As for actually joining a church.... are you confirmed? If yo! u are, then it is not a big deal. You ask Pastor or an elder about bec! oming a member. It's just a matter of filing out some paperwork and getting in touch with the church where you were confirmed. If you aren't then you will have to go through adult instruction, so you will know what it is to be an LCMS or an ELCA Lutheran, what we believe, what we profess, etc. Again, you'll need to speak to Pastor or an elder about taking classes. I wouldn't worry so much about joining a church while you are in college, especially if you get involved with a campus ministry. But, if you are not confirmed, I would def. ask the Pastor at the Campus center about getting instruction. You won't be the only one and you'll be with others your own age.Blessings on your journey!...Show more

David Boehler: answer: actually you need to study government again and why we have the Supreme Court and what keeps the ACLU in business - majority does NOT rule or we'd still be telling some of our brothers and sisters to sit in the back of the bus.If a Wiccan studen! t can't wear their pentagrams in the open, then crosses should be banned as well.If a Buddhist chant isn't led by the school before or after the school led Christian prayer - then both should be banned.Kids can pray - quietly. They can't force others to join them, they can't harass non-Christians and they cannot expect the school to sanction one religion over another.Someone praying quietly over their food doesn't offend me. A coach or teacher telling everyone to bow their heads and then leading a prayer is offensive....Show more

Rickey Vrieze: What difficulty? I know the AI cheats and cheats more at higher difficulty levels. Also, Babylon has a good starting area. Two stone quarries(at least in my version of it) and lots of flood plains. Fast growth with a gold on almost every square. India has crap compared to that.

Jana Sakasegawa: Good question! (They would be 'so-called' christians. Horoscopes are not Biblical.)

Zulema Baccam: There are two miscon! ceptions:One, people believe the daily horoscopes in the paper, but tho! se are actually completely worthless.Two, people believe that horoscopes relate to some belief that the planets influence us by magical physical magnetism.Horoscopes work not because of the stars, but because ancient man discovered that there is a system of birth, that people of each major type tend to be born in waves. Thus, the fiery types are born three times a year, the sensitive types three times a year, the practical types and the thinking men as well.They also discovered that during these birth waves, other things more personal can be predicted for each person, and by using the planets and stars as a timing guide, they were able to tell about the love life of a person, the health, the occupation, and the family circumstances.Just as man discovered he could tell time with a sundial, ancient man found he could predict the course of lives by using the timing guide he had in the skies. Had he just discovered God's plan for lives? Perhaps. Just as God set into motion th! e seasons and the life cycles of plants and animals, He may have had an intricate plan for human lives, that they should play out according to an unseen schedule.The only way to get beyond a unilateral distain for horoscopes is to dedicate time to reading about astrology, and to cast or have cast for you, a birth chart. And I don't mean a computer-generated cahrt, I mean a real one that a human astrologer worked on....Show more

Antonia Boomershine: Alright so I might be a little church illiterate (lol) so please no haters. I am 16 years old and identify as Lutheran. I have been to my grandparents church on Christmas eve a few times and another few times with my friends. I really love my religion and wish I could go more often but our family schedule is just too busy. So when I go to college in two years I want to join a church, what exactually does that mean? Does that just going to church often or is there something else you do to become a member? Thanks in advance.! ...Show more

Monroe Rainey: > So when I go to college in two year! s I want to join a church, what exactually does that mean?Are you sure college is for you?

Carlton Lastrapes: I just want to strangle Gilgamesh

Carmelina Enoch: Students should be free to wear a Christian tee-shirt if they want to, as long as it does not disrupt teaching. A person should be able to wear an Atheist tee-shirt if they wish, under the same condition. They can even have an organized prayer meeting or club, just as long it isn't required to join, and the non-believers have the same chance to organize a similar group. The rights of the 13% are just as important as those of the 83%. We don't want to stop religion, we just want our rights to not practice religion....Show more

Inge Mclaurine: I don't know what public schools you're thinking of. I went to public schools and kids are allowed to wear clothing with religious emblems and such. Also, teachers usually specify what type of book (fiction or nonfiction) to do a book report on.Edit: Just be! cause one particular teacher butted in where she shouldn't have, doesn't mean all public schools ban religion.

Donita Desjardin: Tardacus, that is certainly true of a couple mega churches in Atlanta. They even check your credit rating before accepting you. To be sure you can afford to support those churches. Bad credit rating will not be included on church rolls.

Clemente Schoeck: It really depends on the specific church. While I have never known a church to turn someone away, they do sometimes have rather specific requirements to be considered an active member of the congregation. When I was a Lutheran, a simple meeting with the pastor and signing on to the official roster of that particular church was sufficient, but they did require documentation of a Lutheran confirmation. It was easy for me, as I was confirmed by that particular church, but if you couldn't provide suitable documentation, you had to take some classes first.It's a good idea to research ! the particular church you're thinking of joining. Within the Lutheran ! church there are two major organizations -- The Missouri Synod and the Evangelicals, as well as many smaller organizations. It's important to understand the differences between the groups so you can find one that best fits you and your worship goals.Like anything else, always read and understand the fine print before you sign anything....Show more

Estrella Northway: 83% *say* they're Christian. I'm willing to bet that the 19% of unaffiliated protestants hardly ever go to church or practice their faith. That brings your percentage down to 64% which sounds much more realistic.Public schools receive funds from taxes. The separation of church and state has been interpreted by the court to exclude religious practice from the schools.The Bible is just a very poor choice for a book report. It's not very good as literature. It is also beyond the capacity of most children to read, comprehend, or provide a synopsis. Kids need to read something besides the Bible. Teachers gener! ally want their students to read widely.Tee shirts should be ok unless the particular school bans all shirts w/ sayings on them (which is usually the case). An emblem or symbol of faith should not be a problem but because some kids choose to wear shirts w/ offensive art they all get banned. I actually preferred uniforms as a student. I didn't have to think about what I was wearing in the morning....Show more

Newton Fedorko: Chapter 1, Verse 14, God is said to have made the sun and moon and stars "for signs" on the fourth day of Creation.They have unicorns, witches and dragons in the bible too!

Daren Ventrice: When I was growing up my mom and grandma was always in to that. So I grew up in a family that even to this day reads them. Me, I have read them before but haven't for many years. They don't do nothing for me and I just don't believe in them.

Robin Tommie: The Bible is full of astrological symbolism.The twelve tribes of Israel correspond to the twelve ! houses of the zodiac.The magi saw Jesus's star in the East.Jesus said w! e should take the sun, moon and stars for signs.The fish was the original symbol for Christianity, it represents the age of Pisces.etc. etc. etc....Show more

Dewey Heersink: By the way, I'm Atheist, an Ex-Christian and I don't believe in Horoscopes, but I've gotten really curious about it and wanted to ask what you people think, Atheist and Theists.

Dale Mccoun: For the same reason that Homosexual marriage has FAILED by a wide margin on every state ballot it has ever been placed on, yet there are now judges marrying them......The answer is that we no longer live in a republic of duly elected representitives; we live in an oligarchy that is ruled by judicial fiat.Judges on every level now place their own personal convictions above the constitution and rule by what "feels" right to them, ignoring history and precedent. What would restore a proper balance of power would be a few choice impeachments, thus reminding the remainder of where the seat of their "power! " REALLY is.I personally nominate Justice Stephen Breyer as the first to go on the Supreme Court, based upon his decision to overrule property rights and allow the GOVERNMENT to TAKE LAND from ONE PRIVATE OWNER and give it to another. Does this not go against the spirit of the fourth ammendment?...Show more

Iris Shawcroft: oops this should read :United States.....vs..........................World Christian 83% ...................................33% No religion 13% ...............................15 %All non-Christian religions 4 % ........52 %

Wilburn Denice: @Corey: Monarch :(Viceroy is too easy and Emperor is too hard... sigh

Johnny Sirko: You just walk in the doors and start attending services regularly. Maybe join a group if you want.

Dexter Gold: A messianic Jew is a Jew that believes that Jesus is the Messiah. Christians and Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Messiah. They are Jews. The point of view of the anti Messianice Jews is best sum! med up by Mark JPAS when he said "it is acceptable to blend some degree! of foreign spiritual elements with Judaism. The one exception is Christianity, which is perceived to be incompatible with any form of Jewishness. This is the double standard that is applied to Christianity even though Jesus is considered the Jewish Messiah in Christianity. Messianic Jews are looked at with even greater disdain. Why? its a cover for there own deviations from Judaism. Some Jews need to maintain a connection to Jewish family because they have deviated so much from traditional Judaism that many Orthodox question their Jewishness. They need find some way to distract attention because of there deviation from the Torah. This is done by pointing their finger at others to direct attention away from their own actions. You can't give yourself a title and expect that it makes you something. This is the argument that has been used against Jews that decide that Jesus is the Messiah. We are told that the mere belief of a different nature of God immediately invalidated a ! Jews Jewishness. At the same time Jews that become atheists, pantheists or stop practicing any element of their religion we are told are still Jews. They say that you can believe in anything but Jesus. Jews call conversion "joining the tribe". Things that would never fly in Orthodox or for that matter Messianic Judaism can be found in the Reform and Reconstructionist movements. A good example of this is a previous question asked here. The person asking worshiped the God Ferris but did not believe in him or the Jewish God. The focus of the question was" ...would you PERSONALLY feel comfortable welcoming me not just as a fellow congregant at your Synagogue, but as a member of the Tribe?" (so he was clearly asking about converting to Judaism). The response was "Reform Judaism covers a wide swath of beliefs and practices and I am sure you will be wholly accepted. ... I personally would accept you whole heartily as a fellow Jew." So some Jews will accept all kinds of deviations ! from the Torah but not belief in "Jesus". Let's not forget the Reform m! ovement wanted to change the sabbath to Sunday to be more like Christianity. Most Messianic Jews are Torah observant yet you can become an atheist, stop practicing their faith, become a Buddhist, join a Unitarian Church and still be a Jew in the eyes of Reform/Reconstructionist Jews. Most Orthodox when asked about other Jews will say they don't know what non Orthodox Jews are. The same applies to the other sects. Speaking of sects Jews will tell you there are no sects but its not true. Rabbinical Jews follow an understanding of their faith that was established 1,900 years ago. They have their own canon of Scripture. There are also non Rabbinical Jews such as the Ethiopian Jews that follows the pattern of the Christian Old Testament and they have many additional books that they consider to be scripture. A group called the Karaites is the opposite of the Ethiopian and only believe in the 5 Books of Moses. Rabbinical Jews call Karaites "a sect of Judaism". You can goggle it an! d see for yourself. Don't let anyone tell you that there are no sects in Judaism. They say the the teachings of Jesus are very different from Judaism. They also claim that Jesus taught nothing new from the rabbis before him. Then they we tell you that there were no rabbis until a hundred years after the time of Jesus. Its all about winning the argument to them not about what's true. The problem is not differences but similarities. You should know ALL the writers of the Christian Bible were Jews but one. Much of our Scriptures are shared. The vast majority of early believers in Jesus were Jews. So when you hear the exact opposite you need to keep that in mind. A Jew can believe in Jesus and still be a Jew. Edit: those that make personal accusations should include links or shut up....Show more

Alexandria Popik: Sadly, most christians don't understand their religion, but claim it because it is what they grew up with. That is why a "christian" reads a Horoscope and really! believes it. These are the same people who watch Fox news and vote Rep! ublican. Hypocrites.

Mikel Bethay: You sorta just show up with a friend who goes to that church. Ask him/her about churches they go to then ask if you can come with sometime, they introduce and bam ur in.

Olen Penhallurick: First you should become born again. In John 3:3 Jesus says "“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” Then once you start attending a church that you like, they will make an altar call for those who would like to give their lives to Christ (aka, become born again) or who want to join the church. They will usually have some people for you to talk to after the service to fill out the paperwork.To become saved, (1) Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you, and (2) Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior....Show more

Sammy Tabatt: Horoscopes is for losers and bank balance of writers. What is this 10 people crap, you smoking what? Magic is just sick minds, Luck make! s me wanna puke, life is Blessed or the absence of blessing. Life is love or the absence of love. Life is full of light or is the absence of light. My life is full of the Lords light and wonderfully happy and blessed. I guess without the love of the Lord you have very little, justly worldly tokens of emptiness, hence a truly empty life or no life, just a biological existence. Then I guess you feel ties of kinship to the maggot and earth worm a s you think you are related............. good theme for a comedy movie....Show more

Mario Stricklan: I normally join a church by firmly placing my palm flat down on a glass top stove set to high.

Lenard Ginyard: welll yu never know. some Christians may not even see horoscope as "magic" but more of a hobby, fun thing to read. And even so, if a Christian does seriously BELIEVE horoscopes, it doesnt matter, ppl are not perfect. Christians do too tell the same "white lies" we do, and judge ppl even if they dont express it i! n words, its still there in their brain just like any non christian. so! in my opinion. i think christians will always be "real-christians" if they believe nad say that they do. coz no one is perfect. thats society's ways and standards....Show more

Hilton Paiva: It is in the best interests of all parties involved to live and let live concerning public schools. Of all the people in the world, kids(in general, but not all of them) are the cruelest. They ridicule anyone that's different because they don't understand. US society (can't speak for anywhere else) is unaccepting and mostly has been since the beginning. Kids just take their parents views and take them to the next level, it's that simple.

Dan Seen: Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured fr! om thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.Isaiah 47:11-13...Show more

Reyes Brunell: PLEASE NOTE: I believe nobody should not have any religon "forced" on them, so I'm not saying that unbelievers should have to say morning prayers with believers or read bible verses or what ever I totally respect their choice.but if the majorty 83% are christians why should it always be such a big deal that they can't use the bible for a book report or whatever.or wear a Tee-shirt with a scripture or religious emblem on it? why does it bother them and how did they the majorty pull this off?...just wondering?..is the poll wrong?I always thought majortiy ruled, look at this poll by ABC News.Religion in the U.S. vs. the World: United States ! World Christian 83% ! 33% No religion 13% 15 %All non-Christian religions 4 % 52 % http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/belief......Show more

Marquetta Gimm: EDIT: everyone thinks I meant to "force" religious practices on others, I DO NOT, I mean why is it such a issues that christians feel intimidated.My 9 year old niece talked to a little girl in school about her faith and the teacher scoulded her and warned her to never bring it up, she wasn't bring it up but discussing it with another child.

Wilbert Shellgren: Because our Government (which provides funding to public schools), is Secular and the law of the land prevents religion from being established through government or by funds contributed by government. This is separate and unrelated in anyway from what the majority of the believers in the nation believe. Frankly 100% of the nation could believe in a god, and it would still be illegal for government funds to go to a school that! establishes the existence of a "god". The point is that as a secular government, they cannot interfere with a person's first amendment rights to practice whatever their religious belief is, even if that is that no gods exist. Govt. must not interefer in religion, and vice versa.Also This country is not controlled by a majority. This is NOT a democracy, it is a republic. Minority's whose rights have been tread on (trampled) have the right to address congress (through either legislation or litigation). This is taught in seventh grade social studies in the public school system....Show more

Luis Mellon: The best thing you can do is too set up a meeting too see the Priest where you go too church now and tell him your desires and let him mentor you through the process my son and welcome too the elect of Jesus Christ and lets begin our climb up the Mountain from here.-Jesus christ

Dorris Homola: What school is THIS? You Christians love parroting this line of "God! was removed from the schools", but it's not true. People have explain! ed this to you here before. You CAN use the Bible on certain book reports. You CAN wear a Jesus-themed shirt or crucifix necklace. You CAN even pray in school. What you CAN'T do though, so long as my tax dollars are paying for your public school, is favor one religion over another or include people that don't wish to be included. That means you can't prohibit wearing a Star of David while allowing others to wear a cross, you can't teach one religion's theology as science in a science class, and you can't lead an algebra class in GROUP prayer.This is NOT rocket science. I don't know why so many Christians fail to grasp the concepts of "secular" and "pluralist", and why they're not synonyms for "anti-religion"....Show more

Lou Rought: apparently christians such as they believe what they want to believe regardless of whether other people can reason why what they believe is incongruent with what they say they believe.i don't think they're anything wrong with religio! n (up until some people use it to justify doing bad things to other people). but, naturally, people tend to like being told what they want to hear: if you're a good person you'll go to paradise and your enemies will be tortured for infinity, today is your lucky day, et cetera....Show more

Porfirio Cahall: First, the premise of your question is wrong. No one can remove God from school. (A) He is everywhere. (B) The law in the U.S., as interpreted by the Supreme Court, defends the right of children to pray silently in school, to lead prayers with other students, and to form religious groups that meet on school grounds. Thus, prayer, like God, is not and cannot be removed from school. All that is illegal is teachers leading students in prayers of a particular denomination, and my experience is that they do it a lot anyway. They made me say Christian prayers in public schools in the 1960s, and they made my son say Christian prayers in public schools last year, and w! e're Jewish.I've never heard of anyone not being able to do a book repo! rt on the bible, but then I've never heard of anyone wanting to - that would be one big report! Schools often have reading lists of books suitable for book reports, and perhaps the bible isn't usually on the lists. They have other reasons for having school uniforms or dress codes, and I don't think it's to inhibit religious freedom. I doubt most schools forbid religious symbols; kids at my kids' schools certainly have their share of crosses around their necks.The simple answer to your question, though, is the First Amendment. The majority does not always rule, as you'd know if you had a passing familiarity with the constitution or even the electoral process that's been all over the TV news this past year. In particular, the first 10 amendments to the constitution, the Bill of Rights, protect minorities from "the tyranny of the majority"....Show more

Ezekiel Kadner: idkk i guess it depends on the person.. i'm christian & i personally don't believe in them(horoscop! es) & find no reason to bcuz they are not real... i guess it doesnt technically make you any less of a christian if you read or believe in them.. but you shouldnt because your only supposed to believe in God and do only what he tells you not what a horoscope does... so its really up to what that person wants to believe... i don't think theres anything wromg with reding them as long as you don't worship them and live your life following them... thats what i sayy.......Show more

Wilmer Skidmore: I am a Christian who believes in astrology (not horoscopes), for one I think that the world has corrupted us into thinking some things are evil when in actuality it's a small guide from God to understanding people. It in no way impedes my belief that God is the Almighty.

Arlen Hamper: Huh. At my school (a public high scool, and one of the best in the state), we have a club called the Fellowship of Christian Athletes that wears sweat/tee shirts that have a quote from Matthe! w on the back, and even one of my friends wears a "One Nation, Under Go! d" shirt with the American Flag maybe once a month. That doesn't bother me at all, and I wear my Richard Dawkins foundation shirt and rainbow gay pride flag belt buckle with pride.This is okay-"I believe in Jesus Christ."This is not okay-"This is a message from your Principal. Convert now, sinners, or burn in Hell."We had a girl in my leadership class who did her "influential leader project" on Jesus Christ. I don't give a rip, just keep the brainwashing out of science classrooms.Personal beliefs, and the expression thereof, is fine. I support that, because if I want the right to wear the Rainbow Flag, then I'm going to have to grit my teeth and bite my tongue when the kid next to me has a "Marriage is between one man and one woman" shirt on.Removing "God" from schools doesn't mean removing believers from schools. It means that teachers don't have the right to force their beliefs on students....Show more

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