Sunday, 28 June 2020

What's funnier..Family Guy or Simpsons?

Brittney Inabnit: If you compare what's funnier now... then it would be Family Guy because it's obvious the quality of The Simpsons has dropped.But if you take when The Simpsons were in their prime, it would be hands down The Simpsons. No cartoon can even compare to seasons 2-8 for The Simpsons.

Elden Dedon: cheesus jrist! What ever happened to watching Sesame Street with them?

Bruce Calise: Are we comparing the entire body of work of both shows? Personally I think Family Guy is funnier. But, I would let my kids watch The Simpsons first...it seems The Simpsons generally tie in a "positive" message at the end.

Son Ahlers: simpsons- family guy is too crude.simpsons- a little more "family friendly."

Antone Bual: Family Guy, I don't have kids but I would guess neither. Neither is really a kids show.

Maryland Gareau: futurama

Hermina Ketring: Family Guy is funnier;=] [!]

Perry Deshazior: Family Guy. I think I'm in love with Quagmi! re. Giggity giggity!

Codi Manchel: Hi:Good Question!I have to say for more mainstream comedy, The Simpsons is the clear winner.For irreverent and satirical comedy, it's Family Guy. I'm more of a Family Guy person. I like irreverent comedy. But I like The Simpsons too.I think The Simpsons is a great show and will surely go down in television history as one of the great comedy series of all time. I thought The Simpsons movie was absolutely hysterical. And I also got a great kick out of the Family Guy (direct to DVD) movie "Stewie: The Untold Story". :-)...Show more

Chastity Doderer: Well, they both have their merits, but I would go with Family Guy. The flashbacks are soooo funny.

German Thal: Simpsons.

Dallas Bartolini: Simpsons I would argue. Though as of late both shows seem to be in serious decline. The Simpsons in its early years was far superior to Family Guys. Sounds nostalgic, but you can see the reruns every now and then. Today however,! Family Guy generally is better, or at least, funnier.

G! us Leiby: Family Guy. Stewie.... AMAZING!

Adrian Sherlin: family guy.. but i really love both of them..

Maritza Ebanks: Family Guy...toxic and amoralSimpsons..funny..message oriented..great guest appearances..backlog of writers and actors like Harry Shearer, Conan O' Brien, Phil Hartman...no comparison..What's ever gonna top the "Sherry Bobbins" episode?...Show more

Javier Holsonback: Family Guy is full of potty-mouth toilet humor!

Clemente Schoeck: i like the Simpsons more

Giovanna Sherlin: I don't have kids, but I have always liked The Simpsons. I used to watch The Simpsons when I was a kid and I occasionally still do.

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