Weldon Totaro: Solutions, Stop Polluting the planet. Cut back on using plastic as it's not biodegradable. Governments need to invest in more electronic car' companies.
Bryan Avinger: Global warming affects everyone, especially those people living in low-lying areas (such as the Maldives) as with sea-level rise, they are very much at risk from flooding that will come with it. Global warming is found everywhere as it is a global issue and there are many things which people are doing to try and slow down global warming. Renewable energy sources are now being heavily researched as these would dramatically reduce CO2 emissions.Hope this was helpful....Show more
Dale Mccoun: Polar bears are significant to the ecology of the artic. at the same time as they are lengthy gone it is going to upset the soundness of nature. It received't take better than many years before we start up seeing how a lot will replace. Populations of alternative animals will be affected. some m! ight want to decline, others might want to upward thrust as a lot as numbers that damage the encompassing environment. Society is affected because this may be the first significant species of many to die because of world warming. it truly is a awaken call that the authorities needs to implement better eco-friendly regulations to our wide-spread products like vehicles and mild bulbs. wish that permits you get your options in action. solid success on your paper! ***Please ignore with reference to the fool who says this is all made up and polar bears are thriving. they have been on the endangered record for a lengthy time period. and that i doubt that discovery channel, nationwide geographic, and nature are all in some scheme attempting to lie about the polar undergo inhabitants or any inhabitants. it really is quite paranoid....Show more
Jose Bouliouris: â Who does Global Warming effect ? Potentially it could affect all of us. In the worst case scenario just about an! yone could become the victim of an extreme weather event that ! was caused by, or compounded by, global warming.Many people will live out their entire lives without ever really encountering any serious consequences of global warming. Theyâll still be affected but in more subtle ways. For example, a drought or a flood half way around the world can destroy crops and causes prices to increase on the global market. Insurance losses have gone up significantly in recent years because of the increased weather related losses, as a result global warming will almost certainly have bumped up everyoneâs insurance premiums.On a more apparent level itâs the people of Africa and Asia who are suffering the worst effects of a warmer climate. There has been serious disruption to water supplies, crops fail with ever more frequency, desertification has claimed a million homes, there are 20,000 extra deaths each year due to the spread of malaria, millions more are catching climate related diseases each year, tens of thousands are dying. Some isla! nd communities have been lost to rising sea levels â" half a million people have been evacuated from Bhola Island in the Ganges Delta; the Carteret Islands are currently in the process of being evacuated.In the long term the United Nations and the World Health Organisation have calculated that two billion people will be adversely affected by climate change. Half this number is attributable to the loss or contamination of water supplies. About a quarter of a billion will be at serious risk of flooding and many millions will have to move from low lying areas. Left unchecked than many of the worldâs major cities could be inundated by rising seas in as little as 200 years.â Where is global warming found? Pretty much everywhere. As a rough rule of thumb, the further north you go the more warming there has been. Hereâs a shaded map of the world showing how much temperatures have risen by in the last 10 years. You can see for example, that temps in the Equatorial regi! ons have risen by about 0.4°C whereas in the Arctic the rise is in exc! ess of 2°C http://data.giss.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/gistemp/do_nmap.... The link below is to an animation showing how the global temperature ha changed over the last 100 years. When you click the link it should download and play a Quick Time movie animation.http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/animations/a10_1... â Some solutions for global warming? Rather than copying and pasting a great long answer hereâs a link to a similar question that was asked yesterday. Iâve listed many simple things we can all doâ¦http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Am9kV... And this link is to an older answer of mine that examines how science and technology could be used to combat global warming by attempting to modify the climateâ¦http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200711......Show more
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