Tuesday, 9 June 2020

I need a short, really funny joke, pls!?

Roselee Mczeal: its kinda corny but here it goeswhy did the blonde yell at her foot?answer: to wake it up...Show more

Kris Otuafi: Why don't blind people go skydiving?Scares the dog!...Show more

Ewa Homrich: Your Dog thinks about you: He pets me, he feeds me, He must be God!Your Cat thinks about you: He pets me, he feeds me, I must be God!

Porfirio Gartland: Why did the tomatoe blush?Because it saw the salad dressing!

Mee Blumenfeld: Want to hear a dirty joke?Bobby played in the mud.Want to hear a clean joke?Bobby took a shower with bubbles.Want to hear a dirty joke?Bubbles is the girl next door....Show more

Dawn Saha: who shaves 25 times a day and still has a beard?answer: a barber

Loriann Carrigan: A first-grade class was having a game of Name That Animal. The teacher held up a picture of a cat and asked, "What animal is this?""A cat!" said a girl."Good job! Now, what's this animal?""A dog!" said a boy."Good! Now what animal is this?"! she asked, holding up a picture of a deer.The class fell silent. After a couple of minutes, the teacher said, "It's what your mom calls your dad.""A horny bastard!" called out a boy....Show more

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