Sunday, 14 June 2020

A three words quote about music?

Ninfa Aronica: William Shakespeare: If track be the nutrients of love; play on. Friedrich Nietzsche: In track the passions get excitement from themselves Henry Giles: A music will outlive all sermons in the memory. Aldous Huxley: After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is track. Oscar Hammerstein: all the sounds of the earth are like track. Thomas Carlyle: track is fairly suggested to be the speech of angels. Plato: track is the stream of sound to prevail in the soul for the preparation of its distinctive function. William Congreve: track has charms to appease the savage beast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak. (Lemony Snicket followers will remember this quote from his 9th e book, The Carnivorous Carnival) Thomas Carlyle: in case you look deep adequate you will see track; the heart of nature being everywhere track. wish those help!...Show more

Leontine Kreitz: "Music is Love""Life is Music""Music can heal"

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