Tuesday 30 June 2020

if you have sex before marriage will affect your chances of marrying that person?

Arnulfo Seegars: Oral and anal intercourse would desire to be high quality. i replaced into that way, yet I gave up. there is no longer something sacred approximately intercourse, and if "god" is so large, he actual shouldn't care that your female pal did no longer wait until marriage. this is bologna.

Clinton Migliori: I don't think there is one certain answer. It depends on many things, such as culture, mentality, character, beliefs, etc. Also, depends in which stage of your relationship you are. If you've just started seeing each other, then maybe in this case sex might decrease the chances of marriage. However it is different if you've been in a relationship for a while, you know and trust each other. At the end of the day, it's up to each person to choose. Besides, I think if the person really loves you, then he would marry you regardless you had sex with him or not....Show more

Gaylord Barragan: I don't know the statistics of that. I think that other fa! ctors tend to have more of an influence on whether you will get married other than whether or not you have sex beforehand. Now I would suggest that it is wise to have sex before marriage. It is a very important part of your relationship and if there are problems in that area it is better to know ahead of time. Nothing worse then all the anticipation blowing up in your face on your wedding night and ruining your marriage forever......Show more

Asley Quickle: Persoanlly, i dont think so..I have been on both sides of this topic...chosing to not have sex before marriage, to me, is a personal choice , based on my religous beliefs.Yes the Bible says its wrong...but no one is perfect. It depends on the reason you would wait and the reason for going through with it. I have found that premarital sex can mess up a relationship depending on the commitment level and maturity of both parties invovled. But it can also, so I've been told, strengthen the relationship, especially! if the two of you are serious about one another and are done ! playing games....as for me...Now..I have decided to wait it out...and man is it hard..but i think it will be worth it in the end..i hope this helps...good luck!!!...Show more

Margart Stimpert: YES, guys usually refuse to marry a girl who had sex with them because they lose their trust in her. I mean if she had sex with them before marriage, then she might go and have sex with other people after marriage.

Rachal Osaki: If it's on the first date, yes. If you wait awhile, hang out as friends, build a good foundation at first by getting to know them a little bit, sex before marriage won't affect your chances of marrying. Unless they do something really freaky in bed that turns you off...

Verdie Wollen: depends where u were brought up,culture of the place,he can have sex then leave or ask to marry..its a lotto...

Joeann Hoyt: yes.

Branden Roddick: No. Haven't you ever heard of the saying... you need to test drive it before you buy it?!

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