Wednesday, 10 June 2020

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

answers 0:and i don't mean magazines, newspapers, shampoo bottles, etc.i mean novels.answers 1:yasomehow I ended up hereanswers 2:Not that many Americans believed that, and um we're happy for you that you made it to the 22nd?answers 3:Not yet.answers 4:Half an hour and the 21st of December will be over in Melbourne, Australia… but did you know that some parts of the world are already gone into the 22nd? So obviously that's proof that the world isn't going to end. Do any of you still believe this nonsense? It's beyond a joke. NO one in Australia even believed the world would end but it looks like quite a few Americans do… :/ Awkward.answers 5:7answers 6:Yes.answers 7:People are going to try and make it seem like its ending when its really not! Some people just have problems.answers 8:Yup I have to go to hell tommorow at 5:00 I'm the morning. it's,its....schoolanswers 9! :No parts of the Earth have gone to the 22nd yet. Pretty close though. In Sydney it's 11:33 PM. The world is obviously not going to end. Apparently the Bible says there will be signs. Well there have been no signs here in Australia. And in regards to Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas, I haven't heard any news about any flaming, alien F-47 tornado. So no.answers 10:I'm a 10. I am a book-a-holic and always, always have one going and another one waiting and watching my authors for when they have a new one coming out. LIKE tomorrow, one of my authors is having a new book come out.... 🙂 Wait, I can't go get it, Drats! I have a dental appointment... grumble, grumbleanswers 11:1 - I hardly ever read.answers 12:7.5mine?? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Avwyp... answers 13:That's another reason why scientist quickly discarded that dumb theory. Japan Is already 22nd lol, but anywayanswers 14:I had THE weirdest dream in the world but you probably won't understand most of it.! ...it had to do with David Duchovny and some people I know...m! an it was weird but it was really cool at the same timeI had so many though that I can't remember themI can't help lmao-ing at everyone else's answers!...

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