Jerald Florence: No. On the application there is no place asking for the color of your car. Rates are not based on color of the car.
Marjory Stromme: No insurance is the same no matter what color the car is. Whoever told you that is wrong. AS I have drove red trucks for 20 + years and have ask the insurance co and they told me there was no difference........ujn.........................................On newer cars they can tell the color of the car by the VIN# they dont have to ask.........
Leisa Brodnex: No, many insurance companies do not even ask what color the car is. It has been shown that red and yellow cars get pulled over more often than white, black and silver cars. So I guess it is kind of true, because if you get a ticket your insurance would be more. But that has more to do with your driving habits than the color of your car.
Georgina Natal: Yes, apparently they are deemed as being more attractive to a thief (I tend not to agree but he! y).
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