Wednesday, 25 March 2020

As a real estate agent, should I still major in Real Estate or something else?

Vickie Clampett: I think finance would be great; you would really understand how the loans work so you could discuss options iwth your clients. Plus, you have a pretty solid fallback career in banking if you want to shift later.

Jen Maday: My friend, you are limiting your perspective, don't you think? Why should you ascribe Finance alone as an exclusive following to and from Real Estate. A degree in Real Estate affords many avenues aside from Finance. What about the varied Foundations whose missions need professionals with scruples to administer to site development, say, to found a small city or a school or some other massive project managing.Wouldn't these people need more than mere financing to nab the idea and realize that eventual manifestation? Well sure they would.Second, what about your temperament, the core you -- I mean, do you want to do a sedentary occupation, wherein you are sitting all day stuck in front of a Cathode Ray Tube that spins off all man! ner of electro-magnetic radiation that zaps the eyesight and withers the body's strengths -- or do you want to go upright and vital, wielding precisely so the creative solutions that benefit others?...Show more

Darnell Cutliff: Even though the real estate market may be tanking, that doesn't mean that the business is actually going anywhere, or that the entire system of real estate marketing is changing. The market was inflated and now it is back to the degree that it should. There were too many real estate agents, now more and more people are leaving the business. This is a golden opportunity to those who can still sell the few houses out there. Fewer agents mean more opportunities....Show more

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