Joesph Smithmyer: You can't expect to get much of a car for only $2000. Craigslist, ads in your local newspaper, and free "autotrader" magazines at your local convenience store or auto parts store are good places to look for cars being sold by individual sellers.If you find one you like, be sure to have it looked at by a professional mechanic because any $2000 car is likely to have serious (expensive) problems, even if the seller says it "runs great" or "has no problems."...Show more
Carlton Lastrapes: check out**** Its nation wide,....but you can ZERO it down to a Specific area........ (a certian ZIP CODE )
Ileen Oshell: Check craigslist - Yahoo answers is not the wanted-ads.
Saran Stealy: craigslist. but with the amount you want to spend you'll find cars that need work. look at cars carefully and bring someone who knows about cars. if not you could get screwed big time. we don't buy/sell on answers
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