Marcia Cheathan: Interrupts are normal, this is how your computer multitasks. An event like your mouse moving, or software executing, will cause an interrupt, which is basically a signal to your CPU to suspend what it is doing and handle the event. Your CPU is constantly processing these interrupts.
Letitia Bigelow: IRC interrupts are on every PC. Not everything can use the CPU at the same time so they have to take turns. It sounds like you are using an old CPU or you don't have enough memory. Depending on the Operating system you have the memory is very important as is having a CPU that can handle it. if you are using a MAC I wouldn't know anything about it. If you are running windows you need to make sure you have anough memory to handle the version you have. WindowsXP uses a large amount of memory. If that is your OS then you either A) need a better CPU or B) need to increase you memory in your computer. XP should be run on a minimum of 512 megs of ram. They say ! it can run on 256 - but I've tried that and it's so slow that I couldn't stand it. I now use 640 megs of ram and my machine is fast with a Pentium4 processor. if you have an older processor than a P4 and are using less than 512 megs of ram it's time to upgrade or buy a new computer. If you have a good CPU and you have at least 512 meggs of ram then you may have a failing piece of equipment in your computer or faulty memory or something. You could also have hardware that is conflicting with other devices. Without knowing your system specs it's really hard to say what the problem could be....Show more
Ronny Nowzari: Your computer has hundreds of things happening seemingly all at once and interrupts are nothing more than a priority system within your computer to establish which action gets first request. All this is happening in micoseconds so you don't know its happening but it is. Interrupts are a good thing.
Cedric Grimstead: I know interrupts are normal, or the! puter wouldnt work (i know it now, at least)But its not norma! l that interrupts use about 30-40% of CPU usage constantly, which didnt happen before...
Irvin Guiles: Hardware interrupts are part of the bios. For instance, the most simple example would be your keyboard. Every clock cycle of the processor polls the system to see if you struck a key. This is one type of interrupt. Without interrupts, you wouldnt have a working PC! Secondly, dont be too sure your protection is doing its job! New adware is created daily and there is at least one new virus every week! NO software can detect something it doesnt know exists yet! If you download freeware or use file sharing sites, you porbably have more malware than you think~!...Show more
Kalyn Proietto: You cannot be sure that it's not spyware or trojans. Some are not detectable by that software. I'd suggest using hijack-this and posting your logs to their forum.
Melina Minneweather: Pentium4 2.4Ghz266MB DDRWindows XP Profesional80GB HDDnVidia GeForceFX 5500 (256MB)It alwa! ys worked perfectly, never was slow before (probably because I removed all the non-vital services and programs from the msconfig)...Show more
Christiane Cattano: One way to check for possible viruses is to check your transmit and receive numbers. If on 2K or XP, click start/run and type in "ncpa.cpl" & hit return. dis opens a window with yer network adapters. Double click on yer network adapter and look at the sent and received. If you are getting climbing sent, and not a lot received, you may have a virus. Run stinger from, a free trojan/virus checker from McAfee.GL....Show more
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