answers1:I mean so what if we are young and like to copy other
stories. They can do whatever they want to. Also I have been working
on this story, it's original and not copied from anything that I know
of. If you want to read it and see for your self I'll post the
link.And please don't be so judgmental and today's young writers, when
they are older they will be A lot better then you will assume.
answers2:the library and I do a search for tittles that interest me on
their sight.
answers3:Friend recommendations, mostly.
answers4:For all of you who are ranting that teeangers don't have life
experience. I'm just laughing. Nobody knows what I have been through
in my life. But it has taught me to be strong for myself, it has
taught me to learn many things. I'm not going to list the things that
happened to me on here. You say teens take ideas from what is
happening around them, well that's how everybody get's ideas. From
living a life, that how everyone gets ideas....Show more
answers5:How young was Christopher Paolini when he published Eragon?
15. And it made the New York Times bestselling list and was made into
a movie. Writing has NOTHING to do with age. What, all of the sudden
when you turn 18, you're a brilliant writer? Just because someone's an
adult, they're automatically better writers? Bull crap! I've read some
pretty darn horrible adult writing.Judging someone's performance based
on AGE ticks me off nearly as much as discrimination against African
Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, etc. I mean, grow up. If you honestly
think you're better just because you're an adult, then you have
issues. Forget what it's like to be a beginner? It's just IMMORAL to
cut people down just because their writing isn't advanced or something
stupid like that. As authors, we're suppose to help eachother with
friendly criticism, not judge someone because they're teenagers and
don't have advanced language skills.Futhermore, you people that seem
to think teenagers have no potential, have you MET every single
teenage author in the world? Uh, no. So, you have no room to talk.I've
seen plenty of amazing teenage writers that could kick an adult
writer's butt, so hush people! Not only is that bigoted,
shallow-minded, ageist crap, it's also unfair to stereotype people.
That's the equivalent of me saying: All old people are horrible
writers...."PROOF? EVIDENCE???? Let's be scientists as well as writers
and you scientifically give me an analysis on WHY adult writers are
sooooooo superior and high and mighty gods and goddesses.Please.
when people shun young writers. Sure, some of them are unpracticed,
but everyone starts out as a beginner sometime in life. Was David
Beckham born a professional soccer player? Was Vincent Van Gough born
a masterpiece artist? NO. And it's no different for writers.Let me end
my rant with a Harry Potter 5 movie quote:"Every great wizard in
history has started out as nothing more than what we are
students. If they can do it, why not us?"@Dianne: I know! It seems
that some people need to get out of the basement once in a while and
educate themselves....Show more
answers6:I agree with you. I'm 13 and writing an original story, I
keep getting judged by older people before they even see my story. I
look forward to reading your story. :)I remember reading this really
good story someone wrote and everyone liked. I'd been pretty sure it
was written by a 50-yr-old and later discovered that is was written by
an 11-yr-old. @!!!So you say "less life experience" to justify judging
young people. Wow. That's all I can say.@Rachel Yes, Twilight is
popular with teens, but not every teen has to like it and model a
story after it. I don't hate it or like, it's just not something I
would model a story after. EDIT:Wow. There must be a lot of ageist
bigots on Yahoo answers, to get 3 thumbs downs because I stand up for
young writers....Show more
answers7:Keep in mind that the NYT Book Review (as well as most book
reviews) are extremely political. There are a lot of great books out
there that never get reviewed because the authors or agents don't have
enough pull with the NYT or People Magazine, etc. So do not rely
solely on those sources.I go to the bookstore and browse. New books
are released on Tuesdays, generally, so by Wednesday afternoon, you
can check out the new stuff. It's good to find someone at a bookshop
who enjoy reading along the same lines as you do; you get a lot of
good recommendations that way.I browse as well.
They bring up a list of recommendations for me based on what I've
purchased and I always find that helpfu....Show more
answers8:There are books call The Best Reads, or sometimes The Best
Books to Read. These books are set up usually by theme, genre,
age-group, that kind of thing. They give a little summary of what each
book is about & what type of people have called it a good read (as in,
are you into Sci-Fi, or Biographies, or Non-Fiction, etc). There are
usually so many books within The Best Books book that you have a huge
selection to choose from on what sounds interesting.These are the
books I pick up when I'm at a loss for what to read.Also, look at what
movies or TV shows you really love, a lot of the time they are based
on a book (or series of books in the case of True Blood on HBO).Okay,
good luck. I know it's a drag not to have something good to
read!...Show more
answers9:Well, the only reason why young writers are judged so often
is because they lack experience. Even a 30 year old author is pretty
young to be published (I agree with Sky in one of her previous
questions). A writer should never stop improving.Yes, there are a lot
of people who judge too quickly, though, do you see the average 13
year old having 5 years of writing on their belt? Honestly, a lot of
young writers start out in their early teens. I've been writing for
about 8 years and I still need to work harder to meet publishing
standards. Possibly another 8 years.A lot of writers who lack
experience often think that they can just write one novel and it's
best-seller worthy. And sometimes that's their only reason to write.
Their only drive is to be published & make money. I write because I
want to, and publishing is a goal I'd like to happen. Simply, the
ignorance can be annoying. Hope that answers your question.
Personally, I don't judge by age because I have been enchanted by a 12
year old's writing and bored with an 18 year old's. I also never bring
my age up as an issue when I want feedback....Show more
answers10:Think about what's popular with teenagers now: Twilight, the
House of Midnight, etc., etc. Think of what's in those books and what
makes them attractive to their readers.Teenagers focus on what's in
their life: what they consider relationships, what they consider
relative to real life. They don't have enough life experience to
actually create plausible happenings. Not to mention that the writing
style of most teenagers is stiff and silly, having no effect on the
human being or even drawing them away from reality, which is what a
fiction piece is designed to do.My fellow teenagers tend to be
shallow, anyway. The way my peers pass themselves off is
materialistic, focused on creating 'deep' relationships and play with
the idea of drugs and sex. They see what's on TV and in the world
shown to them and they seek to emulate it. Teenagers have not designed
their own opinions. That is why most people pass over them
anyway.FanFic is an idiotic idea. 'Sorry, I can't develop my own
characters or setting, so I'll write about something already written.'
Yeah, that makes sense.However, to the contrary of that, many many
writers began young. There are plenty of young writers, and a certain
percentage are not that bad. It's weeding them out that's hard and
people are too lazy to do it.'Keep up the dream. I want to be a writer
myself....Show more
answers11:i suggest you visit and see what teenagers
write. Some of the stories are just amazing including mine. Here is
the link:
answers12:I ask my friends, ask this kind of question and usually get
good responses, and then I read magazines saying the bestsellers.
answers13:either like an 8th one or one that takes place in the
future.... becausse i really dont want the series to end =[
answers14:Library,they have a list of new releases,book club,Hastings books.
answers15:My favorite books are all the kinds in the young adult
section at my library (probably because I am a young adult). I just
look through the shelves until I see a title that captures my
attention. Also one of my best friends buys all the best books so
anything that she has in her room I know is good.
DAY! I think it's by Sarah Dessen... no, no, maybe it's not.Oh, I
just saw it like yesterday! I even read the back cover...OH WAIT! I
KNOW!It's called Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti! The title
just randomly popped into my head and I looked up the author lol. I'm
gonna add that book to my wish list. Happy reading! lol...Show more
answers17:i have a couple of friends that have the same taste as me
and are much older (therefore have read much more), they give me most
of my books
answers18:I like boarders!!!
answers19:you could sign up for a account. then explore
to see what people say about certain books and decide whether you like
them or not.
answers20:the library/bookstorei just go poking around and eventually
i find something that jumps out at me. then i read the jacket or
summery inside and if i think i'll like it i'll get it!i hear about
books that are popular from TV and my friends who've read the popular
books too!i love to read! =)
answers21:She has talked about doing an encyclopedia of the magic
world, but not an 8th.
answers22:I saw this book the other day that totally fits me but I
can't recall the name. On the cover, this guy was sitting on the couch
and what looked to be his slutty girlfriend was holding on to him. But
on the other side of the couch was another girl. This girl and the
boy were holding hands behind the couch. Anyone know what book this
answers23:They're judged because all writers are judged. Being a
writer is all about being judged and all about rejection. If your work
is good, it'll be judged favourably. If it's bad, it won't. If more
young writers' work is judged unfavourably, it's because they are
still young and haven't learnt all that you need to learn to be a
really good writer."today's young writers, when they are older they
will be A lot better then you will assume."Yes, they probably will be
better when they're older. The trouble is, they are posting their work
NOW, when it's bad, instead of waiting until they're older, when it's
better. If you don't want to be judged on the standard of your work as
it is now, don't post it now. You might well be a good writer when
you're older, but since we haven't got a magic crystal ball to read
something that you'll write in 20 years' time, you're only providing
us with your current work. And your story is far from being amazing.
I'm not judging you on your age. I'm judging the quality of your work,
which is nowhere near close to the standard of anything that I would
read for pleasure.It's no good posting your work on a website and
expecting people to make allowances for your age. You've just posted a
link to your story and asked people - including adults - to read it.
If you want to do that, you need to be prepared for your work to be
judged according to the standards of adults. I don't want to read
stories that are 'good for something written by a teenager'. I want to
read stories that are good, full stop.EDIT: When you say that maybe
adults have forgotten what it's like to be a teenager - no, we
haven't. It's precisely BECAUSE we remember that we were once just
like you that we look at teenagers and laugh. We've got the benefit of
hindsight.Trust me, when you are 35, you will look back on yourself
aged 15 and you will both laugh and cringe like all adults do when
they remember their teenage years....Show more
answers24:This website suggests books for you. You type in a book or
an author that you like (or a book you just finished) and it suggests
lots of other books based on what you said.
answers26:I agree, the N.Y. Times Book Review and also, for my niece,
Scholastic. The Scholastic Store is a great way to find books, you
simply push your age group, and books upon books come up. Generally
this is for 16 - but, some of the 11+books are great for me as well.
And I am an adult! Fun, captivating books are there. Also, you can
select (completely optional) sub-categories. Like space, fantasy, and
others. I strongly suggest
answers27:I go to the library, and whenever I see an intresting book, I take it.
answers28:read the summaries on in the books sectionthen
check the googlebooks and read the limited preview if available, to
see if i like the styleor, just check it out at the library and hope
its good but glad i don't haveta spend $$sometimes, go to borders and
just browse and read sections or the back coversand, my friends are
good sourcecsand, recommendations on yahooanswers lol...Show more
answers29:Barnes and Noble. Online. Instead of wasting my time staring
at a bookshelf at the store, I just search through the site for
anything interesting. :)
answers30:i go to Barnes and Noble .com
answers32:I ask my friends!
answers33:Barnes and Noble has a similar books section that i like to
use after searching for books online.
answers34:Its called a library get a card and check it out.
answers35:No, I don't think so. She has said it again and again. She's
not going to make an 8th book. On the seventh book she says that she
explains what happens to all of the characters after life at Hogwarts
(the characters that live, of course).
answers36:She most likely won't now! She's extremely upset people not
respecting the latest one and leaking it on the internet.But she has
said time and time again there will be NO more harry potter books.
Especially since she said there was a blood bath in the new one.
answers37:i just go to barnes & nobleor their websiteand if i like the
cover, title, fonti'll read the book
answers38:i think of the director's decrease would be large. If JK
Rowling writes some thing that she thinks is greater advantageous and
nicely worth doing then it particularly is going to probable be large.
I hate the belief of a e book approximately Harry's mum and dad and
young ones. it would be too uninteresting. all of us understand
sufficient approximately Lily and James and Snape's Hogwarts time,
there's no longer that lots to tell, and the help we've is equivalent
to the quantity we've on Harry Ron and Hermione, by using fact the the
remainder of the books we've already examine have been additionally
finished of Voldemort and stuff, and that isn't in those books....Show
answers39:i hope she does but i don't think she will
answers40:A writer is a writer no matter what age. As long as they
have the desire and the heart to write they can.
answers41:i'm 40 5 years outdated and having been writing on condition
that i grew to become into 13, yet I could say that i'm exceedingly
offended by potential of persons who say that each and one and all
teen writers are stupid and talentless. the place does skills start up
if no longer with a youthful author? If a youngster's writing of
course sucks, this is going to of course suck whilst the teen gets to
be my age, which of course potential that the teen had no writing
skills interior the 1st place and wasn't meant to be a author. each
little thing takes prepare, so if the teen is meant to alter right
into a author and nonetheless "sucks," this is merely via fact the
teen needs greater prepare. For some human beings, which could mean
writing twenty poems an afternoon daily for 3 months, or twenty
finished length novels over the process ten years. My fifteen 3
hundred and sixty 5 days outdated daughter has merely been writing
poetry on a popular foundation for some months, and he or she is now
between the right ten human beings on a poetry website the place
maximum writers are nicely older than she is. Her college is having a
poetry contest for college pupils grades 9 with the aid of 12, and he
or she and another 15 3 hundred and sixty 5 days-outdated are at the
instant in first and 2nd place, jointly as the countless 17 and 18 3
hundred and sixty 5 days-olds are not even close. My forte is fiction
novels, yet i will't even write poetry besides as my daughter, and
that i've got been attempting for some years. In different words, a
good author is a good author whilst he or she writes nicely sufficient
to be recognized for their skills, no longer whilst the worldwide
makes a decision a man or woman is sufficiently outdated to be
considered a experienced author....Show more
answers42:Most of the time I don't know how old the people are who
write what I review. I simply judge the story - not the
writer.However naturally talented a writer is, of any age, his (or
her) skill will improve with experience, and experience takes time.
Take a look at any writer you admire and compare the first book with
the most recent. I'm sure you will notice that the style has changed
as the author learns more about the craft.A good writer never stops
learning and never stops improving. Try not to take criticism
personally, but look out for advice you can use. Don't stress too
much about being 'original' just for the sake of it. Some of the best
writing I have come across lately has been re-telling a classic
fairytale. If your characters are well-rounded and your plot hangs
together then you are telling a good story and hang
originality!Obviously, I'm not encouraging you to plagiarize, but take
some time to find your unique 'voice' before you worry too much about
coming up with the world's most original plot, character or alien
race.All the best on your writing journey!...Show more
answers43:I doubt it. JK Rowlings has even threatened to kill off
Harry (I guess we will find out if she kills him or not) just so she
won't be bugged about writing an 8th book. Who can blame her though.
Shes been writing this for 17 years now. Thats a very long time. I
just hope she continues writing after this is all over.
answers44:Talk to friends is sometimes what i do. My parents are book
reviewers, and they sometimes recommend some to me. One method is to
go into a library, pick up a book, and just read the first chapter -
that's how I've come to love many authors.
answers45:They'll be better when they're older? And who, pray tell,
will be the one to push them into better-dom? Because it won't just
happen, I'll tell you that. I remember when I was criticized and
pushed by people on this site. Sure, it made me feel inadequate. Would
I still suck as much as I did had everyone sugar-coated it and told me
I'd be better someday without really helping me? I'm still young, but
I'm not as young as I was, mentally.I have no doubt in my mind that
pushing is good. I've seen some people on this site get so good and
start so small. If you're writing is bad, I will tell you -- and then
I will try to help you -- but I will tell you. If people are telling
you the right things, and you listen, you have no choice but to get
better....Show more
answers46:I don't really see the question here, sweetheart.We judge
young writers because 99% of the time, they don't know how to write,
have no conception of grammar or character development, and think
they're the best and most original writers on Earth.To the person
below me, you can write--if you can compose a sentance, you can write.
Can you write well? Not really. You have a lot to work on. And also,
thank you for proving my point when I say "young writers think they're
the best" when you guys clearly aren't. Will you learn and get better
at writing? Yes. But for right now, you both have far too much to work
on. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just being honest with you.EDIT:
A.G., I love you....Show more
answers47:I just google them.
answers48:I agree with the first person on some of it ,but their are
some who have awesome ideas. Teens as one myself tend to always go to
romance, supernatural, and thriller. Some of us can make good ideas
out of those but is so overused. I would read your story which seems
interesting.~Good Luck~I read it and enjoyed it i got confused at
first because the preface was being narrated by another character. P.s
i only read preface and chapter 1 i would the rest if time allows im
really busy right now...Show more
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