Monday, 18 May 2020

When did republicans turn thier backs on higher education?

Jackelyn Archut: They think they are smarter, than everyone else....because they believe in the following......They don't believe in GOD, they are very Progressive/Communist political views, they are anti-America, they are anti-Constitution, they are anti-democracy, they are anti-capitalism, pro-abortion, pro-gay...and everyone else are to unintelligent to agree...this is the Definition of elitist...thinking they are better than everyone else....They have never worked a day in their lives....What can they teach me....they are a mess...They think they are smarter, that everyone else.......Show more

Eulah Hugill: Back on the crack again, I seeThe more "Truly" educated one becomes, its inevitable that they become conservative. This is just common sense.Liberal ideas live in the echo chamber of the "Hallowed" halls of Harvard, and are exported directly to Washington, bypassing the public, and any and all common sense!A degree is a guarantee of nothing, other than that y! ou've passed "Someone's" scrutiny, for whatver reason, and been given a piece of paper. There is no guarantee of knowledge or ability.The truly educated take that degree and continue to learn in life, and produce the fruits of their labor, based on that education, but mostly on the education "AFTER" college.The Liberal "Elites" have never taken this step, and their knowledge remains theoretical, having never step foot in the real world, and is about as valuable as a cup of coffee, plus or minus $1.50...Show more

Codi Manchel: Promoting higher education, which involves learning more about many subjects, and the development of higher level critical thinking skills would greatly deplete their base. That realization started this propaganda campaign against higher education. As pointed out above many of these propagandists and strategists try to send their children to the best institutions of higher learning and they themselves often have very good educational background! s. The objective of their propaganda is to alienate the masse! s from the concept of higher education and/or restrict their educational interests to “practical” areas that are more akin to training for a specific trade. All of that thinking about history, society, philosophy, etc. might confuse them....Show more

Jesse Pirieda: this question is senseless. at the beginning why ought to republicans supply a million/2 and not democrats reason maximum republicans have the comparable jobs because of the fact the democrats do. i could additionally could desire to element out that the business agency you artwork for must be your buddy provided that they are offering you with residing expensives. consistent with risk in case you labored not uncomplicated sufficient you may grow to be a CEO then choose them- i don't comprehend what they make, Im specific its a great array based on the business agency. If the rich pay extra in taxes which consists of people who make 250k a 300 and sixty 5 days- and that i don't make everywhere close to ! that. they are people who will could desire to close their businesses and hearth human beings. lots extra distressing is that if we do not have potential sources which Obama opposes maximum if not all potential. that's what we could desire to continually worry! What if the middle East has a WWIII and we cant get oil from all of them the surprising! Whats our backup? with out potential maximum human beings will die, actually. there will be extra criminals, extra riots, a revolution! we could desire to have potential to stay to tell the story till selections are available! Its purely NUTS not too help any in any respect!...Show more

Hermina Ketring: because there are supposedly "liberal professors" brainwashing college students.

Leann Villalta: at least we who so uneducated can provide for ourselves, volunteer to defend our country. We drive around in $50,000 4x4 pick up with a $7000 all paid for live in an area that when we walk out our back door we don't fall i! nto the neighbors yards. Travel the USA on vacation so we that are so s! tupid cannot find it in our hearts to be amazed by a lot of educated idiots.

Deangelo Marchak: well again your wrongMost Conservatives are 35 and over,Educated but also have real life experienceWhile Liberals are 34 and younger and not even wet behind the ears yet with life experiences.....

Rubi Romo: it could be that conservatives are smart enough to not be in debt to college loans for the rest of their natural livesit could be that liberals think that the more degrees you earn, the smarter you supposedly areit could be that conservatives think a bachelor's degree or an associate's (or even a high school diploma) can get you a good job and that you should work your way up with the same company, while liberals feel you should quit your job whenever you feel your paycheck isn't big enough to suit your "needs"...Show more

Sammie Bocanegra: About the time that federal government activists began to control the higher education system.

Roosevelt Pendill: ! "thier" is spelled their.....So much for liberal higher education.

Connie Dickirson: Conservatives go to college, get their degrees and enter the real world.Liberals get a degree and go into teaching.Those that can do, those that can't teach.Hope this helps....Show more

Damion Oleksa: When Reagan made drastic Budget cuts to education ; and it is sure evident .

Eulah Hugill: I think they saw how dumb George W. Bush was and he went to Yale. So they said if college is supposed to make you more knowledgeable, it obviously isn't working.These days a college degree means less and less because they just push people through the curriculum and suck you for outrageous tuition costs. You no longer have to be intelligent to graduate college....Show more

Stanton Valdivia: Where do you people get your information? lol....I am quite sure that it is Democrats who want to force children to stay in our ever failing public school system as opposed to giving them half a! chance to go to the much more successful private schools where 95% of ! children go on to college and the drop out rate is almost ZERO.According to the National Center for Education Statistics' "Schools and Staffing Survey 1999-2000," 99.3 percent of students who attended private schools graduated, compared to 88 percent of public high school students. Some 93 percent of private school students went on to a four-year college, compared to 35 percent of all public high school students in 1999-2000....Show more

Alise Rutgers: Higher education turn their backs on the American people. These elitist professors think that they are better than the average Joe. DTG

Frank Crummell: When an education created more Liberals...thats when.

Piedad Bassiti: I wouldn't refer to the average leftist college professor as elitists, its the liberal elitist that worship these "career 50 grand a year with full retirement teachers that live in a bubble of their own minds" because they could never be fired and have a set work day as a religion.

! Kenneth Queener: Professors are liberal and push their political agenda in their classes.

Jonathan Schlussel: Oh they haven't. They just tell some of their less educated constituents that they have a disdain for elitists and liberal college professors - which is what those people want to hear.Then they turn right around and send their kids to: Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, Yale, Princeton, Hopkins, Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia etc.

Reyes Brunell: MOST GOP KKLOWNSnever finishthey to busy playing

Jene Kostyla: Funny because those same people are WELL educated and hide it to keep up their public persona.

Kristina Brockwell: They've hated the more educated at least since the 60s. They've never forgiven that generation for acting as citizens living in a democracy rather than obedient servants to government. In other words, for acting in their own interests, rather than those of the powers that be.

Mack Ukich: It's not just a Republican thing, it's ! more about Conservatism and the mass movement associated with it (parti! cularly among the Religious Conservatives)-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqbcW...So they create their own "truths" that they indoctrinate into their followers. They found that it was easier to promote home and private schools that spread their ideology than to try to fight for their beliefs to be taught in public school. If they don't do what you want in their schools-make your own. That is their view of education.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Au5PV...Opposition to Intellectuals-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqxBf...Some notes on Propaganda-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aom7d..."The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function, like the poster, consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those ! who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect.All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be exerted in this direction.The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success in pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes."-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volu! me One - A ReckoningChapter VI: War PropagandaOf course repetition crea! tes "truth" for these types of people. Logic falls to the sidelines when it's inconvenient. We have to understand that it's a giant psychological and sociological structure that Religious Conservatives have constructed around themselves. The assumption that God is above logic is false, God as we see him in the Bible is the very definition of illogical, but that's an entirely different subject for another time. But it suffices to say that this same application is true but reworded to those whom they place their fanatical trust (this applies to any movement in reality, but is especially true here).These carefully constructed barriers are not constructed by those in the movement, they are fabricated in the distant past and bestowed upon the members either by indoctrination or later in their life when they show a great proclivity for credulity due to some hardship-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AubPZ...The key here is the mindset created by religion that perva! des into other areas of our lives.So we find now that the same types of barriers are seemingly ingrained into the entire mass and this keeps them unified. This great divide then, we find is more the result of demographics than individual beliefs-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apnlc...But the historical significance and experience of the United States was also a huge factor in all of this. We are an empire and we need to understand this. That "Liberal" universities reveal this is not anti-Americanism, it is simply that they want-as we all do in this country-to not go hungry, destitute and watch the nation fall on it's face. Imperialism has always eventually brought down the nations that employed it-http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtlXZ...This being said the very essence of Capitalism was to make consuming and producing units. You don't need very much education to accomplish this, but a "Noble Lie" is essential. This being said, it is importan! t to understand that Democracy is the natural enemy of this movement. ! To create an unthinking society whom can be kept distracted and working for the benefit of a few powerful corporations is key. For a far better explanation of this than I could ever give is found the documentary below-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfqnoT_0qp8

Cliff Jacoby: Um.....they haven't. Just on the morons who preach their liberalism to a captive audience. Like in the classrooms.Get it now?

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