Sunday 17 May 2020

Should I choose dance or a higher education?

Loise Mausser: If you love dance, go with that. Even though you are smart, you should just follow your heart. I know I have seen your user name and avatar before...I answered your question about auditions. But you will have to choose between dance and acting, it's just the flat out truth. Since you have gone this far with dance, I would choose dance, acting is a lot of hard work because it requires a ton of experience, but I know dance does, too, I am a dancer as well, but I am not looking to go into it professionally....Show more

Jackelyn Archut: As someone who faced a similar dilemma, I'd say you should focus on the academics now and continue to build your dance skills as a secondary priority. I like the idea of dance and physical therapy as a combined career, but you are right that you need to really excel in math and science to do that well. As someone who faced the choice between pursuing professional dance in NYC after high school or going on to Georgetown (! where I did dance, but eventually went in another direction), I can tell you that I've never regretted my decision to get the best education I could, both in high school and in college. I would never have the career I do today if I hadn't pursued that path....Show more

Carli Watterson: dude go to a regular school. but i didn't even comprehend what you were saying, so dont listen to me.

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