Monday, 25 May 2020

What is the most physical pain that you've been through?  

What is the most physical pain that you've been through?  

answers 0:Like breaking bones, having dental work, child birth, etc. Just wanted to know because I've never really gotten injured badly or have been in terrible physical pain.answers 1:Getting over a c-sectionanswers 2:Having dry sockets from having my wisdom teeth taken out. Then having the doctor drain them and stick gauze in them...answers 3:this is probably just for women but anyways most pain = a helmet to the nuts during footballanswers 4:cracking my ankleanswers 5:childbirth has definitely got to be the most physical pain i have ever been in, but it is so worth it when you get to hold your baby for the first time.answers 6:Labor. I eventually had a c-section after 24 hours of labor, I'd take the c-section recovery over labor.answers 7:child birth by faranswers 8:Food Poison..I couldn't walk,eat,drink,see etc...! If you think that was terrible, my former best friend poison me...It hurt so much emotional and physical...but I never look at life the same way since then cuz I knew who was there for me and who weren't..

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