Wednesday, 6 May 2020

What are your Opinions about the iPhone?

Bailey Lares: One thing that's actually important to me is the frame capture capability that iPhone has now with its video recording. I've got 2 young children and they can't sit still for a picture where they're looking at the camera together. I love that iPhone does a great job at the frame capture.

Malcom Fenoff: The Nintendo 3DS has downloadable 3D Music videos from today's American music artist which I have already downloaded the 3 free 3D Music Videos to watch anywhere and the 3DS has 3D "Blue Man Group" video which I also downloaded for free and 3D "College Humor" videos and cheap downloadable 3D Apps & 3D games costing from 99 cents to $5.99 and the Nintendo 3DS also has FREE downloadable 3D Apps & 3D Games, which I have already downloaded 3 Free 3D Apps and I have also downloaded 2 Free 3D Games and the 3DS has a 3D Camera and I have already used the 3DS 3D Camera to take 3D Pictures & 3D Videos and I have uploaded some of my 3D footage online using the Nin! tendo 3DS's Web Browser to upload my 3D footage online and I have used my 3DS Web Browser to also download other peoples 3D footage from the Internet on my 3DS Web Browser and I have view all sorts of 3D content on 3D Websites online on my 3DS's Web Browser and I have use my 3DS 3D Camera to play 3D Augmented Reality games and Nintendo makes the Best Augmented Reality games as well and it's all in 3D without the Glasses using the 3DS 3D Camera and I have the Nintendo 3DS cartridge games are 2 to 8 GB each and they have beautiful 3D HD graphics that equal to that of a 3D HD version of Wii Graphics and I have Streamed 3D Videos Online on my 3DS and watch 3D video Trailers of current & upcoming 3D Games and I have Watch 3D Trailers for upcoming 3D movies coming to Theaters in 3D and I have done all of this in 3D Without the Glasses.So you can pay $169 for a Nintendo 3DS and buy the greatest Games ever & all in 3D Without the Glasses like Cave Story 3D and Kid Icarus and Super ! Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 using the MOTION SENSORS to pla! y the game like if you where turning a real wheel to turn the Kart left & right and also play such other 8 GB 3D Games like TheatRhytem Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3D and Luigi's Mansion and Resident Evil: Revelations and Metal Gear Solid 3D and Crush 3D and Shinobi and Animal Crossing and Rodea the Sky Soldier and Michael Jackson the Experience 3D and Ridge Racer 3D and Super Street Fighter 4 3D and Star Fox 3D and Zelda 3D and Sonic Generations 3D and Tetris 3D and Tekken 3D which also has the 3D Movie in it to watch and also play other 8 GB 3D games as Spider Man 3D and all 100% of the 3DS are in 3D Without the Glasses.And they're making Angry Birds 3D as a Downloadable game....Show more

Mark Hovanes: 1st, there are no longer any "unlimited" plans for the iPhones2nd you are primarily paying for a phone, and internet access anywhere. you can't get that with a gaming machine like the 3ds, they only work through WiFi, unlike phone where you don't have to be in a! WiFi hotspot to work.if you don't like the iphone, there are things like the Sony Xperia phones, which have a full gampad/controller built into the phone....Show more

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