Saturday, 8 August 2020

Will the general public ever care about the environment?

Providencia Jalbert: The general publis does care about the enviroment. Have you really heard someone say I don't care if the water is dirty or the air is polluted? There are more forest in the US today than there were in 1920, water is cleaner and air less polluted than since 1970, If you wish to live a "sustainable" life style good for you, but the world is not nearly as bad off as you think.An interesting artical by Walter Williams http://townhall.com/columnists/walterewilliams/201...

Leisa Brodnex: Of course they will. The moment the environment looks like China's the people will say "we care".

Jacques Teri: Yes, it will.

Luis Farlow: The fact is, this country is extremely religious and a huge part of their religious belief is that their god will destroy the planet and cause all sorts of environmental disaster in his wake. Thus, half the country cheerleads the destruction of the planet because they believe it is "ushering in the end times".

Mis! ty Vagle: I had this argument once with a religious friend and they said God/Jesus will only come down again when 1/3 of the air, 1/3 of the water and 1/3 of the land is totally polluted, so he didn't want to do anything to stop that from happening.

David Kuper: "Judge not lest ye be judged." Currently social pollution is worse than environmental pollution. If we don't curb the freedom grabbers the environment won't make any difference. The old Warsaw Pact, Communists, were terrible environmental polluters, and so is China. Flush their ilk today, or they will pollute the environment and still kill you. Wake Up!

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