Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Mental health and the Navy?

Raye Tredennick: DD (Dept of Defense) Form 2807-2 - Medical Pre Screen of Medical Historyhttp://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/e...This is the form ALL branches use...Show more

Vida Miss: "What conditions rules one out.."AR 40-501Chapter 2Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction2-27. Learning, psychiatric and behavioral disordersa. Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (314), or Perceptual/Learning Disorder(s) (315) is disqualifying, unless applicant can demonstrate passing academic performance and there has been no use of medication(s) in the previous 12 months.b. Current or history of academic skills or perceptual defects (315) secondary to organic or functional mental disorders, including, but not limited to dyslexia, that interfere with school or employment, are disqualifying. Applicants demonstrating passing academic and employment performance without utilization or recommendation of academic and/or ! work accommodations at any time in the previous 12 months may be qualified.c. Current or history of disorders with psychotic features such as schizophrenia (295), paranoid disorder (297), and other unspecified psychosis (298) is disqualifying.d. Current mood disorders including, but not limited to, major depression (296.2-3), bipolar (296.4-7), affective psychoses (296.8-9), depressive not otherwise specified (311), are disqualifying.(1) History of mood disorders requiring outpatient care for longer than 6 months by a physician or other mental health professional (V65.40), or inpatient treatment in a hospital or residential facility is disqualifying.(2) History of symptoms consistent with a mood disorder of a repeated nature that impairs school, social, or work efficiency is disqualifying.e. Current or history of adjustment disorders (309) within the previous 3 months is disqualifying.f. Current or history of conduct (312), or behavior (313) disorders is disqualifying. Recu! rrent encounters with law enforcement agencies, antisocial att! itudes or behaviors are tangible evidence of impaired capacity to adapt to military service and as such are disqualifying.g. Current or history of personality disorder (301) is disqualifying. History (demonstrated by repeated inability to maintain reasonable adjustment in school, with employers or fellow workers, or other social groups), interview, or psychological testing revealing that the degree of immaturity, instability, personality inadequacy, impulsiveness, or dependency will likely interfere with adjustment in the Armed Forces is disqualifying.h. Current or history of other behavior disorders is disqualifying, including, but not limited to conditions such as the following:(1) Enuresis (307.6) or encopresis (307.7) after 13th birthday is disqualifying.(2) Sleepwalking (307.4) after 13th birthday is disqualifying.(3) Eating disorders (307.5), anorexia nervosa (307.1), bulimia (307.51), or unspecified disorders of eating (307.59) lasting longer than 3 months and occurr! ing after 13th birthday are disqualifying.i. Any current receptive or expressive language disorder, including, but not limited to any speech impediment, stammering and stuttering (307.0) of such a degree as to significantly interfere with production of speech or to repeat commands, is disqualifying.j. History of suicidal behavior, including gesture(s) or attempt(s) (300.9), or history of self-mutilation, is disqualifying.k. Current or history of anxiety disorders (anxiety (300.01) or panic (300.2)), agoraphobia (300.21), social phobia (300.23), simple phobias (300.29), obsessive-compulsive (300.3), other acute reactions to stress (308), and post-traumatic stress disorder (309.81) are disqualifying.l. Current or history of dissociative disorders, including, but not limited to hysteria (300.1), depersonalization (300.6), and other (300.8), are disqualifying.m. Current or history of somatoform disorders, including, but not limited to hypochondriasis (300.7) or chronic pain dis! order, are disqualifying.n. Current or history of psychosexual conditio! ns (302), including, but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias, are disqualifying.o. Current or history of alcohol dependence (303), drug dependence (304), alcohol abuse (305), or other drug abuse (305.2 thru 305.9) is disqualifying.p. Current or history of other mental disorders ( all 290-319 not listed above) that in the opinion of the civilian or military provider will interfere with, or prevent satisfactory performance of military duty, are disqualifying....Show more

Sena Highman: You will be asked if you've ever seen a psychiatrist before, or been diagnosed with any mental disorders. If you say YES to any of this, they will require you to bring in your medical records related to it. You may or may not wish to disclose this. The rule is that you must not have been on any medications at least 12 months prior to your enlistment. Some disorders are disqualifying. See the link for medical standards with regard to ! mental capacity.

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