Maynard Phoubandith: MY ex husband tried to do along with his previous activity.i became into not working in any respect and he had consistently worked(HE became into cheating on me and had to place me in a bad place so he might get custody).He became into instructed with the aid of regulation(in Tennessee)that he can not in basic terms drop me and our son he might ought to thoroughly cancel the coverage or tutor data that we've been divorced(divorce papers).I believe the different answer in case you need to get therapy or the youngsters between now and while the divorce is very final not filed very final he will ought to pay.i might have it put in the divorce that he's to insure the need to purchase your own inner maximum insurance nevertheless a pair of place you may goggle that.additionally in case you attempt to get state insurance Medicaid they'll pursue newborn help no count what charges he's finding out to purchase not take his notice that he ! is going to pay those for you because of the fact what if he says abruptly f it.Than what.Get all of it in writing....Show more
Christiane Cattano: Dental is not included in the healthcare deform act so dental companies do not have to keep you on 'till your 26.
Michel Mccaulley: Eligible to be covered, is not the same thing as covered. Your parent has to add you back on, during their next open enrollment. Sounds like their policy hadn't renewed when you went to the dentist.
Craig Virani: you need to ask the INSURANCE company...they're all different and they don't follow the same rules as everyone and dental are TWO very different things.
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