Friday 14 August 2020

Why is it that when I ask it it gets deleted?

Billie Bratchett: Likely people are reporting your q.. and so it gets deleted.. whereas other questions of a similar nature may not be seen by reporters.. I would bet you could put your q in the search box and get plenty of answers without posting.. and getting deleted.

Stephnie Patout: Posting in the wrong category isn't a violation. But asking sexually explicit questions IS a violation. And the answers that question could/would draw would be totally inappropriate for this site. Sexually explicit questions and answers are not allowed. There are very young people on this site. The minimum age is supposed to be 13, but there are also many who are 9-12 here as well.

Jammie Taddei: Because of game playing trolls. they reported with multiple accounts. I just got 2 violation notices.

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