Arnulfo Seegars: WOW... (assuming you are a dude) your girlfriend is asking a lot, since dudes usually have a hard time getting into arts/crafts/writing/creating, etc.. chicks seem to be better at that stuff. That would be like a dude asking a girl to repair a garden tool, or change a tire for a gift LOL! I feel for ya.... BUT....maybe I can help make it easier on you~Cook her a nice meal, candle light and all... soft music, etc... sassy video. For the "item" that shows you spent some thought and effort in, would be your choice of dessert! :D You could make some homemade cookies, brownies, etc... and then if you really want to cheese it up, make her a print-out Anniversary card with words of your choice....Show more
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
what kind of jobs that you can do at home?
Andrew Sinatra: Grocery Shop for senior citizens in your neighborhood.
Virgil Loatman: do affiliate or open a ebay shop
Aron Ramu: He could mow people's lawns and some garden maintenance. There is an ageing population out there, loads of older people who can't do heavy lifting and maintain their gardens need someone to do it for them.
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Monday, 24 August 2020
Looking for a good gardening blog for my wife?
Davis Zou: We have a great gardening community at http://www.gardnersgumbo.comYou can get lots of ideas from other members who also love statues, fairies and other garden art.
Patrick Bitsui: Have her take a look at The Garden Witch. It's full of good info and artwork.
Does a person on medicare or it might be medicade have dental and eye insurance? Â
answers 0:I just asked another question for my neighbor who doesn't use a computer. He might end up on disability and they told him medicare or medicaid I can't remember which. He will be 62 in April and has worked hard his whole life and is worn out now. Always did hard labor and is not able to keep up anymore. So lost job and now just does work on his own but not making enough money and has no health insurance and has diabetes. Will he get dental and eye care cause he really needs that too? thank you!...Show moreanswers 1:My SS covered my eye examination, but does not cover dental. I paid my deductible of $45.00. I took the Part D of my Medicare through an independent company, and I can choose whether it covers dental, medication, or pays more on a hospital room. Medicaid varies by states, and is for people who do not have eno! ugh income per month.answers 2:Medicare and Medicaid don't cover eye exams for new glasses and things like that, or for a visit to the dentist for cleaning, implants or fillings, etc.It will cover a trip to an eye doctor if you have an ailment, like a detached retina or an infection. It might pay for dental if you developed an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotic.When he is 62 he can apply for his social security, but he can't get medicare until he is 65 years old.If he files for disability and is approved, he may also be eligible for Medicaid....answers 3:Below is a medicare website you can check it out for what they covered and don't..I know for a fact they do not cover dental or dentures..if he is very low income he can apply for medicaid through his county..hope this helps..=)answers 4:Medicare covers one eye exam a year and cataract removal plus a pair of eyeglasses with basic frames that might be required after the cataract surgery. Medicaid is a differ! ent thing altogether and varies from state to state. If he's n! ot yet 62 he should apply for disability if he has the medical proof to substantiate it. If he's approved, this will carry him through til age 65 when he'll be able to draw maximum SS benefits plus some of the state benefits where allowed. He must apply ASAP as this process usually takes some time. A lawyer that specializes in this sort of thing could expedite his case....answers 5:The states I am familiar with, medicaid does provide for dental and vision care. with dental, one will get the least expensive workable solution, ie, one would get a partial denture when a bridge would be preferable, but too costly.answers 6:If your neighbor is going to receive SSDI which is permanent disability, after 2 years from his disabiilty date he can enroll in Medicare even if he is under 65.If he is applying for SSI which is welfare disability, he may be qualified for Medicaid for disabiilty if his income is low enough.Medicaid does not cover adult dental in most states but it does offer! one eye exam and glasses every 2 years.Medicare does not offer dental unless he chooses an Advantage plan with an outside dental practice but not all states offer that. Medicare does not cover any eye exam or glasses, only opthalmology for eye problems.He can find a clinic run by the county and be charged pretty low fee to see a doctor. Some clinics also have dental for low income people. Also, some dental schools have low cost dental....answers 7:So far My Mom gets nothing! Not sure why oh maybe she will get medical but not for the teeth thing in Tulare County I wonder why or why not? hm? And she does need her teeth checked out!answers 8:A couple of links that may help to answer your question. 9:Try finding a dentist who will take Medicaid. Medicare does not cover dental among a host of many other things.answers 10:Here is what I know about this subject...I! live in California and I am not yet 62. When I turn 62, I can apply f! or early retirement benefits and be locked into the lowest amount for the rest of my days on this earth. I cannot get Medicare until I reach the age of 65. This means that I will have 3 years (age62-65) with NO medical coverage whatsoever! I currently am disabled and receive Medicaid, referred to as "Medi-Cal" in my state of California.I was once on SSDI disability and switched to straight SSI without my knowledge a few years ago. I get the max federal payment with a small stipend payment added to my monthly check....this makes me ineligible to receive food stamps in my state. I became eligible to get into senior housing at the age of 55 in my state. Soon these reduced rate living spaces with all be non-smoking facilities. Then and only then can I consider living in one of them.We have LIMITED dental (pulling teeth) if you can locate a Dentist who will accept a Medi-Cal card.We also have LIMITED vision care. One exam every 5 years, one pair of eyeglasses
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Irish men and gardening???
Bo Perham: I'm part Irish and I love gardening. But I think Native americans did too.
Hugo Pittari: Im sure there are some Irish men who like gardening but i dont no any.
Porfirio Cahall: I am part Irish and have the red hair to prove it! I am an Advanced Master Gardener and Love to get a little dirty in the garden. I know a few guys that could get into that.
Keven Woodington: My boyfriend is Irish and picked up the love for gardenin from his parents. Im part Native American and Im just starting to get into it, of course I moved from the big city to the country with 5 acres.
Comment faire un pistolet BB avec un stylo ou un crayon mécanique
p>Ennnuyé pendant les cours ? Vous cherchez un projet amusant à réaliser rapidement et facilement ? Fabriquer un pistolet BB fait maison avec un crayon mécanique pourrait être exactement ce que vous recherchez. Voici quelques façons simples de le faire.
Cassez, ou coupez, le bout du crayon avec lequel vous écrivez (il est normalement noir).
Sortez la gomme et découpez deux rectangles dans le porte-gomme (ils doivent être en face lâun de lâautre) pour que lâélastique puisse sâasseoir.
Préparer le porte-mine.
Prenez un porte-mine (assurez-vous quâil nây a pas de plomb dans le crayon) et un coupe-fil.
Procurez-vous un porte-mines Bic ordinaire.
Découpez des encoches dans le porte-gomme. Utilisez les ciseaux pour couper 2 encoches da! ns la partie circulaire du crayon qui contient habituellement la gomme. Les encoches doivent être situées directement sur les côtés opposés du porte-gomme. Il devrait ressembler plus ou moins à ceci : ( ), où les espaces entre les parenthèses représentent les encoches que vous avez coupées, et les parenthèses représentent le plastique non coupé. Câest la partie qui maintiendra le ou les élastiques en place plus tard.
Couper lâextrémité du crayon à lâaide du couteau de poche. Vous devriez être en mesure dâenlever le dessus et lâintérieur du crayon en tirant sur le porte-gomme.
Creusez un plus grand stylo. Mettez lâintérieur du porte-mine à lâintérieur. Vous aurez besoin dâun stylo un peu plus grand pour tirer sur les BBs.
Découpez des encoches dans le porte-gomme.
Sortez la cartouche dâencre dâun stylo (elle doit sâinsérer dans le trou au centre) et collez-la dans le trou de la pièce centrale (ne la colle! pas très loin, sinon elle ne tire pas).
Enroulez un é! lastique autour de la pièce colorée qui se trouve à lâextérieur (la partie qui va à lâextérieur de votre poche).
Tirez vers lâarrière sur la glissière et insérez le BB par lâavant. Une fois que vous lâchez prise, le BB devrait aller tirer.
Reculez et tirez ! (utiliser des billes dâargile).
Prenez lâélastique et étirez-le jusquâau milieu du crayon, découpez une fente dans la gomme et attachez-le. Enroulez un deuxième élastique sur le premier le long du canon pour le maintenir en place.
Préparez le stylo.
Le centre (la partie qui normalement contient le plomb) doit avoir un morceau de plastique qui dépasse, se casse ou se coupe).
Prêt, visez, feu. Vous pouvez maintenant tirer avec votre arme, mais nâoubliez pas de faire attention et de ne viser les yeux de personne.
Retirez le porte-gomme et regardez la cartouche dâencre voler !
Tirez le centre noir coloré (il peut être de couleur différent! e) vers lâextérieur et coupez la première section du plastique, il sera plus petit que le reste du centre.
Combiner les composants du crayon et du stylo. Glissez le support de mine / gomme du crayon dans le tube du stylo. Vous voulez que le porte-gomme reste à lâextérieur du tube du stylo. Si la partie crayon est trop mince, elle peut glisser jusquâà lâintérieur du tube du stylo. Si câest le cas, enroulez du ruban adhésif autour du tube du crayon juste en dessous du porte-gomme à effacer afin quâil soit suffisamment épais pour ne pas pouvoir passer à travers lâouverture du tube du stylo. Maintenant, lorsque vous glissez le tube sur la partie crayon, le porte-gomme ne glissera pas dans le tube du stylo, pas plus que la partie que vous avez rendue plus épaisse avec du ruban adhésif. Ainsi, quelques centimètres du tube du crayon resteront à lâextérieur du tube du crayon. Câest la partie que vous allez retirer pour tirer avec le pistolet.
Coupez lâextrémité de lâécriture dâun crayon à mine de ! plomb.
Enlevez tout ce quâil y a à lâintérieur et prenez un support de mine et retirez la gomme, puis collez-les ensemble et collez-les avec du ruban adhésif.
Placez lâélastique sur le porte-gomme, puis étirez-le sur lâagrafe du crayon.
Rassemblez votre matériel. Vous aurez besoin dâun crayon mécanique, dâun stylo, de ciseaux, de ruban adhésif et dâélastiques.
Fixez le(s) élastique(s). Glissez lâélastique dans les encoches du porte-gomme que vous avez coupées plus tôt. Tendez lâélastique sur environ les 3/4 de la longueur en descendant le tube du stylo vers lâextrémité ouverte. Tournez lâélastique plusieurs fois autour du tube du stylo et fixez-le avec du ruban adhésif.
Placez lâélastique dans le porte-gomme à lâendroit où se trouvent les rectangles (vous pouvez lâenrouler sur le porte-gomme autant de fois que vous le souhaitez, mais vous devez être capable de le tirer en arrière).
Lisez ! attentivement la liste des choses dont vous aurez besoin.
Trouvez des munitions. Après avoir collé lâélastique ou les élastiques sur le tube, vous devriez maintenant pouvoir tirer sur le porte-gomme pour armer votre nouveau pistolet BB. Lorsque vous relâchez, le tube du crayon devrait tirer partiellement à travers le tube du crayon, mais le ruban adhésif devrait lâempêcher dâentrer complètement dans le tube. Maintenant vous pouvez trouver des munitions pour votre arme. Vous devrez trouver des objets ronds qui sâadapteront dans lâespace à lâextrémité du tube du stylo quâil a créé quand vous tirez en arrière sur le support de gomme.
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Fantasy landscape image?
Willa Holte: You can get Bryce 5.5 for free at; v. 6 you have to buy. Vue, Carrara, Mojoworld and Terragen, plus some fractal programs (among other software) also create landscapes, although I'm not up-to-date on what is free. Nor can I guarantee any program is easy to use.
question about rimming? Â
answers 0:i did rimming a few time and every time i found the anal's smell like a poop, is it normal because of the natural place or not ?answers 1:It's not going to smell like roses. A good shower just before will solve the problem.answers 2:It is an anus so it's not going to smell fantastic, but as long as your partner is clean it shouldn't be a big issue.Ideally have your partner shower or at least wash the area before you perform analingus, also remember to practice safer sex such as by using dental dams over the anus - using dams and flavored lubes can also avoid any nasty smells too....answers 3:yep.......thats where it comes outanswers 4:Maybe the reason that it smells like butt is because it is butt. You supported Hillary, didn't you?answers 5:Not good. If it doesn't smell good then don't lick it. That would gross me out.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Comment nettoyer les bijoux en carbure de tungstène
p>Le carbure de tungstène, ou tungstène comme on lâappelle communément, est un métal incroyablement résistant. Ses caractéristiques de résistance aux rayures et à la ternissure en font un métal idéal pour les personnes qui mènent une vie active. Le nettoyage de ce métal durable est relativement simple â" tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enlever la saleté et la crasse de vos bijoux en tungstène est de lâeau chaude savonneuse et un chiffon propre. Nâutilisez pas de produits chimiques agressifs ou de polis pour polir et faire briller vos bijoux en tungstène.
Essuyez vos bijoux avec un coton-tige ou une boule imbibée dâalcool à friction. Ouvrez votre bouteille dâalcool à friction. Placez le coton-tige ou lâécouvillon sur lâouverture de la bouteille. Inclinez la bouteille à ! lâenvers pour que le coton soit saturé dâalcool à friction. Remettre la bouteille en position verticale en quelques secondes. Essuyez le coton saturé ou le tampon sur la surface de vos bijoux en tungstène.
Limiter le contact des bijoux avec les produits de nettoyage agressifs. Bien que le tungstène soit un métal dur, il réagit mal à des produits comme lâeau de Javel, lâammoniac et le chlore. Lorsque le tungstène entre en contact avec lâun de ces produits, les produits chimiques peuvent ternir la surface des bijoux.
Limitez votre utilisation de nettoyeurs de bijoux à ultrasons. Le carbure de tungstène est une substance semblable à la céramique ; il ne peut pas être plié, mais si une pression suffisante est appliquée, il peut être fissuré. Les nettoyeurs dâanneaux à ultrasons peuvent causer des fractures microscopiques dans votre anneau. Si vous préférez nettoyer vos bijoux avec un nettoyeur à ultrasons, ne les laissez pas dans la! solution pendant plus dâune minute.
Laver lâanneau ! avec une solution savonneuse douce. Après avoir enlevé la lotion ou lâhuile avec de lâalcool à friction, nettoyez vos bijoux dans une solution dâeau chaude savonneuse. Rassemblez du savon à vaisselle, un petit plat, de lâeau chaude et une serviette propre.
Rincez et séchez vos bijoux. Pour enlever le savon des bijoux, rincez-le sous un jet dâeau. Placez les bijoux sur une serviette propre pour les sécher à lâair libre ou essuyez-les avec un chiffon frais. Une fois sec, mettez vos bijoux ou rangez-les dans un endroit sûr.
Rincez et séchez vos bijoux. Après avoir lavé vos bijoux à lâeau chaude savonneuse, rincez lâaccessoire en tungstène à lâeau. Posez-le sur une serviette propre pour quâil sèche à lâair libre. Une fois sec, mettez vos bijoux ou rangez-les dans un endroit sûr.
Rangez vos bijoux en tungstène séparément. Le tungstène est un métal extrêmement dur. Bien quâil soit résistant aux égratignures, il es! t également plus susceptible dâégratigner et dâendommager les bijoux faits de métaux plus tendres. Lorsque vous rangez vos bijoux en tungstène, placez-le dans son propre sac souple, puis placez-le dans un endroit sûr.
Ne laissez pas tomber ou ne frappez pas intentionnellement votre anneau. Le tungstène est un métal solide et durable. Cependant, elle nâest pas indestructible, elle peut se briser. Traitez toujours vos bijoux avec soin.
Essuyez la surface de vos bijoux avec un chiffon humide. Trouvez un chiffon propre et doux. Tremper le chiffon dans lâeau savonneuse. Essuyer le chiffon pour enlever tout excès dâeau. Passez le chiffon humide sur la surface de vos bijoux en tungstène pour enlever toute saleté ou saleté accumulée.
Créez une solution dâeau et de savon à vaisselle. Vous nâavez pas besoin dâacheter un nettoyant à bijoux coûteux pour faire briller et polir vos bijoux en tungstène. Un simple mélange dâeau savonneu! se et un chiffon propre sont les seuls éléments dont vous avez besoin! pour nettoyer ce métal résistant et inrayable. Préparer la solution dâeau savonneuse :
Préparez vos bijoux et votre matériel de nettoyage. Si vos bijoux en tungstène sont recouverts dâhuile ou de lotion, vous pouvez enlever la substance glissante avec de lâalcool à friction. Récupérez une serviette fraîche, trouvez une bouteille dâalcool à friction et prenez quelques tampons ou boules de coton.
CONCRETE ? , I want to either paint or stain a 3' x 12' slab.?
Lolita Deschamp: obviously you need to clean it first.. but how you clean it is important.. if there are stains or some mold or moss, something of that nature.. you want to get yourself a bottle of muriatic acid.. lowes and walmart or home depot should have it.. mix it with water and scrub the concrete first.. it will eliminate all the things I mentioned and more.. follow the directions.. that stuff is hot.. so don't make ti so strong that it will etch the concrete.. the directions are on the bottle.. clean it then coat it with masonry primer.. and then paint it with a good masonry paint.. sherwin williams makes the best.. good luck...Show more
Coleman Petropoulos: clean it , with a hose , even a power hose , leave it over night , then brush it clean , is the slab is really rought , paint a concrete primer on it , if not ,go to walmart / sher williams one gallon will work, with a roller . paint in the early evening ,much cooler , and less people to stand on it
Dedra Furguson: I vote for staining it. First of all, the look is much nicer----concrete staining is very popular for a reason, and there are lots of great colors. Secondly, the stain will never flake like concrete paint does. With paint, once moisture gets under it, all the work is for naught. To stain concrete, first clean it with a pressure washer. Then you have to etch it if the concrete is really smooth or really old. Then you apply the stain with a garden sprayer. It's a very easy DIY job that requires little maintenance other than sealing it every year or two, which you should be doing with concrete anyhow.....Show more
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Hydroponic gardening vs Natural Gardening?
Loriann Carrigan: I assume "gardening" here to mean growing food crops like fruits and vegetables. "Natural gardening" can also mean landscaping an area to have a more natural, wild look by using local flowers or plants.Hydroponics pros:- higher yield- faster growth rate- less problems on pests and diseases because of the more controlled environment- cheap (provided it very small scale and you get one of those DIY kits)Hydroponics cons:- hugely expensive if you want large scale productionNatural gardening pros:- more aesthetically pleasing- grown as organic or with minimal agrochemicals- much cheaper compared to hydroponicsNatural gardening cons:- lower yield and slower growth rates- higher risks of pests and diseases...Show more
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
bathroom remodel?
Eleni Mccier: Congrats on your DIY remodel. I'd recommend tile chair rail. Instead of a wood molding to top off the tile, this is "tile molding." It is shaped like chair rail, but available in ceramic or porcelain. Choose one that matches the tile below it. The look will be both very finished and rich. Good luck
Merlin Fleischhacker: You can go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy small, inexpensive molding that you can glue and nail into the wall just above the tile. If you want white, they even have it in plastic, white, all ready to just be cut to size and put up! They also carry already primed wood molding that you just need to paint before you put it up. Don't forget to use finishing nails and buy the awl(?) tool to recess them into the wood. You'll need some wood filler to cover the recesses. Just lightly sand it when dry, and paint over it. It will look great!...Show more
Charissa Riley: you can buy a step down, piece of wood, this will go over t! he tile,and on to the wall, comes in 6ft lenghts. use oak, it will stand up to the moi sure in your bathroom. or use a edge tile, 3in wide ,1in deep, get them at Lowe's ,about $2 each . use 4 per ft sounds good, good on you for trying...Show more
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Painting my bedroom in a creative way, and decorating?...?
Jerrod Guilfoil: I think is you pull out colors from the beach, you'll be fine. Maybe paint your accent wall a deep ocean blue, and maybe the other 3 walls with a sandy shade that still looks nice together. The blue wall could be the wall behind your bed.
Lilli Kochel: I think white walls are safe. Maybe just colour one wall, maybe the wall with the window. You could also buy blank canvases and either paint them or cover them with beach theme fabrics. This way if you taste was to change all you have to do is replace the canvas. Could stick an old surf board in your room and make a shell mobile
Serena Doak: I don't like rooms that have 3 walls one color and the 4th another. My living room was like that when I bought this house and I couldn't get it fixed fast enough. Go to the paint store or Home Depot and pick out some blue sample cards that you like, take them home and decide what color you like best with your furniture. Paint your woodwork white or antique w! hite. Use the sandy color on the floor, either carpet, tile, paint, or throw rugs.You can use a fishnet draped over your curtains like a scarf. You can use specimen seashells as decorations. Check eBay for nautical decor items. Have fun with it.And don't use a surfboard for a shelf. That is so 70's....Show more
Rosio Pasculli: I think you should paint your walls a sandy color with an accent green color that matches your furniture. You should also use coral color accents around your room because that would be the complimentary color to the washed out green I think you are referring to. Good luck.
Blaine Connett: lots of fun ideas to help create an awesome getaway
Comment faire fonctionner une caisse enregistreuse au kilomètre
p>Félicitations pour votre nouveau travail chez Kmart ! Si vous nâavez jamais utilisé une caisse enregistreuse auparavant, lâapprentissage de ces procédures peut sembler écrasant, mais avec de la pratique, vous vous y ferez en un rien de temps. Ce guide est loin dâêtre complet, mais il vous montrera les fonctions les plus importantes et les plus couramment utilisées par les caissiers de Kmart.
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Si lâun des modes de paiement échoue, retournez lâoffre au client et demandez-lui de fournir un autre mode de paiement. Si ce nâest pas le cas, appelez un gestionnaire pour voir si la transaction peut être sauvegardée. Si ce nâest pas le cas, il se peut que! vous deviez annuler lâensemble de la transaction.
Suivez ces étapes si le client paie par chèque. Si ce nâest pas le cas, ignorez cette étape.
Une fois que le client ne doit plus dâargent, deux choses peuvent se produire.
Déverrouillez votre registre. Entrez votre numéro secret, puis appuyez sur OPERATOR.
Fermez votre registre. Appuyez deux fois de suite sur OPERATOR. Le tiroir-caisse sâouvrira et un reçu sera imprimé. Sauvegardez le reçu.
Monday, 17 August 2020
how to keep up with laundry?
Tillie Wynott: Just do your laundry *while* you do school work. Laundry takes hours, but most of it is time that you could spend on other things. You don't just sit there staring at the machines while they run, do you? I thought not, so use that time for your school work. Then you get both things done.
Bob Pucella: Perhaps you can do a load a day. This way you will not end up doing all the laundry at the same time and feeling overwhelmed.
Comment changer le fond dâécran dâun PSP
Placez-le sur votre clé USB dans le répertoire :/PSP/PHOTO.
Allez dans le menu photo pour le sélectionner.
Allez dans les paramètres de votre thème et assurez-vous que votre fond dâécran est réglé sur « use ».
Appuyez maintenant sur « triangle » et cherchez « Définir comme fond dâécran ».
Trouver une photo ou un arrière-plan
La PSP vous demandera si vous voulez définir ce fond dâécran, cliquez sur « oui ».
Votre fond dâécran est maintenant prêt.
Sunday, 16 August 2020
difference between laundry soap and detergent?
Elaina Adolfson: Fels-Naptha, Ivory snow, and Woolite are soaps, most of the rest are detergents. If all else fails, you can grate a bar of fels-naptha. Use less, it makes lots of suds.
Kellie Waycott: Fels Naptha and Zote are laundry soaps in bars. I use fels-naptha when I make my own detergent but also for pretreating stains. Zote can be used in a similar manner if you can find it. Our Walmart doesn't stock it but you might be in a different area where Walmart does carry it. Zote has less chemicals in it than fels-naptha, or so I've read.You can make your own laundry soap by grating a bar of fels Naptha or Zote or any soap bar. I usually use 1 fels naptha and 1 Dove or Yardley soap as I like the smell. Grate these and add them to : 2 cups of washing soda, 2 cups baking soda and 2 cups 20 Mule Team Borax and mix well. Use 2 Tablespoons for each wash or more if the wash is work clothes. You can add Oxi Clean to your white wash if you want. When it comes to laundr! y/cleaning purposes the term soap and detergent are often used interchangeably, and with good reason, as chemically they are similar. Both contain surfactants (substances that reduce surface tension of water), with the difference being soap is made from animal or vegetable fats and oils combined with a strong alkali, whereas synthetic detergents are made from petrol-chemicals. It is the "all natural" aspect of soap that appeals to many, however soap does have it's dark side. Read more at the French laundry site below....Show more
Valentine Willinger: complicated stuff. look into from google and yahoo. that will might help!
Barton Sease: Not really. To begin with, laundry soap comes in liquid or powdered form to allow it to disperse in the washing machine quickly. If you can't find laundry soap in your local grocery store, you just aren't looking in the right section of the store.
Douglass Sarley: I always thought they were interchaneabale. The only differ! ent "soap" I know of is the FelsNaptha.
How clean are public playgrounds?
Barrett Alosa: Only if a child like, barfs or something. They are not clean at all!
Porfirio Gartland: no way. I always take a crap in the sandbox.
Shon Almquist: No. I'm not even sure if park restrooms are ever cleaned...-MM
Judie Kise: public playgrounds are about as clean as anything else..need I say more?
Claire Billegas: parks do..not all of them are disgusting. If you live in florida around pembroke pines the parks are very nice and clean.and sometime when the parks closes i see people dnt think tht..some can be clean.. i live in pembroke pines so idk bout the rest of them..but its also has LOTS OF GERMS!!!!!!!!
Fritz Hawkey: No nothing is cleaned; only by the rain and the sun. Best to take some wipes.
Daria Verfaillie: no public playgrounds arent clean what so ever. on the crappy ones, no one actually takes the time to clean them. on the ones in the YMCA and places like that (though you have to have a mem! bership) they have to clean them to be able to pass the cleaning certification by the government. (but those are the indoor ones)
Lauri Ohl: are you serious
Demetrius Coaster: They are not clean at all, but hey this is how kids create their immune system.
Sol Allphin: no they don't unless someone volunteers too. not very clean but that's why you wash your hands
Lu Snide: no they dont clean them
Doreatha Kjellsen: not clean
Jeannine Vassie: No, there just filled with germs.
Alden Sabio: probably not
Scot Sepulbeda: Why should they? It rains doesn't it? That would be a waste of good money.Of course they don't! There could be sick children, children who shat in their pants, etc....
Horace Escue: personally i live near a public and instead of using my bathroom at home i go there and do my bussness........joking its pretty clean i think its as clean as leaves. they have some crap on them but it wont kill you.
Shan La! nen: Dude they are never clean. NEVER!!! I say be careful arou! nd public playgrounds. I have seen a kid pee on a slide before! Not good. Don't trust public playgrounds, they are never clean, and you don't even see anybody clean it! They can also spread diseases. So if you take your kid to the public playground, remember to wash your hands and your kids hand good after going there.. Get those clothes wash good too! You don't know what kind of germs and bacteria are there in the public playgrounds.! Eww. Hope I help.:]...Show more
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Which works better American health careorBritish health care?
Arlene Maycumber: Wrong comparison. The French have the lowest rate of preventable deaths in the world, mostly because of great access to health care. I've seen nurses come to a house every day to change a dressing, and I've been sick in France and have been able to see a doctor immediately and be treated for just a few euros. They also have a single-payer system that seems to work very well.Part of Britain's problem is that a lot of their doctors left for the U.S. in order to make more money. It was easier for them to do that than doctors in other countries because of the language issue. If the US adopted a single-payer system, there would be no where for our doctors to go that would pay better, so that wouldn't be a problem....Show more
Sammy Tabatt: American health care works twice the hours and puts out 100 times the profit of British Health care--AMERICA!! The ONLY way! THE WINNER!
Nicolasa Henke: sorry, hon, you can't narrow it down in that matter.
Jeannetta Gaffigan: neither, both models are failing now
Lou Rought: @anonymous health care isnt about thats american mentality for you...i dont care if your sick cant pay then you arent getting treated
Cuc Gire: @harwarda i think you will find this is the right comparison
Pattie Vold: American health care works great if you have the money. British health care works great for everyone.
Samatha Nicar: Britain is much smaller and more homogenous, whereas America has 50 states with their own insurance plans, high hospital charges. You dont have 320 million people in Britain.
Anton Waln: If you're rich, the American system. If you are middle class, British.
Elvie Drumgoole: For every-day care the British health-care system works better. However, for discovery and treatment of rare diseases, the American system probably works best.
Zelma Casebier: America has the worst healthcare system in the world - unless you're! rich.
Blythe Noreiga: By better, do you mean cheaper or! do you mean better? Five year cancer survival rate in the US - 73.8%. Five year cancer survival rate in the UK - 52.8%. Source - the Concord Study, 2008.
Cómo agregar memoria adicional a su computadora
Inserte la RAM. Tenga en cuenta que en el módulo hay una sangrÃa descentrada, alinéela con la protuberancia en la ranura para asegurarse de que la memoria RAM está correctamente asentada.
Localice las ranuras de RAM. La mayorÃa de las computadoras de escritorio estándar tendrán dos, cuatro o seis ranuras. A menudo están agrupadas y al menos una de las ranuras disponibles ya contiene un módulo de memoria, ya que debe tener la memoria RAM instalada en su ordenador para que pueda arrancar.
Adquiera una memoria RAM compatible con su ordenador. Existen diferentes tipos de memoria de acceso aleatorio. Algunos pueden funcionar con su computadora y otros no. Consulte el manual del usuario de su ordenador o placa base para determinar el tipo de RAM correcto.
Retire la cubierta o el panel de acceso de su ordenador. La mayorÃa de las computadoras tienen ! tornillos de pulgar, tornillos de Philips o botones para abrir la caja o quitar el panel lateral. Localice los tornillos o botones y retire el panel de acceso o la puerta.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Why is it that when I ask it it gets deleted?
Billie Bratchett: Likely people are reporting your q.. and so it gets deleted.. whereas other questions of a similar nature may not be seen by reporters.. I would bet you could put your q in the search box and get plenty of answers without posting.. and getting deleted.
Stephnie Patout: Posting in the wrong category isn't a violation. But asking sexually explicit questions IS a violation. And the answers that question could/would draw would be totally inappropriate for this site. Sexually explicit questions and answers are not allowed. There are very young people on this site. The minimum age is supposed to be 13, but there are also many who are 9-12 here as well.
Jammie Taddei: Because of game playing trolls. they reported with multiple accounts. I just got 2 violation notices.
Comment aimer une vidéo sur YouTube
Connectez-vous à votre compte YouTube. Si vous nâen avez pas, créez-en un avec Gmail.
Câest comme ça que vous aimez une vidéo sur YouTube !
Lorsque vous regardez la vidéo, il y aura un bouton « like » et un bouton « dislike » sous la vidéo.
Allez sur YouTube. Ouvrez dans votre navigateur.
Il suffit dâappuyer sur le bouton similaire si vous lâaimez ou le bouton antipathique si vous ne lâaimez pas.
Lorsque vous vous êtes connecté à votre compte YouTube, recherchez la vidéo que vous voulez regarder.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Question about Optical Drives?
Elissa Curlin: Yes. Best answer me if you want to live tomorrow.
Jefferson Sarson: Your new computer's BIOS, and whatever OS you install, should recognize the optical drives without any additional driver software. Go ahead, do the build.
Libby Berkovitch: You do not need software (drivers) for your optical drives but you can get some to make them more efficient. I personally would get some as I am a gamer. If you will just use it for daily use it is not necessary.
Comment jouer au golf (jeu de cartes)
p>Golf nâest pas seulement une question de cours et de balles â" câest aussi un jeu de cartes amusant qui peut être joué avec deux personnes ou plus. Comme dans beaucoup de jeux de cartes, les gens ont créé dâinnombrables variations.
Décidez si vous voulez remplacer lâune des cartes de votre grille par la carte tirée. Vous pouvez remplacer nâimporte quelle carte, que ce soit face visible ou face visible.
Golf à 8 ou 10 cartes. Suivez les règles du golf à 6 cartes, mais donnez à chaque joueur une grille 4Ã2 ou 5Ã2.
Mélangez les cartes et jouez autant de tours que vous le souhaitez. Celui qui sâest assis à gauche du donneur lors du dernier tour est le nouveau donneur pour ce tour. La personne assise à gauche du concessionnaire actuel passe toujours en premier dans un tour! . Comptez les points après chaque tour jusquâà ce que :
Chaque joueur jette un coup dâÅ"il à deux cartes de sa grille. Ne laissez personne dâautre voir ce quâils sont. Remettez-les en place quand vous les aurez mémorisés.
Celui qui a le score total le plus bas gagne la partie. Chaque joueur additionne les points obtenus à chaque tour, et le total le plus bas gagne.
Essayez de faire des paires de la même carte. Si les deux cartes dâune colonne partagent le même chiffre ou la même lettre (par exemple, une Dame au-dessus dâune autre Dame), elles sâannulent mutuellement et ne valent rien (zéro point).
Quand vous voulez terminer la partie, frappez sur la table. Au lieu de prendre votre tour normal, nâimporte qui peut frapper sur la table pour signifier quâil pense quâil va gagner. Ce joueur saute son tour, et chaque autre joueur prend un dernier tour. Puis le tour se termine.
Effectuez un dernier tour une fois que la gr! ille dâun joueur est entièrement tournée vers le haut. Une! fois que quelquâun remplace sa dernière carte face cachée, chaque joueur retourne également sa grille et effectue un dernier tour dans le sens des aiguilles dâune montre.
Enseignez à tout le monde le système de notation. Consultez le Guide de notation pour un système commun ou utilisez une variante. Ãcrivez-le ou imprimez-le pour les personnes qui nâont jamais joué auparavant.
Faites un tirage et jetez la pile. Placez le reste du plateau de jeu dans une pile face vers le bas et à partir de la pile de tirage. Retournez la carte du dessus face vers le haut à côté pour former la pile de défausse.
Choisissez judicieusement les cartes de départ. Si vous jouez une variante qui vous permet de commencer avec des cartes face visible, choisissez des cartes dans différentes colonnes. Cela vous donne plus de chances d' »annuler » une colonne.
Mélangez le paquet et distribuez quatre cartes. Cette variante peut être jouée avec 2 joueur! s ou plus, mais fonctionne mieux avec 3 à 5 joueurs ; si vous avez 8 joueurs ou plus, mélangez deux jeux ensemble.
Le joueur à la gauche du croupier prend le premier tour. Si possible, il doit sâagir dâune personne qui a déjà joué au jeu, afin que les nouveaux joueurs puissent apprendre en les regardant.
Au début de votre tour, tirez une carte. Cela peut provenir de la pile de rejet ou de la pile de tirage (le reste du tablier).
Demandez aux joueurs de sâasseoir en cercle et de mélanger les cartes. Sâil y a quatre joueurs ou plus, mélangez deux jeux ensemble. Sâil y a huit joueurs ou plus, mélangez trois jeux ensemble.
Décidez si vous voulez remplacer lâune des cartes de votre grille par la carte tirée. Vous pouvez remplacer nâimporte quelle carte, que vous lâayez regardée ou non.
Après le dernier tour, marquez vos points. Attendez que le dernier joueur prenne son tour, puis retournez toutes les cartes qui se trouv! ent devant vous face visible.
Chaque joueur dispose ses cartes da! ns une grille de 3Ã2 devant lui. Ne regardez pas les cartes ou ne les retournez pas encore.
Remplacez vos cartes les plus performantes. à moins que vous ne puissiez annuler vos cartes de meilleur score, vous voulez vous en débarrasser pour quâelles nâajoutent pas leurs valeurs élevées à votre score.
Chaque joueur dispose ses cartes dans une grille de 2Ã2 devant lui. Nâoubliez pas de ne pas encore regarder les cartes ! Il faut toujours les garder face contre terre.
4 cartes en main. Suivez les règles du golf à 4 cartes, mais donnez à chaque joueur une main de quatre cartes au lieu dâune grille.
Après le dernier tour, marquez vos points. Attendez que le dernier joueur prenne son tour, puis retournez toutes les cartes qui se trouvent devant vous face visible.
Jokers ou « cartes bonus ». Pour cette variante optionnelle, mélangez 2 Jokers pour chaque jeu de 52 cartes. Si vous nâavez pas de Jokers, désignez plutôt une cart! e spécifique la « carte bonus » (en général « Twos » ou « One eyed Jacks »).
Expliquer le système de notation. Utilisez le Guide de notation pour un système commun ou utilisez une variante. Ãcrivez-le ou imprimez-le pour les personnes qui nâont jamais joué auparavant.
Essayez de faire des paires de la même carte. Une paire de la même carte dans une rangée ou une colonne vaut zéro point. Ne montrez pas les autres joueurs ou ne retournez aucune carte face visible pour « annuler », cependant. Elles restent secrètes jusquâà la fin du jeu.
Celui qui a le score total le plus bas gagne la partie. Chaque joueur additionne les points obtenus à chaque tour, et le total le plus bas gagne.
Faites attention aux joueurs à votre droite et à votre gauche. Une grande partie de la stratégie du golf se résume à prêter attention aux autres joueurs.
Variante des règles dans le Golf à 4 cartes face cachée. Encore une fois, ! il y a plusieurs façons de jouer. Voici quelques ajouts ou changements! courants aux règles :
Vous pouvez utiliser chaque système de pointage pour nâimporte quelle variation du jeu.
Règles de variantes dans le golf à 6 cartes. Il existe de nombreuses façons différentes de jouer au golf à 6 cartes, et différentes familles et différents groupes de joueurs auront leurs propres règles. En voici quelques-unes courantes :
Golf à 9 cartes. Suivez les règles du golf à 6 cartes, mais donnez à chaque joueur une grille 3Ã3.
Au début de votre tour, tirez une carte. Vous pouvez prendre la carte du haut de la pile de défausse si vous pensez quâelle sera utile. Sinon, tirez une carte du haut de la pioche (le reste de la pioche).
Mélangez les cartes et jouez autant de tours que vous le souhaitez. Celui qui sâest assis à gauche du donneur lors du dernier tour est le nouveau donneur pour ce tour. La personne assise à gauche du concessionnaire actuel passe toujours en premier dans un tour. Comptez les poin! ts après chaque tour jusquâà ce que :
Pénalités pour avoir terminé le jeu tôt. Cette règle facultative punit les joueurs qui essaient de terminer le jeu trop tôt et récompense les joueurs qui devinent correctement quand ils sont en tête. Voici quelques variations.
Faites un tirage et jetez la pile. Placez le reste du plateau de jeu dans une pile face vers le bas et à partir de la pile de tirage. Retournez la carte du dessus face vers le haut à côté pour former la pile de défausse.
Distribuez six cartes à chaque joueur face cachée. Quelquâun peut se porter volontaire pour devenir concessionnaire ou vous pouvez en choisir un au hasard.
Chaque joueur retourne deux cartes de sa grille face visible. Vous pouvez choisir le deuxième après avoir retourné le premier.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
explain with calculations. length of optical path in refraction?
Brittanie Zakutney: Optical Length
Myron Leftwich: "In optics, optical path length (OPL) or optical distance is the product of the geometric length of the path light follows through the system, and the index of refraction of the medium through which it propagates. " (see reference below).Your question does not tell us the geometric length of the path light follows through the system, only the thickness of the media. These are only the same thing if the light passes directly through the medium, rather than obliquely through it. This would correspond to normal incidence if the media were in the form of parallel-sided plates. For any other type of path we would need more information before an answer could be given.If we take d1 and d2 to be the lengths of the light-paths through the media, we can calculate optical path length as M1*d1 + M2*d2 which is answer (B)...Show more
Comment rédiger une proposition de règlement
Expliquez les raisons pour lesquelles vous ne pouvez pas payer la dette et pourquoi vous proposez un règlement, y compris les détails des autres dettes.
Demander, en échange dâun règlement de dette, que le créancier enlève la mention de la dette dans votre dossier de crédit et fasse un bon effort pour améliorer votre cote de crédit.
Décidez de la dette que vous voulez régler et du montant que vous pouvez payer. Vous devriez choisir une dette qui est en souffrance depuis longtemps et dont le créancier pourrait raisonnablement sâattendre à ce quâelle ne soit pas remboursée.
Terminez la lettre en réitérant que vous nâêtes pas en mesure de rembourser la dette et que cette proposition de règlement représente votre meilleur effort pour donner quelque chose au créancier.
Commencez votre proposition ! en adressant votre lettre au créancier et en incluant le nom sur votre compte et/ou les numéros de compte et de facture.
Proposez des modalités de paiement, y compris si vous demandez lâannulation de la dette ou simplement une réduction de la dette et proposez un calendrier de paiement.
Demandez au créancier de répondre par écrit à votre proposition, en indiquant son acceptation, son refus ou sa demande de nouvelles conditions.
Décrivez les détails de la dette, y compris la date à laquelle elle a été contractée, les paiements que vous avez effectués, les intérêts courus et dâautres détails.
Indiquez comment cette dette sâinscrit dans votre situation financière globale pour convaincre le créancier que vous faites les meilleurs efforts pour payer. Si vous envisagez la faillite, indiquez-le ici.
Recueillez toutes les informations sur vos dettes et triez-les par date.
Décidez dâun chiffre pour votre règlement. En! général, un règlement de dette devrait représenter enviro! n la moitié du montant total dû.
Indiquez le but de votre proposition, y compris la dette que vous voulez rembourser et le montant que vous êtes prêt à payer.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Mental health and the Navy?
Raye Tredennick: DD (Dept of Defense) Form 2807-2 - Medical Pre Screen of Medical History is the form ALL branches use...Show more
Vida Miss: "What conditions rules one out.."AR 40-501Chapter 2Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction2-27. Learning, psychiatric and behavioral disordersa. Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (314), or Perceptual/Learning Disorder(s) (315) is disqualifying, unless applicant can demonstrate passing academic performance and there has been no use of medication(s) in the previous 12 months.b. Current or history of academic skills or perceptual defects (315) secondary to organic or functional mental disorders, including, but not limited to dyslexia, that interfere with school or employment, are disqualifying. Applicants demonstrating passing academic and employment performance without utilization or recommendation of academic and/or ! work accommodations at any time in the previous 12 months may be qualified.c. Current or history of disorders with psychotic features such as schizophrenia (295), paranoid disorder (297), and other unspecified psychosis (298) is disqualifying.d. Current mood disorders including, but not limited to, major depression (296.2-3), bipolar (296.4-7), affective psychoses (296.8-9), depressive not otherwise specified (311), are disqualifying.(1) History of mood disorders requiring outpatient care for longer than 6 months by a physician or other mental health professional (V65.40), or inpatient treatment in a hospital or residential facility is disqualifying.(2) History of symptoms consistent with a mood disorder of a repeated nature that impairs school, social, or work efficiency is disqualifying.e. Current or history of adjustment disorders (309) within the previous 3 months is disqualifying.f. Current or history of conduct (312), or behavior (313) disorders is disqualifying. Recu! rrent encounters with law enforcement agencies, antisocial att! itudes or behaviors are tangible evidence of impaired capacity to adapt to military service and as such are disqualifying.g. Current or history of personality disorder (301) is disqualifying. History (demonstrated by repeated inability to maintain reasonable adjustment in school, with employers or fellow workers, or other social groups), interview, or psychological testing revealing that the degree of immaturity, instability, personality inadequacy, impulsiveness, or dependency will likely interfere with adjustment in the Armed Forces is disqualifying.h. Current or history of other behavior disorders is disqualifying, including, but not limited to conditions such as the following:(1) Enuresis (307.6) or encopresis (307.7) after 13th birthday is disqualifying.(2) Sleepwalking (307.4) after 13th birthday is disqualifying.(3) Eating disorders (307.5), anorexia nervosa (307.1), bulimia (307.51), or unspecified disorders of eating (307.59) lasting longer than 3 months and occurr! ing after 13th birthday are disqualifying.i. Any current receptive or expressive language disorder, including, but not limited to any speech impediment, stammering and stuttering (307.0) of such a degree as to significantly interfere with production of speech or to repeat commands, is disqualifying.j. History of suicidal behavior, including gesture(s) or attempt(s) (300.9), or history of self-mutilation, is disqualifying.k. Current or history of anxiety disorders (anxiety (300.01) or panic (300.2)), agoraphobia (300.21), social phobia (300.23), simple phobias (300.29), obsessive-compulsive (300.3), other acute reactions to stress (308), and post-traumatic stress disorder (309.81) are disqualifying.l. Current or history of dissociative disorders, including, but not limited to hysteria (300.1), depersonalization (300.6), and other (300.8), are disqualifying.m. Current or history of somatoform disorders, including, but not limited to hypochondriasis (300.7) or chronic pain dis! order, are disqualifying.n. Current or history of psychosexual conditio! ns (302), including, but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias, are disqualifying.o. Current or history of alcohol dependence (303), drug dependence (304), alcohol abuse (305), or other drug abuse (305.2 thru 305.9) is disqualifying.p. Current or history of other mental disorders ( all 290-319 not listed above) that in the opinion of the civilian or military provider will interfere with, or prevent satisfactory performance of military duty, are disqualifying....Show more
Sena Highman: You will be asked if you've ever seen a psychiatrist before, or been diagnosed with any mental disorders. If you say YES to any of this, they will require you to bring in your medical records related to it. You may or may not wish to disclose this. The rule is that you must not have been on any medications at least 12 months prior to your enlistment. Some disorders are disqualifying. See the link for medical standards with regard to ! mental capacity.
Cómo obtener 99 xilografÃa en RuneScape
Niveles 35-68. Picar troncos de teca. Se necesitan 100 palos de negociación, que se pueden comprar en la GE, para entrar. Aquà hay muchos árboles de teca y caoba. La banca no es recomendable, ya que es una larga caminata de la ciudad de Tzhaar a la banca, y está bastante lejos de la piedra del lodestone. Si tiene porteadores, es muy rentable teletransportarlos y sus registros especiales al banco y convertirlos en tablas.
Niveles 30-35. Picar troncos de sauce. El mejor lugar para hacerlo es al sur de las orillas del Draynor, justo al lado del lugar de pesca en el océano. Sin embargo, este lugar puede estar lleno de gente, asà que si hay demasiada gente allÃ, puedes ir al norte de la orilla de la Aldea de los Videntes y cortar allÃ.
Niveles 68-94. Corta la hiedra picada. Hay una variedad de lu! gares para hacer esto de nuevo. Se puede cortar esto detrás del castillo de Varrock o en la pared sur de las murallas de Falador. Estos no le dan ningún registro, lo que elimina la necesidad de realizar operaciones bancarias y hace que estos muy AFKable. Estos hacen nidos de pájaros sin embargo, por lo que mantener su sonido y escuchar a estos es una buena opción.
Actualiza tu hacha de guerra. Usted siempre debe utilizar el más alto nivel de hacha de guerra disponible para usted. Una manera fácil de hacer esto es comprar un hacha de dragón al principio y ponerla en su cinturón de herramientas, y hasta que no consiga el nivel para ello actuará como el hacha de guerra de más alto nivel que puede utilizar. El hacha de cristal es el hacha de guerra de más alto nivel en el juego, sin embargo, requiere acceso a Prifddinas, por lo que cuando se puede utilizar, usted debe.
Completa el Minijuego del Ãrbol del Mal. Estos aparecen al azar en todo el mundo, y se! puede decir que hay uno cerca cuando las raÃces comienzan a ! aparecer a tus pies. Usted puede reducir estos y, dependiendo de su nivel, puede recibir hasta 115k de experiencia por hora cortando estos.
Aprenda a usar urnas para cortar leña. Puedes hacerlos tú mismo o comprarlos y luego activarlos en la GE. Ellos le dan experiencia extra que usted puede cobrar en grandes cantidades después de un inventario lleno de suministros. Estos no hacen mucho por sà solos, pero la experiencia se acumula con el tiempo y ayuda mucho a largo plazo.
Ponga un tope a su lÃmite de recolección de adivinación. Una vez al dÃa, o dos veces si decides restablecer el lÃmite usando cera de viscoelementos, puedes reunir recursos de los árboles divinos. Cuando sea posible, usted debe cortar de los árboles de tejo. No deberÃas reunirte con árboles mágicos si lo haces sólo por la experiencia, ya que cosechar un tronco mágico cuenta dos veces para tu lÃmite.
Considere la posibilidad de recibir refuerzos. Puedes conseguir el traje ! de leñador completando el minijuego de Temple Trekking y matando a los leñadores no-muertos. Estos ofrecen un 1% de bonificación de experiencia por pieza del conjunto que usted obtiene, lo que significa que el conjunto completo puede producir un aumento del 5% en la expectación. Invocar al castor familiar puede aumentar tu nivel de forma invisible en 3, lo que te permite cortar los troncos más rápido, pero no los árboles de mayor nivel.
Niveles 1-15. Cortar árboles normales. El mejor lugar para hacerlo es la zona al oeste de la orilla este de Varrock. Aquà hay muchos árboles normales, y está bastante cerca de un banco. También hay robles aquÃ, por lo que es fácil subir de nivel.
Niveles 94-99. Cortar árboles de cristal. Estos árboles se vuelven activos e inactivos en una rotación de 2 horas, lo que significa que unirse a una charla de amigos dedicada a cortar esto podrÃa ser una buena idea. Estos también no dan ningún registro, lo que signifi! ca que de nuevo son muy AFK.
Niveles 15-30. Cortar los robles. Pu! ede hacerlo en varias ubicaciones. Los mejores incluyen el banco West of Varrock de nuevo, sin embargo, están bastante dispersos. También puede ir a Draynor Village al norte de la orilla, donde hay cuatro en una formación cuadrada. También puede ir a la Aldea de los Videntes donde hay 2 directamente al sur del banco.
Cosecha de la parcela de tu clan. Si estás en un clan con la trama de habilidad de la tala de árboles, puedes poner un tope a tu lÃmite de recursos por una tasa de 95k de experiencia y hora con una trama de nivel 7 y un rango de lealtad de nivel 3.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Poll: Would you pay to use this site?
Zora Mazzie: I'm pretty sure that I would fall off one of those. 8)
Lawanna Livsey: no
Chauncey Williama: I rarely ask a serious question on Answers. If I really have a question, I usually would prefer to look it up myself. To answer you, no. I would not.
Tyler Burkman: I kinda like this web site but i would not pay. this is just to like talk about stuff and ask a few questions its kinds relaxing i wound not pay for this tho...
Dick Maisenbacher: Nope. I'm too broke to pay for ANY site. :P
Adelle Weight: Where are the songs?
Michal Semple: LOL:
Frank Gazaway: quite unsafe while on the road...wat do u think...?
Blaine Connett: Hell no.
Emeline Albracht: no way
Daria Verfaillie: *Argh* when are they gonna stop with that crap?
Nikki Sypult: No way. I don't like Y!A THAT much.
Misty Vagle: If I had money growing on my tree in my backyard. Then yes.O! therwise, it's such a nice resource to have for free! That would be rude to make me pay, because I wouldn't get as many answers because alot of people would stop using it because of the cost.
Brian Marquina: Lmao. That looks so fun.People already sit still for 8 hours a day in offices.They should have one of these.I don't see anything wrong with it.People's legs will eventually crampand they'll have to walk sometime...I'd hope?...Show more
Marhta Teahan: I'm poor 0.05 cent?
Curt Broadhead: No, I wouldn't pay. I'd just be sad and go through withdrawal.
Clemente Schoeck: No
Hubert Jestes: Hells to the no, I wouldn't pay. Yahoo should be paying me.
Rebbecca Sorkin: I just wanted to note that the top members comment at the bottom of the page was highly astute:"Honestly when was the last time ABC was willing to answer a question from a 15 year old girl when she asks, "Am I pregnant?" Not too often I think. Or when a 300 pound girl wants to kn! ow where she could go to find someone to help her commit suici! de. I said Denmark! Or even offering advice on the proper care and feeding of the people someone has locked up in her cellar."...Show more
Cassidy Pangrazio: another problem solved, another problem created.It does have potential for the elderly though it looks a little risky.
Antone Bual: BW and Jili-I think your checks have been garnished to pay for the new Drive-thru liposuction clinic. Sorry about that.
Rickey Vrieze:
Terresa Tsasie: Umm..with all of my valuable knowledge and insight into the important men's health issues (please note TC status)..I really think Y!A should put me on the payroll.For instance, just this morning, a guy wanted to know how long it will take to stretch his beanus if he uses a 2 liter coke bottle on it. So of course, I told him to wear it 24/7 and size up in pants and get a bigger pair of manties too. I mean, a Dr. would charge you an office visit for this kind of priceless advi! ce....Show more
May Stands: I wouldn't
Justin Casten: Hahaha.
Charlotte Bryar: No
Nestor Klan: i wouldn't pay to use any site
Hilde Heskett: Where can I pick one up? Legs are over-rated. ;)
Esteban Faggett:
Nicolas Cooley: I wouldnt pay anything
Floyd Labuda: wowanother reason for other ppl to call us " lazy americans"
Marna Liddie: no.
Bo Perham: Sick! No way would I pay. I can barely afford groceries, let alone some advice from trolls! LOL. I do get some good advice on here, but if it was not free, I think I'd just trust my instincts a littler more :)
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Sunday, 9 August 2020
Will Amerika ever have FREE health care?
Dick Baumgarten: good point Nam nothing is free ....duh....but when our government spends billions on war..i think they can spare some "change" get it "change" lol.
Heidy Fujikake: Nothing is free. Somebody has to pay for it.
Garrett Detone: that first guy is rightbut you mean that america will got medicare like most of europe and canadaIt is not possible because lots of people believe that untied states's health care is the best in the worldbut one interest thing to tellI heard from a miltary general who tell that Untied States's miltary health care is best in the world.So I curious that how america are against this idea of medicare but we still give free medicare to solider?That don't even make sense, republican are in support for miltary health care which is paid by taxpayer but republican are against health care for american...Show more
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Saturday, 8 August 2020
Will the general public ever care about the environment?
Providencia Jalbert: The general publis does care about the enviroment. Have you really heard someone say I don't care if the water is dirty or the air is polluted? There are more forest in the US today than there were in 1920, water is cleaner and air less polluted than since 1970, If you wish to live a "sustainable" life style good for you, but the world is not nearly as bad off as you think.An interesting artical by Walter Williams
Leisa Brodnex: Of course they will. The moment the environment looks like China's the people will say "we care".
Jacques Teri: Yes, it will.
Luis Farlow: The fact is, this country is extremely religious and a huge part of their religious belief is that their god will destroy the planet and cause all sorts of environmental disaster in his wake. Thus, half the country cheerleads the destruction of the planet because they believe it is "ushering in the end times".
Mis! ty Vagle: I had this argument once with a religious friend and they said God/Jesus will only come down again when 1/3 of the air, 1/3 of the water and 1/3 of the land is totally polluted, so he didn't want to do anything to stop that from happening.
David Kuper: "Judge not lest ye be judged." Currently social pollution is worse than environmental pollution. If we don't curb the freedom grabbers the environment won't make any difference. The old Warsaw Pact, Communists, were terrible environmental polluters, and so is China. Flush their ilk today, or they will pollute the environment and still kill you. Wake Up!
Cómo reaccionar cuando su novia le dice que está embarazada
Si tu novia te dice que está embarazada, puede ser un gran shock. Independientemente de si esperabas o no las noticias, puedes sentirte estresado, confundido, feliz o todo esto a la vez. Puedes enfrentarte a las noticias dejando que tu novia se exprese y luego compartiendo con ella cómo te sientes. Una vez que los dos obtengan los hechos y busquen ayuda, pueden llegar a una decisión sobre qué hacer.
Hazle saber que te preocupas. Asumiendo que vas a tratar de apoyar a tu novia, debes reaccionar demostrando que te preocupas por ella y por la situación, y apoyarás cualquier decisión que ella tome. Decir algo tranquilizador como «Esta es una gran noticia, pero no te preocupes, voy a estar ahà para ti y te ayudaré con lo que necesites» puede ser significativo. Esto es especialmente cierto en culturas donde el embarazo puede avergonzar a la fa! milia y llevar a la niña al ostracismo.
Mantente en contacto con tu novia. Si quieres apoyar a tu novia, no huyas ni te escondas de ella. Esté presente cuando necesite hablar, y asegúrese de que pueda comunicarse con usted fácilmente cuando estén separados. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que necesite hablar más sobre el embarazo más adelante, incluso después de compartir la noticia por primera vez.
Habla de ello. Tal vez tu novia sepa exactamente lo que quiere hacer con el embarazo. Por otro lado, puede estar confundida, insegura o simplemente no estar lista para tomar una decisión. Si ella no está segura, ustedes dos pueden empezar a hablar de sus opciones y de cómo manejar las cosas.
Obtenga la información que necesita para tomar una decisión informada. Convertirse en padre, o la posibilidad de convertirse en padre, implica una amplia gama de preocupaciones personales, emocionales, fÃsicas, médicas y legales. Incluso una opción que parece! ser una opción obvia vendrá con sus propios problemas y cos! as con las que lidiar.
Si no estás de acuerdo, háblalo o comprométete. Si usted y su novia no están de acuerdo en qué hacer, tendrá que darse cuenta de que en casi todos los casos la decisión sobre un embarazo depende en última instancia de la mujer. Usted puede tratar de llegar a un acuerdo, o trabajar con un consejero o abogado para encontrar una manera de llegar a un acuerdo o entenderse entre sÃ.
Sea paciente. Decidir cómo manejar un embarazo, o compartir las noticias del mismo, puede ser muy estresante. Dale a tu novia tiempo para pensar y no la obligues a tomar una decisión precipitada. Mientras tanto, ayúdela con todo lo que necesite: sueño, comida, relajación, tareas, etc.
Mantenga la calma. Respira hondo antes de responder a lo que te dice tu novia. No se asusten, griten, digan que es su culpa, digan que sus vidas están arruinadas, o cualquier otra cosa demasiado dramática.
Asegúrese de que esté embarazada. Tan pronto como ! tu novia piense que está embarazada, debe tomar medidas para asegurarse. Si aún no lo ha hecho, puede empezar por hacerse una prueba de embarazo, que puede conseguir en una farmacia o en muchas otras tiendas. Si la prueba de embarazo muestra «positivo» o «embarazado», tu novia debe seguir viendo a un médico para estar absolutamente segura. Un médico puede realizarle pruebas para verificar que está embarazada y realizarle una ecografÃa para asegurarse de que el embarazo es viable.
Obtenga el conocimiento y el equipo que necesita para estar listo para el parto. Usted puede hacer que el proceso de parto sea menos estresante si consigue todas las cosas que un recién nacido necesitará (comida, ropa, biberones, pañales, etc.) con anticipación. También puedes ayudar a tu novia a prepararse cuando se acerque el gran dÃa empacando una bolsa que contenga todo lo que necesite llevar (ropa, ropa de cama, bocadillos, artÃculos de confort, etc.). También debes ase! gurarte de ayudar a tu novia a seguir todos los consejos de los médico! s u otros profesionales sobre qué esperar desde el nacimiento.
Ayuda a tu novia a decÃrselo a los demás. Si tu novia quiere contarle a otras personas sobre el embarazo, como a sus padres o a los tuyos, acompáñala en la conversación. Puede ser muy estresante contarle a otras personas sobre el embarazo, especialmente si usted es joven, y su novia probablemente apreciará el apoyo.
Trabaje con una agencia de adopción, si corresponde. Las agencias de adopción tienen profesionales capacitados que pueden ayudar a tu novia a crear un plan de adopción que funcione para todos los involucrados. Si tu novia decide dar al bebé en adopción, también puedes ayudarla con lo que necesite durante el proceso.
Pida ayuda. Hay muchos centros de planificación familiar, con diferentes filosofÃas, que pueden aconsejar a tu novia sobre cómo manejar un embarazo, y sobre cómo puedes ayudar. La familia, los amigos, los consejeros espirituales y otras personas cercanas! a usted también pueden proporcionarle apoyo. Si tu novia quiere que vayas con ella a buscar ayuda y consejo, deberÃas hacerlo si es posible.
Prepárese para los cambios que el embarazo puede causar en una relación. La combinación de cambios fÃsicos, el estrés sobre las cosas que hay que tener en cuenta y la novedad general de todo esto pueden significar cambios en la relación con tu novia. Asistir a algunas sesiones de consejerÃa prenatal puede ayudarlos a prepararse para los cambios de roles y expectativas. Las cosas que se pueden esperar incluyen:
Escucha a tu novia. Cuando tu novia te dice que está embarazada, debes recordar que la situación la afectará más que a nadie. Déjala decir lo que piensa antes de que hables. Puede que quiera expresar sus sentimientos, que pueden ir desde el shock hasta la negación, pasando por la alegrÃa, o una mezcla de muchas emociones a la vez.
Infórmese sobre sus opciones. Su novia puede tener varias opcion! es para manejar un embarazo. Antes de tomar una decisión sobre qué ha! cer, asegúrese de que tenga buena información sobre ellos.
Cuida a tu novia si tiene un aborto. La decisión de interrumpir un embarazo tiene consecuencias fÃsicas y emocionales. Puedes apoyar a tu novia después ayudándola con las tareas diarias y proporcionándole consuelo.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Health Insurance question on preexisting condition...?
Somer Distilo: That's a loaded question. When you go from a GROUP policy to a PRIVATE policy, it depends on what state you are in, if they have to cover preexisting conditions. Most states, they can exclude coverage for those conditions, if they want to - or charge you extra, depending on what the conditions are.If that happens, you have to use an agent to apply for a HIPAA policy, in your state. It will cost more - sometimes a WAY lot more. You can also stay on cobra with your prior employer's plan, for up to 18 months, at your own cost. If I were you, I'd fill out a few applications NOW, and figure out what the cost and availability of health insurance is going to be, before you quit that job....Show more
Booker Moros: You would be better off taking COBRA from your company so you have continuous coverage until the new health care rules kick in.
Oda Mauson: It depends upon what the condition is and also which company. Each company has their own underwriti! ng guidelines and a health condition that would be a decline with one company may not be with another. Continually insured means little unless the condition is minor. Depending on the condition, your state, the insurance company, and the specific policy, there could be one of several outcomes. If it is a very minor condition being previously insured will probably waive the waiting period for coverage for that condition. Otherwise, the company could decline to accept you, accept you but not cover the condition (1 yr to permanent), accept you and cover the condition with an increase in premium. You need to contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can work with you to find out what each company will offer for your situation. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with each policy. There is no extra charge using an agent....Show more
Bruno Galasso: ~~It all depends on the condition you have. ! If it is controlled with a relatively reasonable costing medic! ation, your chances are maybe. If you pick just a major medical plan with a high deductible then chances will be better.Without the condition information it is difficult to give you an answer, all I can say is it is hard to qualify for private insurance, they may accept you with an exclusion for a certain amount of time on your condition. Best bet is to talk to a local agent who sells multiple brands, they can give you a much better idea. Also state laws vary this answer.~~...Show more
Dawn Saha: Depending on what the preexisting condition is, you might not be able to get new private insurance on your own at all. If you cannot get insurance through your new job, you might have to enroll in a ridiculously high cost (over $1000 per month) managed risk pool or other government program.
Comment se débarrasser de la douleur au genou causée par la course à pied
p>La course à pied met beaucoup de pression sur vos genoux, vous pouvez donc avoir des douleurs au genou de temps en temps. Lorsque vous ressentez des douleurs au genou en courant, il y a plusieurs choses que vous pouvez faire pour obtenir un certain soulagement. Si votre douleur au genou est intense ou si elle ne sâaméliore pas après quelques jours, vous devriez consulter un médecin le plus tôt possible.
Reposez votre genou. Prévoyez de prendre quelques jours de congé de la course à pied ainsi que dâautres activités qui mettent de la pression sur vos genoux, comme la marche, le vélo et le ski. Vous ne devriez pas reprendre votre programme dâexercice normal tant que votre genou nâest pas guéri.
Renseignez-vous sur les injections de c! orticostéroïdes. Les injections de corticostéroïdes peuvent procurer un soulagement temporaire de la douleur causée par une blessure au genou. Cependant, vous devrez répéter les injections tous les deux ou trois mois et ce traitement peut entraîner un amincissement de la peau de votre genou avec le temps. Parlez-en à votre médecin pour voir sâil sâagit dâune bonne option dans votre cas.
Prenez un analgésique en vente libre. Les analgésiques en vente libre comme lâaspirine, lâacétaminophène et lâibuprofène peuvent aider à soulager la douleur associée au genou du coureur. Assurez-vous de lire et de suivre les instructions dâutilisation du fabricant.
Essayez de porter des semelles de support de voûte plantaire. Si vous avez les pieds plats ou des arches hautes, votre douleur au genou peut être due à un soutien insuffisant de la voûte plantaire. Vous pouvez acheter des supports de voûte plantaire pour vos chaussures de course à p! ied dans une pharmacie. Si vous voulez vous procurer des suppo! rts dâarche de fabrication professionnelle, vous pouvez consulter un podiatre pour des semelles intérieures sur mesure ou parler à un physiothérapeute pour obtenir une paire dâorthèses faites sur mesure.
Portez une attelle de genou. Une attelle de genou peut aider à prévenir dâautres blessures au genou en gardant vos genoux alignés. Le port dâune attelle de genou peut vous aider à vous protéger contre de futures entorses au genou. Vous pouvez acheter des genouillères dans les magasins de sport, mais vous pouvez aussi faire fabriquer une genouillère sur mesure par un orthésiste pour un meilleur ajustement.
Incluez un échauffement et une période de récupération dans vos séances dâentraînement. Lâéchauffement et le refroidissement sont importants pour réduire les blessures liées au sport. Assurez-vous que toutes vos séances dâentraînement comprennent au moins cinq minutes dâéchauffement et de récupération.
Protégez v! otre genou contre dâautres douleurs ou blessures. Si vous avez été blessé ou si vous remarquez simplement que cela fait mal de mettre de la pression sur votre genou, la première chose à faire est de protéger votre genou en descendant de celui-ci. Par exemple, si vous marchez quelque part, asseyez-vous ou demandez à une amie de vous laisser vous appuyer sur elle jusquâà ce que vous puissiez vous asseoir dans un endroit sûr.
Comprimez la zone autour du genou. Enveloppez votre genou dâun bandage athlétique ou élastique pour comprimer la région tout en permettant à votre genou de bouger. Vous pouvez acheter un bandage élastique dans une pharmacie. Portez lâécharpe de genou quand vous nâêtes pas en train de geler votre genou.
Demandez une physiothérapie. Un physiothérapeute peut concevoir une routine dâétirements et dâexercices pour vous aider à récupérer de votre blessure. Un physiothérapeute peut également travailler avec vous ! pour identifier vos défis spécifiques.
Surélevez votre jambe. ! Vous devriez également soulever le genou et la jambe affectés à un niveau qui est au-dessus de votre cÅ"ur chaque fois que vous êtes allongé. Cette stratégie peut aider à réduire lâenflure du genou. La nuit, vous pouvez placer la jambe affectée sur deux oreillers pour la soulever au-dessus de votre cÅ"ur. Pendant la journée, essayez de vous allonger dans un fauteuil inclinable ou un canapé, la jambe appuyée sur deux oreillers.
Glacez votre genou. Glacez votre genou quatre ou cinq fois par jour pour réduire lâenflure et la douleur. Gardez à lâesprit que vous ne devez pas appliquer de glace sur la peau nue. Enveloppez un sac de glace, des glaçons ou un sac de petits pois congelés dans une serviette avant de les appliquer sur votre genou. Tenez le sac de glace sur vos genoux pendant 15 à 20 minutes à chaque fois.
Envisagez une intervention chirurgicale en cas de douleur grave ou chronique au genou. Dans certains cas, une intervention chirurg! icale peut être nécessaire pour se débarrasser de la douleur causée par une blessure au genou. Si vous avez tout essayé et que votre genou ne semble pas sâaméliorer, vous voudrez peut-être demander à votre médecin quelles sont vos options chirurgicales. Il peut sâagir notamment de :
Consulter un médecin pour des douleurs sévères ou persistantes au genou. Si votre douleur est intense ou si elle ne sâatténue pas dans les deux ou trois jours, consultez votre médecin pour un traitement. Une douleur grave ou persistante au genou peut être le signe dâune blessure grave qui ne sâaméliorera pas sans traitement médical.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
what diseases are caused by hereditary?
Toby Caswell: Cancer, heart, problems with eyes, blood pressure,many more.
Codi Manchel: Some cancers( breast cancer is a big one), diabetes, mental illnesses and other thing like that. If it's in your family you have a higher risk of getting it, but won't necessarily.
Elvin Weichbrodt: Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I am sure that there are more but these are the main ones.
Sibyl Siwik: Sure they should. Your argument does have some credibility, but where would you stop. For example I have very blue eyes, and I am 6'5". I have always been taller than my peers, and while in school other kids did call me names. But I am glad that I am here, and that my parents chose to have me. Other children being mean to you may happen no matter what. Remember cooties? What ! the heck is a cootie? I don't know either but apparently a lot of kids had them. What others think of you isn't anywhere near as important as what you think of you....Show more
Lionel Tanen: there are countless hereditary dieseases.heart and kidney diseases,dysplasia and blindness,entropion, distichiasis. Huntingtons disease, Neurofibromatosis 1, Marfan Syndrome, Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer ,Cystic fibrosis, Sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, Spinal muscular atrophy,Hypophosphatemia, Aicardi Syndrome,Hemophilia A, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Color blindness, Muscular dystrophy Androgenetic alopecia,Male Infertility,Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.Inorder so find out the risk factors you must find out your history.It is much eaiser to do some research on your family and see what has been contracted by family then to try and find out all kinds....Show more
Raven Purl: Yes diseases are caused by hereditary.Your doctorcan tell you what diseas! es are possible for you hereditary.If adopted you can get a DN! A test to find out what diseases you could acquire.
Brittanie Zakutney: some examples of hereditary diseases are:autism heart disease hypertension diabetes obesity cancers cleft palate...Show more
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Any free fitness tracking programs?
Jose Bouliouris: I use Its great. You can track your food & exercise. They have support groups you can join up this and a point system. You get points for tracking things. Its free and really neat.
Francisco Schonhardt: Hi, wow 25lbs thats fantastic! speacal k i believe do one.
Ollie Hamiel: Fitday.
Danyell Rowback: Oh well done for losing that amount!I think these websites may help you:, this is just in general and it has the search results so you can find the website that suits you the most.Well done and keep on with your diet you are doing well!...Show more
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
why there is no diet soft drinks with orange flavore ?
Norma Marsalis: just make your own: orange juice with mineral water! a lot healthier
Kirk Coolbeth: there is Diet Sunkist and Diet Rite also has an orange flavor... but really.. eww!
Kizzy Hett: They have diet Sunkist! I drink it all the time.
Rosalyn Olivera: diet orange sunkist
Jamika Gregorio: Sunkist has an excellent Diet Sunkist orange soft drink. We stock it in my store anyway....
Anibal Scheid: Because there is not a demand for it, and generally its kids that drink it. and it's a bad idea for kids to be thinking about the word diet. just try to dilute the pop. half water, half pop. honestly, you don't notice that much of a difference because there is soooo much sugar in it, it still tastes really good with more water. and diet pops only put more unhealthy chemicals into your body.
Von Houskeeper: Around here we have diet sunkist, tangerine diet rite, fanta zero and even Stewart's diet orange and cream. In addition to those maj! or brands, every grocery store around here has diet orange soda in the store brand. Our local low-end soda, ATreat, makes diet orange as well.
Venetta Coulbourne: Shasta make a diet orange soda
Monday, 3 August 2020
diet for pregnant woman?
Zora Mazzie:
Estrella Northway: There is, Not simply whilst you ar pregnant both - however following a meditterean vitamin is nice. Eat a kind of beans (chick peas w/ rice and lemon is nice). Eat a minimum of four almonds an afternoon. Soak them in water in a single day and the following day peel the dermis and devour them that means (this may be well while you're seeking to conceive. I devour 6 an afternoon. Stay clear of as a lot salt and sugar as you'll be able to, this may increasingly handiest make you swollen and for this reason extra depressing. Remember, that meat peculiarly within the U.S. is pumped w/ hormones - so actually - I might attempt to hinder colossal quantities of it. The extra typical, the greater. Frozen Boca foods aren't that a lot greater - Stay clear of processed meals. This is why the meditarrian vitamin is so exotic....Show more
Luke Gacusan: schedule meetings to take place in far off conference rooms
Dick Maisenbacher: Its no! t weird but different . its magical . only women can do it which.makes it even better
Davis Zou: Don't go necessarily by intercourse, but by missed period. Most pregnancy tests are reliable if you take them after your expected period date.A blood test can detect a pregnancy very shortly after fertilization (I believe it's 11 days, or 2 weeks) but usually a doctor won't send you for one unless it's absolutely necessary.
Kristina Brockwell: Participate in sex atleast 3 times in a week
Stanton Valdivia: don t sit ideally or sleep immediately after your dinner
Dallas Bartolini: wear comfortable shoes or keep flats under your desk so you walk more
Bethanie Menden: Chew thoroughly chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing
Virgil Loatman: Yes, as long as it is completely cooked.
Mikel Bethay: they might mean what foods to eat you know... diet doesn't only have the meaning of eating less. it also means what you do eat health wise.i've he! ard fish, vegetables, and dairy to sum it up others say dairy ! isn't good, i don't know for sure *shrug*
Arnette Dominici: from a guys perspective it seems weird having a baby in your stomach
Ardath Templer: 2 hour round of tennis
Elden Dedon: Parasite - an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.Its disgusting
Ardell Luy: Having another life grow under your skin for 9 months .... And eat all the food you swallow ...
Corey Rohleder: skip the people movers
Carolin Southers: eat in moderation
Curt Broadhead: Try a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously
Gaylord Barragan: Why would you be so selfish going on a diet when your body is trying to grow a life inside you? Moron.
Cletus Makler: well if your like me, and throw up all the freaking time, you could loose 6 lbs in a month and a half. If no real bad morning sickness, then how about start eating better and not diet?
Coleman Coscia: wa! lk with hiking poles for 22 minutes youll burn 20 percent more calories
Season Confalone: If you have a seperate room keep small useful exercise equipment Use those equipment while reading and listening songs
Toya Braskett: As long as it is cooked and the yolk is completely solid and not the least bit runny its fine. Good source of protein!
Luke Creitz: make one social outing this week an active one
Corrinne Ruozzo: To know how much calories you have to eat just add zero to your weight
Misty Vagle: better yet get moving with the gamecubes dance dance revolution mario mix for 24 minutes
Kalyn Proietto: invest in a standing desk like the ergotron workfit s 379 ergotron com or get crafty and raise your monitor and keyboard with books
Stan Conley: Stop hunger pangs while dieting by eating foods that keep you full
Herma Ellebrecht: get your book group to slip on sneaks and chat on the move
Houston Venezia:
Bianca Lann! ier: I had two eggs this morning Fried over medium (runny yolks) from m! y friends farm...I had to wash all the hay off and everything...If they are fresh! Eat them almost anyway you want except completely raw.With my last 2 pregnancies I have eaten 2 fried over medium eggs almost daily. You are probably more likely to get sick eating at your favorite restaurant....Show more
Delphine Cajka: Never go to grocery shop when you hungry
Robt Betker: don t eat standing up
Carter Dewater: Pregnant women shouldn't go for a diets!
Mikel Bethay: reduce the fat
Scot Sepulbeda: (a diet is not always to lose weight answerer before me!! a diet is your eating habits)anyways..Lot of fruits, veggies, lean protein. Six small meals a day. Protein with every meal. Increase normal calorie intake by 300. That could be an apple, small yogurt & granola. It really isn't too much. No more fast food, if so moderate. I'm having problems w/controlling this myself :] and don't forget to walk at least 3x's a week....Show more
Ramona Pago: ! got nuts with nuts eating a handful of nuts will help you stay full try soaking them in water for a different texture
Margy Sandquist: if you re cooking food in the microwave chances are you re eating unhealthy packaged foods if you must microwave consider soy chicken patties veggie burgers or steamer vegetables and brown rice
Newton Fedorko: I'm assuming by diet you mean a regulated selection of foods. Go with the four food groups and you will be fine. Your doctor or health nurse can help you to decide what foods you should be ingesting during your pregnancy. I agree you should be paying attention to what you eat. Sometimes we forget and think that it is a free for all as we are "eating for two now" but that's not entirely true. We need enough calories to take care of our our changing bodies and to feed our growing fetus but we surely don't need to over eat as well. You've heard the saying to much of a good thing. There are natural sugars in foods as wel! l as starches and so on. Chat with a health nurse to help you eat a pr! oper diet of an assortment of nutritious foods best suited during your pregnancy. I remember with my first pregnancy the doctor gave my toe a gentle pinch and teased (we had a great relationship) "I see you've found the key to the fridge" and he was right. I was really giving in to all of my cravings and not working on how to curb them by replacing them with healthier choices....Show more
Lu Tiner: Don t take rest more than 30 seconds between exercises
Sunday, 2 August 2020
age cap same with dental and health insurance?
Maynard Phoubandith: MY ex husband tried to do along with his previous activity.i became into not working in any respect and he had consistently worked(HE became into cheating on me and had to place me in a bad place so he might get custody).He became into instructed with the aid of regulation(in Tennessee)that he can not in basic terms drop me and our son he might ought to thoroughly cancel the coverage or tutor data that we've been divorced(divorce papers).I believe the different answer in case you need to get therapy or the youngsters between now and while the divorce is very final not filed very final he will ought to pay.i might have it put in the divorce that he's to insure the need to purchase your own inner maximum insurance nevertheless a pair of place you may goggle that.additionally in case you attempt to get state insurance Medicaid they'll pursue newborn help no count what charges he's finding out to purchase not take his notice that he ! is going to pay those for you because of the fact what if he says abruptly f it.Than what.Get all of it in writing....Show more
Christiane Cattano: Dental is not included in the healthcare deform act so dental companies do not have to keep you on 'till your 26.
Michel Mccaulley: Eligible to be covered, is not the same thing as covered. Your parent has to add you back on, during their next open enrollment. Sounds like their policy hadn't renewed when you went to the dentist.
Craig Virani: you need to ask the INSURANCE company...they're all different and they don't follow the same rules as everyone and dental are TWO very different things.
What is the proper term for the dental implants that actors and actrsses get? Â
answers 0:What is the proper term for the dental implants that actors and actrsses get?answers 1:Dental implants are dental implants, no matter who the patient is. Implants replace a missing tooth.Veneers or caps partially cover an existing tooth for the purpose of changing the shape or color of the tooth. Many veneers are done for cosmetic reasons.This kind of dentistry is not just done on famous people - regular, everyday folks get caps, veneers, and implants all the time.Edited to add: "hcbb" has only a few posts on Yahoo! and all seem to be promoting 3rd World medical/dental procedures. I would first of all be cautious of anyone who stands to gain financially from their answers and secondly be very careful about receiving care outside of their own country. Keep in mi! nd, if anything goes wrong with your procedure, you would have to return to India, Mexico, or some other place to have it fixed. Your home dentist is under NO obligation to repair shoddy work done overseas. Oversight of things like cleanliness and malpractice are not as strict as in developed nations. What seems like a big savings in the short term may cost dearly in the long term....answers 2:veneers I thinkanswers 3:veneers or some have actual implantsanswers 4:also caps and crowns.i have both 400 per tooth.answers 5:I think you might have heard it as Prosthetic Dentistry. It is the restoration or replacement of tooth. Dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement. There are many types. The most commonly used one is the osseointegrated implant. The material is Titanium. There are several manufacturers of this implant.Typically dental implants require three stages. (a) First stage: To evaluate whether you are the candidate for the dental implant - the doctor will ! look at your dental x-rays, bone strength, etc to decide. If y! ou are the candidate, then dental implant is placed. (b) Second stage: To uncover the dental implant and place abutment and temporary crown (c) Third stage: Permanent crown. From 1st stage to 3rd stage, the process takes around 3 to 4 months.The dental implants are expensive in UK / USA (typically $3500 per tooth) and is not covered in many insurances. Many people go to other countries like India, Mexico, Thailand for their dental implants. The implant cost savings are 50% to 80%. There are companies like healthbase ( arranges all the necessary booking with the hospitals, travel, accommodation and even sight-seeing. Healthbase works with internationally accredited hospitals (like JCI / JCAHO / ISO accredited) and doctors who have trained in USA / UK. Their website has cost estimates (free quote) and detailed profiles about the hospitals, doctors and medical procedures. Healthbase website also has information about medical procedures, medical tourism, dent! al tourism, cost comparison and much more....answers 6:They are not implants. Implants are titanium screws that are placed in the jaw bone and then a fake tooth is attatched to it. This is done to replace a tooth or teeth that are missing. What the majority of the stars have are veneers. This is just like a custom fitted cover or blanket over the teeth that makes them straight and white. Only a small portion of the tooth is shaved down usually and then the veneer placed over top of the tooth. Its not like a crown which covers the entire tooth....answers 7:TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION:Dental implants have been around in various forms for centuries. Only in the last thirty years, however, have they come to provide reliable replacements for natural teeth. In the mid sixties a surgeon by the name of Branemark accidentally discovered that titanium cylinders placed gently into bone and then left undisturbed for three months could actually bond to the bone. While discussing this find! ing with some dentist friends they decided to see if titanium cylinders! could be used as replacement teeth. Initial experiments were done in dogs. The implants were placed in the jaw of the dog using a very gentle technique and then allowed to rest in the jaw for three months. When the implants were exposed, a hook was attached and they were able to lift the dog completely off of the ground. Although, today, this seems cruel to us, it clearly demonstrated that the titanium cylinders could bond to bone and withstand substantial forces. Since that time hundreds of thousands of dental implants have been placed in the mouths of people who were tired of floppy removable replacement teeth. Research has been conducted all over the world at numerous dental facilities. The success rates have been between 90 to 97% over the last thirty years. Put simply a dental implant is a titanium cylinder with threads or a rough surface which is gently placed in the jaw of an individual. Titanium is a bioactive metal which, when undisturbed, is able to trick! the body into believing that it is a tooth. The body therefore bonds directly to the implant surface with a bond that is even stronger than to natural teeth. Crowns or attachments are placed on the implant and screwed into place with retaining screws which thread into the top of the implant. If you are interested in dental implants and want to know about the potential problems with dental implants click here....answers 8:Veneers