Monday 2 September 2019

wrestling books?

answers1: For a hard look at a wrestlers life and how it really
changes a person into something they sometimes don't like themselves,
then I reccomdend either Batista Unleashed or Benoit: Wrestlin With
The Horror That Destroyed A Family And Crippled A Sport.
answers2: Any of the Mick Foley books are good reads.
answers3: I would go with Heartbreak and Triumph: The Shawn Michaels
Story. I got it and seriously didn't put it down until I was done. It
goes in-depth to the Screwjob, and what actually happened backstage,
and talking about Shawn's childhood, to his indy days, all the way to
the WWF, plus he talks about meeting his wife (who happened to work
for WCW of all places at the time), his injury that put him on the
shelf for 4 years, and his return. The book is especially good if you
are a Christian, since it goes over turning into a born-again
Christian. <br>
Also, all the Mick Foley books are good reads, but I highly recommend
Heartbreak and Triumph.
answers4: The Shawn Michaels book is reall really good, All the books
are really good and worth reading, oh and another really good one is
are we there yet? its about storys on the road it looks stupid but its
good and makes you respect them more!!
answers5: The Eddie Guerro Book, The Shawn Micheals Book, hARDCORE
answers6: THE CHYNA BOOK!!!
answers7: I'm Currently Reading "The Hardcore Diaries" By Mick Foley,
And I Strongly Recomend it.
answers8: How about Roids Are Your Friends and the famous Trailer Trash Sports ?
answers9: "the legend killer"

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