Saturday 14 September 2019

How to dance at a school dance?

answers1: all you have to remember there will be teachers there so be careful
answers2: What ever you do DON"T do a dirty dance of any sort. There
have been newspaper reports of dances being banned because kids are
dancing crude and sexually. Slow songs are easy to dance to, you just
hold your date and move your feet from side to side. Fast dancing can
be tricky. You might want to be within a few feet of your date but
not touching. If you watch any movies about high school you will see
most of the people don't touch when fast dancing. There are a number
of how to dance videos on You Tube you might want to look at.
answers3: the above answer is correct but whatever you do, just don't
stress about it, try and be confident.
answers4: Just find the beat and move. Just dont freak dance, at my
school, kids have gotting removed from the dance floor or kicked out
of the dance for doing that. To answer your other question: No, a lap
dance is usually when your sitting down and the girl is dancing low on
answers5: well if u r old enough.... grind with her.....i love it!

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