Friday 27 September 2019

Should I Join a Performing Arts School?

answers1: I recently had to make a simaliar desicion. I wasn't sure
what I wanted to do but the program at this school was great. I loved
my old school and friends. My descison was very hard to make. I
started by applying then came the hard part once I got in desiding.
Are you going to be dissapointed if you don't go? This is a once in a
life time option if it doesn't work you can still go back to your
other school. Does your school now have a good program for the arts?
Are the acedemics at this new school as good as your current school?
Remember you can still stay in touch with your friends. After thinking
over theses options make a pro and con chart include meeting new
people and staying with friends. Talk to your parents they may have
ideas and insights. Good luck hope you are happy where ever you go.
And if it helps I choice the performing arts school :)
answers2: Girl, live for you. If being an entertainer is what you
really want to do, then go for it. If those people are your friends,
they will always be there.
answers3: go for it! your life is about you! if i were you i would
totally do it! your friends will still be friends with you know matter
if you still go to the same school OR NOT! answer mine plez

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