Thursday 26 September 2019

Does anyone know some good performing arts colleges?

answers1: My edition of the Dance Magazine College Guide lists 21
colleges in California, 3 in Oregon, and 2 in Washington that offer
either a BA or BFA in dance (or a related degree, such as Theatre,
with a dance concentration). Most of them are not at what you'd call
"performing arts colleges," but regular liberal arts colleges or
universities. <br>
What constitutes a "good" college, worthy of recommendation, is
totally subjective. It all depends what you want to do with dance, how
competitive or artistic you want the atmosphere, what else you might
like to study, etc. But, for what it's worth, some west coast schools
that get mentioned often are: <br>
California Institute of the Arts <br>
California State University - Long Beach <br>
Chapman University <br>
Dominican University/LINES Ballet <br>
University of California - Irvine <br>
and <br>
Cornish College of the Arts (in Seattle) <br>
I recommend that you get a copy of the Dance Magazine College Guide
to read more about your options: <br>
<a href="http://www.dancemagazine.com/thecollegeguide/intro"
answers2: Oklahoma City University's Ann Lacy School of American Dance
and Arts Management offers three unique dance degrees: Dance
Performance, Dance Management and American Dance Teacher. Our school
focuses on American dance forms, including jazz, tap, and ballet as
used in musical theater. Our graduates can be found dancing all across
the entertainment industry from Broadway to Las Vegas, from L.A. to
Tokyo and have lifelong, successful career in the dance and
entertainment industry. <br>
The Dance Performance degree is for dancers interested in becoming a
triple threat in the entertainment industry. Dance performance majors
take classes in dance technique (jazz, tap, ballet, musical theater,
pointe, partnering, rhythm tap, and more), acting, and voice. In
addition to developing performing abilities, dance performance majors
also learn to manage their careers through classes concerning
professional standards and conduct, contracts, dancer's health and
anatomy. Dance performance majors also take classes in jazz, tap and
ballet pedagogy and choreography, so they are also prepared for
careers as teachers and choreographers as well as triple threat
performers. <br>
The Dance Management degree is for dancers interested in dancing as
well as the management of the arts. The dance management degrees
supports a wide range of career possibilities for dancers. Dance
management majors have a core of dance technique classes (jazz, tap,
ballet, musical theater, pointe, partnering, rhythm tap, and more),
arts management classes, and business classes. The arts management
core of classes include: entertainment technology, non-profit
management, fundraising and development, touring performing arts,
presenting and sponsoring performances, contracts, stage management
and costuming. The business core of classes include: marketing,
economics, accounting, business law, business finance, statistics and
management and organization. The dance management degree is ideal for
a wide variety of dancers including dancers who would like have a
performance career and then transition to a management career without
having to return to college to supplement earlier training. Other
dancers may want to work as a company manager, stage manager or
another arts management position after college. <br>
The American Dance Teacher degree is for dancers interested in a
lifelong career as an extraordinarily well-prepared teacher. The new
American dance teacher degree provides dancers with a depth and
breadth of study never attempted by other dance programs. Dancers will
experience a well-rounded program that includes instruction in: tap,
jazz and ballet technique, tap, jazz and ballet pedagogy, dance
history, choreography, anatomy and dance health, dance studio
management, dance studio technology, marketing and advertising,
contracts and management and non-profit management. American dance
teacher majors also will receive hands on experience through teaching
in the Community Dance Center while receiving feedback from OCU dance
faculty. <br>
If one of these three dregrees sound like something you might be
interested in, visit us on the web for more information at

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