Wednesday 4 September 2019

Favorite books? Favorite online book store?

answers1: E-bay is the cheapest and you get the option of new or used
for great prices, you just have to do some hunting and bidding to get
a good price.
answers2: Cirque Du Freak #11: Lord of the Shadows: Book 11 in the
Saga of Darren Shan.This is truly a good book but a lot of it makes me
mad. Darren Shan keeps killing of all the best characters. That makes
me mad and sad!! But, as in all the other books it leaves you hanging
at the end, which makes you really want to come back for more.This was
an excellent book! One of the best so far. It was definitely exciting,
and suspenseful.
answers3: i buy books online on amazon a lot or ebay sometimes
answers4: I usually order from barnesandnoble.com they have free
shipping on a lot of books and they're generally cheap. Depending on
how expensive the book is. My favorite book of all time: Paper towns
by John Green Mystery: Found (even though it's more of a young adults
book it's still really good) Another book i really like is To Kill a
Mockingbird because it's just simply amazing.
answers5: Amazon is the only site i can thing of. Sorry i couldnt be more help.

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