Sunday, 13 October 2019

Is transformers 2 still in theaters?

answers1: It's still in regular theaters
answers2: Well, you can watch it online. For example
: yeah
answers4: Well, since the movie is still top 10 at the Box Office, i
would suspect it will be in theaters for just a little bit more.
According to Boxofficemojo, fridays estimates put it at #10 spot on
the box office. This means that its really close to leaving theaters,
but still has maybe a couple weeks left in it.
answers5: yeah dude it should be you need to see it its a badass movie
answers6: yes its still in theaters but probably wont be after next week
answers7: I've got three words for you, G.I.Joe.
answers8: It's still gonna be there next saturday and even if it's not
it will be at the 12 and/or 18 movie theater for sure
answers9: yup its still in theaters til the end of the month

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