answers1: you should expect something aroun 40k a year however without
experience then probably working for free as an intern until you get
hired. work experience is very important.
answers2: Experience is very important, so you might want to look for
a paid internship (they are available) or--at worst--an unpaid
internship. Even 3 months experience (unpaid) will give you a leg up.
However--it is possible to get an entry level position without having
any experience...if you can convince the person on the other side of
the table (who's doing the hiring) that you can do the job. <br>
The median for an entry level Network Administrator is around $40,000.
If you have any experience to go with your certs it can be higher.
FYI... A good resource for salary ranges (on a broad range of fields)
is ( <a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> ). You can also
check Salary Expert ( <a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> ) for a
"second opinion." <br>
Entering "Network Administrator I" in returns the
description and salary range: <br>
<a href=""
The range is $38,098 one the low end, with the median around $42,630
($53,743 on the high end of the entry level range). Again...having
any experience can affect your range. With no experience, you're
looking at the 10th to 25th percentiles ($38,098 - $42,630) at best.
Note: many IT hiring managers care more about your hands-on experience
than your certs, so you really should try to find an internship--which
will give you the hands-on experience. That said, your Cisco cert
"can" help; and unless your BA was in "Computers and the Humanities"
it won't have any real significant bearing on whether you get hired or
not. <br>
Hope this helps, and good luck!
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