Thursday, 10 October 2019

How does Shakespearean theater differ from theater today?

answers1: For one, Shakespearean theater had raked stages, while we
have raked audience seats.
answers2: Key distinction is that the Greeks regarded tragedy and
comedy as thoroughly separate genres, and no performs ever merged
factors of the two. Shakespeare' performs have aspects of the two. In
the two kinds women human beings have been excluded, You nmay would
desire to locate matters - Shakespeare's are reworking of historic
memories, eg Plutarch, the Greeks tend in direction of myths.
answers3: Shakespeare theatre was more of a social event rather than
an artistic gateway. <br>
People would pay money to see shows in order to see who else was
there. There were of course groundlings that paid pennies to see the
shows, but that was just a way of passing the time. <br>
Now it is much more serious. Shakespeare literally wrote in order to
make a living, which he kind of did. Now, playwrights write plays in
order to express ideas and further meaning. <br>
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in order to eat.
answers4: The language was a lot more expressive and romantic back
then :-) And the insults were a million times cooler.
answers5: The conditions were a lot different. The actors were subject
to the elements, the scripts were harder to read, there were no
effects, and a bunch of other things that they didn't have due to the
loss of technology. This meant that acting out characters took a whole
different process then than it does today.

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