Wednesday, 23 October 2019

art haters?

answers1: you're a splash ***** now, are not you. artwork is a good
inspiring element, i assume you at the instant are not deep adequate
to get it. in case you have no creativity, how is your life nicely
worth living. Like heavily, even functional, uncreative issues look to
have artwork in some style, like a variety, or a making plans comedian
strip of the suited product for some thing. in basic terms because you
will not make money off some thing, does not recommend that is
undesirable or pointless. Do you're making money for having
intercourse, no, till you're a prostitute. (this is surprisingly lots
the backside you may sink.) Do you're making money off a puppy, in
maximum circumstances, no. Anywats, somebody with skills could make
fairly some $$$ off artwork.
answers2: A culture's "owners", the so called "elites", design the
culture's rules so as to benefit them, maximally. Anything that might
help the general population to see beyond the brainwashing and the
lies is denigrated. <br>
Since art might help to empower and heal the populace, through aiding
it to connect more closely with the "truth", and the "soul", it is
"forbidden" and classified as useless -- it produces no profits; and
dangerous -- it might corrupt the children, etc. The population then
"adopts" these rules, per the incessant programming, and finds art
distasteful. <br>
Obviously not all people fall for the lies, etc., and see the beauty
and benefits, much to their advantage. The rest watch NASCAR, and
applaud all new war efforts to "defend" the country (read: increase
the wealth of the "elites") <br>
Classic maneuvers by the fascists to keep the population repressed and
answers3: because it confuses them and they are embarassed to admit
that they do not see what the subject is or appreciate the innate
qualities in it.
answers4: Art is subjective. <br>
What you call art, I might not. <br>
What you like, again I might not. I don't think there is one person
how hates ALL art across the board.

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