Thursday 31 October 2019

If I have a bachelor's in humanities, a associates from a tech community college in computer networking?

answers1: you should expect something aroun 40k a year however without
experience then probably working for free as an intern until you get
hired. work experience is very important.
answers2: Experience is very important, so you might want to look for
a paid internship (they are available) or--at worst--an unpaid
internship. Even 3 months experience (unpaid) will give you a leg up.
However--it is possible to get an entry level position without having
any experience...if you can convince the person on the other side of
the table (who's doing the hiring) that you can do the job. <br>
The median for an entry level Network Administrator is around $40,000.
If you have any experience to go with your certs it can be higher.
FYI... A good resource for salary ranges (on a broad range of fields)
is salary.com ( <a href="http://www.salary.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.salary.com</a> ). You can also
check Salary Expert ( <a href="http://www.salaryexpert.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.salaryexpert.com</a> ) for a
"second opinion." <br>
Entering "Network Administrator I" in Salary.com returns the
description and salary range: <br>
<a href="http://swz.salary.com/salarywizard/layoutscripts/swzl_salaryresults.asp?hdJobCode=IT10000275&hdJobTitle=Network+Administrator+I&hdJobCategory=IT03&hdNarrowDesc=IT+--+All&hdZipCode=&hdStateMetro=&geometrocode=&hdGeoLocation=U.S.+National+Averages&hdKeyword=Network+Administrator+I&op=salswz_psr&joblevelcode=1&pagefrom=selectjob&hdLocationOption=0&hdSearchByOption=0&countertype=0&jobcounter=1"
The range is $38,098 one the low end, with the median around $42,630
($53,743 on the high end of the entry level range). Again...having
any experience can affect your range. With no experience, you're
looking at the 10th to 25th percentiles ($38,098 - $42,630) at best.
Note: many IT hiring managers care more about your hands-on experience
than your certs, so you really should try to find an internship--which
will give you the hands-on experience. That said, your Cisco cert
"can" help; and unless your BA was in "Computers and the Humanities"
it won't have any real significant bearing on whether you get hired or
not. <br>
Hope this helps, and good luck!

Wednesday 30 October 2019

What is the difference between humanities and liberal arts?

answers1: Hi, like you have said, liberal arts and humanities are
closely related. both cover a broad study in culture, social sciences
and creative arts. I did a little search for you on the topic. The
link below might will help deepen your knowledge. Copy it in your
browser to open the page. Cheers
answers2: Liberal Arts: critical thinking Humanities: it's like taking
a history class.
answers3: Humanities have different branches and can be referred to in
many ways.
answers4: 3 letter spaces in the Websters Dictionary

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Help with my Research Paper for my Humanities Course?

answers1: I like your topic it is an interesting thought that
Pythagoras ancient philosopher who said math was the most sacred
concept and was only taught at the most inner group assigned a chackra
for each type of instrument the drum being the base chackra his math
theory is still taught today to children
answers2: why dont you try foods and where they are from?? <br>
petta pocket- france <br>
fedichiny alfreado- france <br>
tamoles-mexico <br>
enchaladas- mexico <br>
orange chicken-japan or china <br>
cashew chicken- japan or china
answers3: You can try this or structure another project along similar
approach. <br>
Comparative Genocide Studies( CGS ) <br>
There are lots of things to be said about genocide of the Jews. You
can compare to Rwandan one of 1994. Look for the documentary 'The
ghosts of Rwanda' <br>
The following outline was by a Japanese institute: <br>
* <br>
The aim of this research is to establish and reposition "genocide
research", currently grouped in an unexplored area of the humanities
and social sciences in Japan , and to make even a slight contribution
to "the construction of peace". Genocide is still now taking place in
various regions all over the world. This research project represents
an attempt to establish a theoretical framework for comparative
genocide research, based on concrete empirical evidence, and to work
towards theories of prevention. <br>
The object of study for this project will be broad: the many different
instances of genocide which have taken place all over the world
throughout the twentieth century. Firstly, we will reposition the
massacres which took place during World War Two, generally accepted
and understood as the "Holocaust", as "European genocide", and
approach it from a variety of points of view: racism and eugenics;
ethnic self-determinism and forced migration; acts of war and acts of
extermination; and critical approaches to the modern nationalist
state. Alongside this, we will examine the Armenian massacres in
Turkey during World War One; genocide which occurred in developing
countries such as Cambodia, Rwanda and Guatemala; and genocide in the
former Yugoslavia; analyzing the background to and contributing causes
of each, as well as their processes and consequences, all the while
highlighting the universality and present-day relevance of the issue
of genocide. <br>
Further, we will examine genocide occurring under colonial rule or
under conduct of war (including sexual violence and "cultural
genocide"), and genocide under socialist dictatorships as occurred in
the former Soviet Republic and China, to empirically demonstrate the
various forms and mechanisms of genocide. Focus will also be placed
upon the ability of genocide to fundamentally alter the structure of
regional societies, and upon issues such as the reconstruction of and
reconciliation within post-genocide afflicted societies, as well as
memories and trauma of the victims and their representation. In this
way, while this project will use modern German and European history as
its starting point, its scope far exceeds this sector, and represents
an endeavour to identify the intrinsic qualities of modern-day
genocide. <br>
For each individual topic of research, the methods employed will
largely be those of the academic disciplines of history and area
studies, but on the theoretical front we intend to develop a greater
elaboration of the notions of "structured violence", "cultural
violence" and "human security" which have been key concepts in
sociology in recent years. This project will extend across several
academic disciplines and remove barriers between specialties. In
concrete terms, the project will chiefly be undertaken by young
researchers and those of middle standing who have striven to overcome
boundaries between disciplines and who have held an interest in the
significance of genocide to such diverse academic fields as history,
area studies, medical history, cultural anthropology, international
law, international politics, peace studies and philosophy. <br>
** <br>
good luck
answers4: beer or wine??? which came first??? <br>
why was it [seemingly] important for Noah to plant a vineyard almost
immediately after the world had dried out from the flood? <br>
Who cares if the Biblical myth is true or not...what does the seeming
STRONG need for wine imply? <br>
what were some of the earliest social/cultural needs for beer?
implications??? <br>
[one of the hieroglyphs recorded that a strike threatened to stop
work on the pyramids because of a beer allotment shortage] <br>
did beer lead to agriculture? <br>
one theory would have the need for beer on a regular basis [as an
offering to the Babylonian gods] might have lead to the development
of agricultural...instead of the other way around <br>
see James Burke's book(s) <br>
did the alcohol in the wine in the upper class Roman drinking cups
leech out the lead and lead to insanity, depravity, debauchery? <br>
see "theories for the fall of the Roman Empire" <br>
why and how did the "little ice age" give rise to beer making in
northern Europe and wine making in the southern parts? <br>
check the Discovery channel for a nice explanation of the
climatological implications <br>
what does the manufacturing of either beer or wine imply about the
state of the culture??? <br>
you need agriculture- you need excess grains and water; glassmaking
and/or pottery for storage; bread-for the yeasts...or was it the other
way around..only flat bread until beer yeasts?; distilleries...etc etc
etc <br>
enough???? <br>
good luck

Monday 28 October 2019

"Fearless art is great art" - what does she mean?

answers1: "Art is anything you can get away with". - Andy Warhol.
answers2: yes I agree I know so many artists who start out free and
then their work is bought and they start to please others and fear
their own creativity becasue of the possibility of people not liking
their work. <br>
There is an expression "Freedom is just another word for nothing left
to lose" It takes some courage to remain that free when you get given
something to lose like peoples respect for you fame and money. Have
you noticed that bands are usually vibrant wen on the way up and then
they get stale and formulaic' samey'. <br>
I decided at one point that I was never again goignto make a living
out of something I love doing because it has always spoiled the
integrity of it for me. (Love here being the opposite of fear)
answers3: What is art ? (the question closed a bit quick elsewhere.) <br>
Something pleasing to the eye which encourages the mind to contemplate on. <br>
It would seem fearless art is what the individual sees in it.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Is Greek art considered better than Roman art?

answers1: You can't say that some art is better than others. The
opinion of a person regarding an artwork is merely that persons
experiences and environment surrounding them deciding what I would
call an opinion. Hence, there is no such thing as art better than
other art, for in the end all art is entirely different in the eyes of
each person. <br>

Friday 25 October 2019

art questions?

answers1: hey there im not sure.. but the ans to no.1 is fine art
reproductions .. no. 2 is fine art print and no. 3 is fine art copy..
good luck, hope you get the answers right!
answers2: edition, fine art print, fine art reproduction. Have fun
figuring out which of all the different answers is correct.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Art History Major/Good at Art?

answers1: No, you absolutely do not need to be able to draw or paint
to become an art historian. You need to be comfortable with
discussing art, which means that you need to have an understanding of
the basic elements and principles of art, but you will NEVER be
drawing or painting. The job of the art historian revolves around
research and writing, not art making. Fine arts programs require a
portfolio of your work, but art history programs will require writing
samples that demonstrate your writing skills as well as your ability
to research and craft a well-argued paper. Foreign language skills
are also beneficial in art history-- although they aren't a
requirement to be accepted into an undergraduate program, at the
master's level you will have to be able to read and research in one
other language besides English. At the doctoral level, you will have
to know at least two other languages (usually German and something
that pertains to the area of art history you are studying. For
example, if you're interested in French Impressionist art, then you
would definitely want to learn French). <br>
Think about what direction you want to take with your degree. Art
historians generally work in academia (researching and publishing
papers and books as well as teaching others about art history) or in
museum settings (as a curator, for example). It's basically
impossible to find a job in this field without an advanced degree,
preferably a Ph.D. but at the very least a master's. You should be
aware that to work in this field, you are probably looking at a good
deal of schooling (which isn't a bad thing if you enjoy school!). <br>
This website has a number of ideas concerning what you can do with an
art history degree, and what level of education is required. <br>
http://www.nd.edu/~crosenbe/jobs.html <br>
Best of luck to you!
answers2: 1
answers3: yes. its like architects. you cant just draw you need to
study engineering and math. with art history you are going to need to
study multiple aspects of art like drawing and painting and history
and english because you need to understand all the aspects of your
major and if you want to be a curator you need to be able to recognize
the quality of the work and appreciate it.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

art haters?

answers1: you're a splash ***** now, are not you. artwork is a good
inspiring element, i assume you at the instant are not deep adequate
to get it. in case you have no creativity, how is your life nicely
worth living. Like heavily, even functional, uncreative issues look to
have artwork in some style, like a variety, or a making plans comedian
strip of the suited product for some thing. in basic terms because you
will not make money off some thing, does not recommend that is
undesirable or pointless. Do you're making money for having
intercourse, no, till you're a prostitute. (this is surprisingly lots
the backside you may sink.) Do you're making money off a puppy, in
maximum circumstances, no. Anywats, somebody with skills could make
fairly some $$$ off artwork.
answers2: A culture's "owners", the so called "elites", design the
culture's rules so as to benefit them, maximally. Anything that might
help the general population to see beyond the brainwashing and the
lies is denigrated. <br>
Since art might help to empower and heal the populace, through aiding
it to connect more closely with the "truth", and the "soul", it is
"forbidden" and classified as useless -- it produces no profits; and
dangerous -- it might corrupt the children, etc. The population then
"adopts" these rules, per the incessant programming, and finds art
distasteful. <br>
Obviously not all people fall for the lies, etc., and see the beauty
and benefits, much to their advantage. The rest watch NASCAR, and
applaud all new war efforts to "defend" the country (read: increase
the wealth of the "elites") <br>
Classic maneuvers by the fascists to keep the population repressed and
answers3: because it confuses them and they are embarassed to admit
that they do not see what the subject is or appreciate the innate
qualities in it.
answers4: Art is subjective. <br>
What you call art, I might not. <br>
What you like, again I might not. I don't think there is one person
how hates ALL art across the board.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

What is the relationship of Arts to humanities?

answers1: Pretty good arguments here.
answers2: "The Arts" encompasses music, literature & poetry, dance and
theatre as well as visual art. These forms of art are like time
capsules that describe our current culture. <br>
"Humanities": <br>
a. the study of classical languages and classical literature. <br>
b. the Latin and Greek classics as a field of study. <br>
c. literature, philosophy, art, etc., as distinguished from the
natural sciences. <br>
d. the study of literature, philosophy, art, etc. <br>
The two things are completely entwined.
answers3: whether many universities prepare their history branch
interior the "college of Social Sciences," it is not incredibly an
remarkable fit. The "Social Sciences" are the products of an actual
time and place for the dimensions of which the "scientific technique"
replaced into as quickly as finished to human habit. it is,
Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists and Political Scientists
have been utilising know-how to test hypotheses approximately human
habit. And those tests will ought to be replicatable with the aid of
diverse researchers. history isn't achieved that approach. For some
thing, historic previous is as historic as human civilization, and is
not a made of the nineteenth Century. 2d, it is greater "paintings"
than it is "technologies." A nicely historian is, first, a nicely
storyteller. whether historic previous will ought to be per empirical
reality, it is not know-how-pushed. So whether it's going to take care
of equivalent self-discipline topic, historic previous is greater akin
to literature and paintings than it is to the social sciences.

Monday 21 October 2019

Visual Arts Plaster Egg Sculpture idea help!?

answers1: How about a forest scene? I saw a beautiful plaster egg
with a forest scene on it at an antique shope.
answers2: an egg -- how about a chick ? <br>
well , then also gators , snakes , dinosaurs , they all come from eggs
, too ... maybe some people ? who knows what is going on inside these
mysterious eggs when no one is looking .
answers3: leave it blank and title it: I am drawing a blank - or
engrave these words onto it. <br>
Though seriously, you can carve anything onto it. Flowers, a pattern,
a comic book character, some symbol which represents your hobby. A
quote, a squirrel or any other animal. Whale or seal might be
reasonably simple. a head, humpty dumpty before he fell off the wall.

Sunday 20 October 2019

I need help I don't know how to start this assignment. Visual arts?

answers1: art is hatable and that's agreeable. show scupltures,
paintings, drawing whatever stuff weirdos used to make those days
before the compuetr came along. start with wikipedia and go form
there. <br>

Saturday 19 October 2019

What are the top Visual Art schools in the U.S.?

answers1: i don't know but check out this website; http://www.cva.edu/
: RISD - Rhode Island School of Design is the number one
school in the US for visual arts. <br>
Surprisingly Yale is #2. <br>
Your a good parent to support your child's dream and realize his true
talent. I was lucky too, though they were a little shakey at first, my
parents have always supported my love for art and I completed my B.A.
in Graphic Design 4 years ago. I can't think of anything I love doing
more! <br>
Good Luck! RISD looks amazing, if I could do it over, I'd go there,
but I might still go back for an MFA
answers3: Kendall School of Art and Design, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Good reputation.Costly, but the education they offer is worth it.
answers4: The Rochester Institute of Technology in NYC. <br>
Expensive too.
answers5: Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts is the best. Located
in Southfield, Michigan, a distant suburb of Detroit.
answers6: large photos! i might want to point NYC over Rhode Island if
you're able to flow there. there are distinct to praise from, i'm no
specialist contained in the artwork faculties yet i be attentive to
Pratt and Parsons are large faculties aswell as artwork institute of
NYC. :)
answers7: Rochester Institute of Technology is in Rochester,
NY--upstate New York! <br>
UCLA is tops.
answers8: SVA, in New York City
answers9: I would recommend looking into the Art Institute of Chicago
and Cal Institute of Arts. They have highly ranked grad programs, but
also offer BFAs.

Friday 18 October 2019

The Asian Exclusion Act?

answers1: Look it up, Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
answers2: All I remember was that people on the east coast were tired
of all the Chinese taking jobs from white people. So to try and
exclude all the chinese from everything. Restaurants, hotels, saloons,
jobs, etc. Unfortunately, I can't remember what year these were. But I
know they were mainly limited to CA. Also almost 100% of chinese came
through Angel Island.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Act tests.....................?

answers1: I do not believe that you need to take the ACT writing test again./

Wednesday 16 October 2019

i need a script for my acting?

answers1: If your acting act out some thing dramatic you know
something heart felt.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

history question the navigation acts?

answers1: Navigation acts were passed by Britain to make sure that all
American trade went through British ships. These were important
answers2: They were designed to restrict foreign trade. <br>
google it next time.

Monday 14 October 2019

tell me the best acting classes in los angeles?

answers1: I have a degree in acting, and I have taken many classes in
Los Angeles. The classes in Los Angeles were much more helpful. That
being said, it might be different if you went to a school like USC
that has a much better film program then the school I went to, which
was mostly theater. Yes, it's still acting, but there is a difference.
I think the reason I found the classes in Los Angeles better is that
that's all they were. In college, I would have to take all sorts of
other classes and I was not focused on just acting, and I was not
immersed in the Los Angeles acting scene either. <br>
Of all the classes I have take in Los Angeles, the one that I would
recommend would be The Acting Corps. They have a five-day-a-week "Boot
Camp" program that is great. Then they have a second "Boot Camp" after
they, and then it goes on from there. Check them out!
answers2: Acting class is a very personal experience, and choosing the
right acting class for you is tough - as I don't know you... try
getting advice on a personal basis from former Los Angeles talent
agent Terry Lichtman ... <br>

Sunday 13 October 2019

Is transformers 2 still in theaters?

answers1: It's still in regular theaters
answers2: Well, you can watch it online. For example
: yeah
answers4: Well, since the movie is still top 10 at the Box Office, i
would suspect it will be in theaters for just a little bit more.
According to Boxofficemojo, fridays estimates put it at #10 spot on
the box office. This means that its really close to leaving theaters,
but still has maybe a couple weeks left in it.
answers5: yeah dude it should be you need to see it its a badass movie
answers6: yes its still in theaters but probably wont be after next week
answers7: I've got three words for you, G.I.Joe.
answers8: It's still gonna be there next saturday and even if it's not
it will be at the 12 and/or 18 movie theater for sure
answers9: yup its still in theaters til the end of the month

Saturday 12 October 2019

What is the difference between a music theatre major and a musical theatre major?

answers1: theatre is a play with out music lots of the cases comedy
yet additionally many drama's besides... yet music theatre includes
making a music and dancing and additionally appearing.....and in case
you may decide for to offer a play interior the destiny then the two
of those tiers cud deffinently help yet i qwoudl additionally recomend
perhaps minoring or getting a masters in directing which provides you
with greater adventure in that branch and a few stable faculties
are...... Calarts. DePaul, CMU, NYU tisch, Chapman.... and those are
jsut a fw yet there are greater.....
answers2: no difference, a music theatre major is the same thing as a
musical theatre major. Of course a theatre performance major is an
acting major, not a music theatre major. You don't need a double
major. .

Friday 11 October 2019

Rainbow theater review?

answers1: I found three Rainbow Theaters on line The Rainbow Youth
Theatre in Vancouver looks great for teens.and preteens, The Rainbow
Dinner Theatre sounds great and The Rainbow Theatre int he UK sounds
good as well.

Thursday 10 October 2019

How does Shakespearean theater differ from theater today?

answers1: For one, Shakespearean theater had raked stages, while we
have raked audience seats.
answers2: Key distinction is that the Greeks regarded tragedy and
comedy as thoroughly separate genres, and no performs ever merged
factors of the two. Shakespeare' performs have aspects of the two. In
the two kinds women human beings have been excluded, You nmay would
desire to locate matters - Shakespeare's are reworking of historic
memories, eg Plutarch, the Greeks tend in direction of myths.
answers3: Shakespeare theatre was more of a social event rather than
an artistic gateway. <br>
People would pay money to see shows in order to see who else was
there. There were of course groundlings that paid pennies to see the
shows, but that was just a way of passing the time. <br>
Now it is much more serious. Shakespeare literally wrote in order to
make a living, which he kind of did. Now, playwrights write plays in
order to express ideas and further meaning. <br>
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in order to eat.
answers4: The language was a lot more expressive and romantic back
then :-) And the insults were a million times cooler.
answers5: The conditions were a lot different. The actors were subject
to the elements, the scripts were harder to read, there were no
effects, and a bunch of other things that they didn't have due to the
loss of technology. This meant that acting out characters took a whole
different process then than it does today.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Revenue Model for Movie Theatres?

answers1: The movie theater pays an average of about 50-55% of its
ticket sales to the movie studio, as film rental fees. The actual
percentage starts with a number higher than that, and decreases as the
duration of a film's showing continues, as an incentive to theaters to
keep movies in the theater longer. However, today's barrage of highly
marketed movies ensures that most movies are shown in first-run
theaters for less than 8 weeks. There are a few movies every year that
defy this rule, often limited-release movies that start in only a few
theaters and actually grow their theater count through good
word-of-mouth and reviews. According to a 2000 study by ABN AMRO,
about 26% of Hollywood movie studios' worldwide income came from box
office ticket sales; 46% came from VHS and DVD sales to consumers; and
28% came from television (broadcast, cable, and pay-per-view).

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Writing an introduction to your poetry?

answers1: Don't use lines from your actual poem, but try to tie the
two pieces together. You need to summarize your inspirations for
writing the poem and what it means to you. Elaborate on the poem so
that the reader is in the mood to read it and understands it, instead
of just jumping right in, not knowing what to expect. And as far as
point of view, use first person, "My inspirations for this poem
spawned in....."
answers2: problematic problem. look into into google. this could help!
answers3: I would write from the voice a historian looking back at the
canon of poetry and citing your work as one of the preeminent figures
in contemporary poetry.
answers4: confusing matter. do a search on google. that might help!

Monday 7 October 2019

Epic Poetry?!?! Pleasee Help!!!!?

answers1: Check out Faerie Queen by Spenser, Canterbury tales by
Chaucer (with a very strict rhyming scheme) and Beowulf.
answers2: "The Faerie Queene" (yes, that's the right spelling!) by
Edmund Spenser: <br>
<a href="http://www.uoregon.edu/~rbear/fqintro.html"
If you need to know what makes a poem epic (other than being very,
very long), this lists the main characteristics of epic poetry. <br>
<a href="http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_poetry"
EDIT: Most epic poetry was not originally written in English. The
most famous ones in Western literature were written in Latin and
ancient Greek, so whether or not they rhyme depends upon the
translation. Just in case you need to know that :-)
answers3: sophisticated issue. lookup on bing and yahoo. that could
actually help!

What is the best website to share poetry on?

answers1: UnitedWorldPoets is a great one http://www.unitedworldpoets.com/
: Yer in one, on condition that ya published here. no longer
knowin if ya wanna have "OMG that is astounding", or "There are issues
you may desire to alter as you replace into poetry" you will discover
dozens of valid, impassioned poets authentic here.
answers3: Yahoo is a great site, but for reading of specific types of
poetry and writing where you may receive critiques that help you write
better, I use: <br>
<a href="http://allpoetry.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://allpoetry.com</a> <br>
<a href="http://poetrysoup.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://poetrysoup.com</a> <br>
I started with AllPoetry in 2004 and have published most of my poetry
there at: <br>
<a href="http://allpoetry.com/mac_mcgovern"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://allpoetry.com/mac_mcgovern</a> <br>
Both sites are FREE, have contests, al arge variety of membership in
both age and experience; they are wonderful sites to meet new poets,
exchange ideas, and grow as a poet. <br>
Give them a try. If you join AllPoetry, leave me a note. I would love
to read some of your poetry. <br>
Mac Mcgovern <br>
Poet and Author

Sunday 6 October 2019

Who buys poetry?

answers1: I buy poetry.....I am with ya, but still most of us write
and read because we love it!! Can't help it that we are the smart and
deeply beautiful people. Everyone can't be so blessed...keep up the
support...starving artist everywhere need it!!!
answers2: i buy poetry! <br>
especially about crabs <br>
i used to read a LOT of poetry in lockdown....it got me thru the
struggle, u know wat i mean
answers3: most people will buy poetry when they understand it a bit
more, its rather complex. its a form of individualism, but in the day
and age of fast pace and tech. people will buy a book to spur their
imagination rather than read poetry, trying to figure out what the
poet was trying to say/express. just what i think on the matter.
answers4: tricky factor. query at google and yahoo. that may help!
answers5: We can't make anybody else buy poetry, but we can be sure to
buy it ourselves. We can buy it for our own reading pleasure, and we
can choose poetry books as presents for our friends. There are a
whole bunch of holidays coming up. Let's give some thought to which
poets would be right for which people on our gift lists.
answers6: its just like how people don't buy many cds anymore--you can
get it online. Same goes for poetry, you can look it up and there it
is, people don't want to waste their money on it.
answers7: *Thrusts arm into the air* Ooooh, I know the answer! I do!
Haha, but seriously..It might have to do with the way their trying to
be sold..Well, more so the place.....If you're trying to sell a book
yourself, try directing it to the particular audience that would be
interested in it [poets and those who love poetry]. Maybe see if you
could sell the book at a poetry convention or at an open mic
night/poetry slam. A book of poetry being sold in an environment like
that will most likely have much higher sales...:]

Saturday 5 October 2019

Poetry Appreciation Help? Anthem for Doomed youth?

answers1: Poetry Appreciation <br>
poetry analysis is the process of investigating a poem's form,
content, and history in an informed way, with the aim of heightening
one's own and others' understanding and appreciation of the work. <br>
The words poem and poetry derive from the Greek poiēma (to make) and
poieo (to create). That is, a poem is a made thing: a creation; an
artefact. One might think of a poem as, in the words of William Carlos
Williams, a "machine made of words". Machines produce some effect, or
do some work. They do whatever they are designed to do. The work done
by this "machine made of words" is the effect it produces in the
reader's mind. A reader analyzing a poem is akin to a mechanic taking
apart a machine in order to figure out how it works. <br>
Like poetry itself, poetry analysis can take many forms, and be
undertaken for many different reasons. A teacher might analyze a poem
in order to gain a more conscious understanding of how the poem
achieves its effects, in order to communicate this to his or her
students. A writer learning the craft of poetry might use the tools of
poetry analysis to expand and strengthen his or her own mastery. A
reader might use the tools and techniques of poetry analysis in order
to discern all that the work has to offer, and thereby gain a fuller,
more rewarding appreciation of the poem <br>
Schools of poetry <br>
For main article see List of poetry groups and movements. <br>
There are many different 'schools' of poetry: oral, classical,
romantic, modernist, etc. and they each vary in their use of the
elements described above. <br>
Schools of poetry may be self-identified by the poets that form them
(such as Imagism), or defined by critics who see unifying
characteristics of a body of work by more than one poet (for example
The Movement). To be a 'school' a group of poets must share a common
style or a common ethos. A commonality of form is not in itself
sufficient to define a school; for example, Edward Lear, George du
Maurier and Ogden Nash do not form a school simply because they all
wrote limericks.
answers2: Hope your no longer getting us to do your homework for you
;). This is a poem by way of Wilfred Owen, a popular World War a
million poet. It is approximately younger guys death in wrestle and
the loss of fanfare that incorporates it.
answers3: This should help you: <a

Friday 4 October 2019

Roman Philosophy Question?

answers1: Roman scholars and alchemists believed that technology was
their salvation and that the roman empire could conquer the hearts,
minds, souls and gain the loyalty of all with art, luxuries,
technology and architecture. <br>
The romans did believe in philosophy. <br>
(The roman empire had alchemists and philosophy is part of that)
answers2: The romans actually didn't believe in philosophy it was the
greeks that did.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Example of educational philosophy?

answers1: you can find examples of these online with a search engine.
To make your own write a list of things you believe most as a teacher.
From that list write your educational philo. So for example, I believe
in cooperative learning, integration of reading and writing, student
choice, and differentiated instruction through the reading/writing
workshop philosophy. Then I would just write and short essay on why I
believe these things and how they help kiddos. (PS: I think you are
psyching yourself out on this. It is pretty easy to write one of these
because it is virtually just a rambling. :) )

Wednesday 2 October 2019

What does it mean to have a "philosophy"?

answers1: It is one's set of beliefs about the nature of existence,
truth, justice, beauty, morality, knowledge etc. <br>
Everyone has a philosophy, but most peoples' are implicitly held and unexamined.
answers2: i think it means the love and pursuit of wisdom by
intellectual means and moral self-discipline. <br>

answers3: Philosophy is the investigation of truth, existence,
knowledge, and conduct through logic and reason. It is an attempt to
study the nature of existence, validity, justice, beauty, mind, and
language. Philosophy is "thinking about thinking".
answers4: philo = love <br>
sophia = wisdom <br>
philosophy means the love of wisdom. <br>
to have a philosophy means to have wisdom in your life

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Isn't this a philosophy?

answers1: No, its a quote. Not having a philosophy can be a
philosophy, but not a good one.
answers2: Russell has a good quote on this: We may note one peculiar
feature of philosophy. If someone asks the question what is
mathematics, we can give him a dictionary definition, let us say the
science of number, for the sake of argument. As far as it goes this is
an uncontroversial statement... Definitions may be given in this way
of any field where a body of definite knowledge exists. But philosophy
cannot be so defined. Any definition is controversial and already
embodies a philosophic attitude. The only way to find out what
philosophy is, is to do philosophy. —Bertrand Russell, The Wisdom of
the West
answers3: No. He's cosmologist.
answers4: Yes, it is so there's not much to say about it. However, if
philosophy is good thinking, then it's never dead. Stephen Hawking is
expressing his opinion and that doesn't necessarily mean that given
his notoriety, he is right.
answers5: maybe.
answers6: Yes, it is!
answers7: I don't think so. I think it's a cop-out to just negate an
entire branch of humanities; to refuse to consider it. It's denial,
not a philosophy.
answers8: yes, in a way. But the error in his assertion lies with the
fact that philosophy is the theorizing of the nature of things yet
unknown to human kind. The more we know, the more questions we have,
and the more questions we have the more we seek to find some sort of
answer. Philosophy provides answers to let our minds rest on, even if
those answers will later be found to be incorrect. For example,
science used to be called natural philosophy, before it became known
as science. Most natural philosophies were on the whole, incorrect.
There was one in the time of the Greeks that the uterus traveled
around the woman's body. <br>
Other philosophies that are current now are about the existence of
God, the existence of other dimensions and the possibility of a
multiverse. We do not have any scientific evidence of any of these, or
if there is some, it is minimal and circumstantial. <br>
steven hawkings, though a brilliant physicist, is not a philosopher
and should not be someone on whom you rely on for philosophical ideas.
Even his show about the universe on Discovery has some flaws in it, as
much of his thinking and ideas, though necessary to our understanding
of science, is now a generality and many more scientists from our
generation know much more than he does.
answers9: totally a philosophy,by the way when is he going to upgrade
his little talky thingy,its soooo 80's