Saturday, 2 November 2019

What fields are considered not to be in humanities?

answers1: Business Studies, and Engineering are a couple of sujects
not in `Humanities`. <br>
I recommend Anthropology coupled with Political Science, <br>
as you a) get a lot of choices en-route <br>
b) if you are attending an English/European Uni, a year`s
studying abroad is part of the 2-Subjects(inc. Pol. Sci.) is part of
theDegree Course.
answers2: Natural sciences are not included in the humanities.
answers3: I had also asked this same question 3 times, and didn't
receive an answer
answers4: Interesting question!
answers5: lol <br>
-Things that have no functional role. <br>
-No practical purpose. <br>
-No real value.
answers6: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Business, International
Banking, Engineering, Agribusiness, Law, <br>
No, the bighthing now is interdepartmental studies.

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