answers1: Skin is a compound tissue derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. <br>
It has several layers of cells. <br>
So,skin cannot be described to made of any chemical. <br>
Read biology book.
answers2: Human skin is actually a very complex structure that
includes several distinct layers of skin cells, each of which has its
own function... If you are curious about the anatomic structure of
human skin, there are numerous texts and websites that can help you
out. <br>
Chemically, skin would consist of the same things that the rest of the
body consists of - Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus,
Sulfur, and some trace elements like magnesium and iron. The outer
layer of skin is primarily dead and dying cells, which may contain
less water than cells that are being actively maintained. <br>
Hope that helps!
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