Friday, 22 November 2019

Do guys like girls who wear makeup?

answers1: The makeup world is a multi-billion dollar industry. From
the scientists and lab technicians who study all the ingredients (to
make sure you skin doesn't bubble up when you apply makeup), to the
artists at the MAC counter selling you hundreds of dollars of the
highest brand -- there are millions of people in between. In the old
days, women would put their health at risk to make their faces pale
(which was hot back then) using lead, mercury and even leeches to
achieve this look. Were the guys really into this? Was the pale face
trend, or the intricate ways we apply eye shadow REALLY doing anything
for the guys? Let's observe and analyze the in-depth conversation I
had with my fiance, who is definitely a man's man. He's the ultimate
hetero, who defines seasons of the year by the type of sports game
(i.e. basketball season, football season, etc.) <br>
Ahem...here it is.... <br>
Eric: "You're so beautiful" <br>
Me: "Really? You never say I look beautiful when I wear makeup. I
mean, do you like me with makeup?" <br>
Eric: "Well of course you look pretty with makeup." <br>
Me: "You seem to compliment me more when I look like a little dude."
(that's just how I feel without makeup sometimes) <br>
Eric: "No, when you're Not wearing makeup it's like, you look
innocent. I look in your eyes and see your soul. I can't see to your
soul with all that clown whore makeup on." <br>
Me: "................(blink blink)....................thanks........... <br>
There ya have it. So it got me thinking, who do we put makeup on for?
And then I realized....for ourselves! It's not always about them.
He may feel a deeper connection with me without my makeup, but I feel
better and more confident with makeup on! I think guys definitely
would know the difference if the world went without makeup. Our skin
wouldn't look as smooth and, as an Asian, maybe my eyes wouldn't look
as big. My face is my resume honey. No one likes a little dude girl
with no makeup on. ' <br>
Don't kid yourselves boys, you'd much prefer us with makeup on. So,
is the billion dollar makeup industry justified? AbsoFrickinLutely!
answers2: simple makeup .. yeah <br>
a lot of makeup .. NO!! <br>
and you are beautiful as you are , you don't need makeup ! <br>
if you don't put makeup you will show us that you are confident of
yourself = Good thing :)
answers3: i feel that most guys i know prefer girls who wear a little
makeup. too much looks fake. haha i mean that one song clearly says
"chilling with no makeup on that's when you're the prettiest."
answers4: It's good to wear a little bit of make up because it shows
you care about your appearance in my eyes. But if you wear too much
then you'll just look silly.. Haha. But guys do like girls with
make-up but they also like it when they take it off to go to bed or
something.. Shows your not scared of taking your make-up off. (There's
nothing scarier than a girl who sleeps in makeup haha)
answers5: yes i like women who wear makeup. But ive honestly noticed
once ive started dating a girl and start to really have feelings for
who they are i think there the most beautiful person alive so depends
if its a first date to a relationship. All im saying is the girls i
love or really like i dont care what they wear as long as im spending
time with them honest to god
answers6: Most guys like girls eyes so a would suggest eye make up
somethign that will make them pop but nothing more than that. Guys
like girls who dont need make up to be pretty. Some peopel though need
make up or they just look strange but some girls can pull off make up
when they want vut still look good when they dont wear it so it just
answers7: Well it's awesome if a girl has the natural beauty to pull
off her look without make up, that is just about the epitome of hot.
But a moderate amount of make up is fine too, just as long as it
doesn't look like you fired your make-up out of a shotgun at your
face. <br>
Thick dark eyelashes are hot.
answers8: Tbh i think its okay if used in moderation but most of the
time girls look much better without it on. Alot of girls seem to think
chucking the stuff on attracts us like some pheromone or something but
it is a major turn off.
answers9: Hi Kacie, <br>
As a guy, I prefer my girls with the natural look. If they wear make
up then let it be a natural look and very simple like a foundation,
sealer. I hate seeing beautiful girls with so much make up or the
wrong make up it looks like they are going to war. <br>
I believe all girls are beautiful, and if they wear makeup it should
only compliment their features. <br>
Hope this helps. <br>
ONETIME, my younger sister had tons of makeup on, and I asked her
where the circus was. I thought she was one of the clowns, lol.
answers10: if you use some keep it moderate, there's nothing that
turns me off more then some chick with tons of it, i hate kissing
girls with thick lipstick and it gets all over my lips soooo nasty~! i
look more for personality then what kinda mudd she has smeared on her
face! hope that helped some.

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