Tuesday, 26 November 2019

how to make the skin lighter?

answers2: use lemon juice mixed with honey
answers3: Ask Micheal Jackson
answers4: Well you're a girl so I guess asking Michael Jackson would
be fine... but it isn't a good idea. <br>
To answering your question seriously, use some kind of whitening cream
or lemon juice. And wear darker clothes. :D
answers5: i have this compact powder stuff and it makes my face a
whole lot lighter...i think it's covergirl, it's a silver cirlce in a
very light shade of pale.
answers6: Lemon juice I hear works, or I guess you can have your skin
chemcially lightened.
answers7: ask miceal jackson or use cream and use lemon this would work
answers8: ask Micheal Jackson
answers9: there are LOTS of whitening products out there you can try.
Asia has the biggest market for those and if you want to find some
just find the Asian line of any cosmetic companies. <br>
Use with caution though because I've read lots of news of some
products actually are corrosive to the skin, even for some really
famous and top brands. <br>
But my best advice for you is to learn to love yourself - we all have
something other people love: caucasians like to get tanned and
asians/darker-skinned people like to make their skin lighter; blondes
dye their hair black and brunettes dye their hair blonde...you get the
idea. <br>
So be proud of who you really are. :)
answers10: use foundation,or compact powder dat is more lighter than
ur skin... <br>
or juz use whitening cream/lotion dat suits you...

Monday, 25 November 2019

I have a skin question?

answers1: Skin is a compound tissue derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. <br>
It has several layers of cells. <br>
So,skin cannot be described to made of any chemical. <br>
Read biology book.
answers2: Human skin is actually a very complex structure that
includes several distinct layers of skin cells, each of which has its
own function... If you are curious about the anatomic structure of
human skin, there are numerous texts and websites that can help you
out. <br>
Chemically, skin would consist of the same things that the rest of the
body consists of - Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus,
Sulfur, and some trace elements like magnesium and iron. The outer
layer of skin is primarily dead and dying cells, which may contain
less water than cells that are being actively maintained. <br>
Hope that helps!

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Makeup artist business name ideas.?

answers1: Transform with Alexandra <br>
Purely True Beauty by Alexandra <br>
Alexandra's Light Touch <br>
Simply Beauty <br>
For Spotlight by Alexandra
answers2: Alexandra's face Miracle <br>
Alexandra Makeup <br>
Alexandra Face Beauty <br>
Alexandra makeup beauty <br>
alexandra's makeovers
answers3: Eloquent Looks, Classy Designs, Special Occasions, Make-up
by Deidre', Beautiful Faces
answers4: Alexandra's "Color me badd"? Don't take that wrong, badd
meaning good, not badd meaning bad.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

What is your favourite makeup brand?

answers1: i hate makeup. i've never worn it and i'm 17.
answers2: MAC.
answers3: loreal and i only use a little makeup i dont use it all i
use what makes me look natural now like a clown.
answers4: Shiseido <br>
answers5: Clinique <br>
Mary Kay <br>
MAC <br>
answers6: Hard Candy <br>
Cover Girl <br>
is what i use <br>
i dont use all of my makeup and its sad cause i have so much
answers7: Rimmel London <br>
I have a small make-up collection...
answers8: Maybelline <br>
~ No, I still have some in packages. Eyeshadows, pencils and mascara
not even open.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Apply Joker Makeup?

answers1: use the really good stage makeup, thats the only way to make
them look like the Joker lol

Do guys like girls who wear makeup?

answers1: The makeup world is a multi-billion dollar industry. From
the scientists and lab technicians who study all the ingredients (to
make sure you skin doesn't bubble up when you apply makeup), to the
artists at the MAC counter selling you hundreds of dollars of the
highest brand -- there are millions of people in between. In the old
days, women would put their health at risk to make their faces pale
(which was hot back then) using lead, mercury and even leeches to
achieve this look. Were the guys really into this? Was the pale face
trend, or the intricate ways we apply eye shadow REALLY doing anything
for the guys? Let's observe and analyze the in-depth conversation I
had with my fiance, who is definitely a man's man. He's the ultimate
hetero, who defines seasons of the year by the type of sports game
(i.e. basketball season, football season, etc.) <br>
Ahem...here it is.... <br>
Eric: "You're so beautiful" <br>
Me: "Really? You never say I look beautiful when I wear makeup. I
mean, do you like me with makeup?" <br>
Eric: "Well of course you look pretty with makeup." <br>
Me: "You seem to compliment me more when I look like a little dude."
(that's just how I feel without makeup sometimes) <br>
Eric: "No, when you're Not wearing makeup it's like, you look
innocent. I look in your eyes and see your soul. I can't see to your
soul with all that clown whore makeup on." <br>
Me: "................(blink blink)....................thanks........... <br>
There ya have it. So it got me thinking, who do we put makeup on for?
And then I realized....for ourselves! It's not always about them.
He may feel a deeper connection with me without my makeup, but I feel
better and more confident with makeup on! I think guys definitely
would know the difference if the world went without makeup. Our skin
wouldn't look as smooth and, as an Asian, maybe my eyes wouldn't look
as big. My face is my resume honey. No one likes a little dude girl
with no makeup on. ' <br>
Don't kid yourselves boys, you'd much prefer us with makeup on. So,
is the billion dollar makeup industry justified? AbsoFrickinLutely!
answers2: simple makeup .. yeah <br>
a lot of makeup .. NO!! <br>
and you are beautiful as you are , you don't need makeup ! <br>
if you don't put makeup you will show us that you are confident of
yourself = Good thing :)
answers3: i feel that most guys i know prefer girls who wear a little
makeup. too much looks fake. haha i mean that one song clearly says
"chilling with no makeup on that's when you're the prettiest."
answers4: It's good to wear a little bit of make up because it shows
you care about your appearance in my eyes. But if you wear too much
then you'll just look silly.. Haha. But guys do like girls with
make-up but they also like it when they take it off to go to bed or
something.. Shows your not scared of taking your make-up off. (There's
nothing scarier than a girl who sleeps in makeup haha)
answers5: yes i like women who wear makeup. But ive honestly noticed
once ive started dating a girl and start to really have feelings for
who they are i think there the most beautiful person alive so depends
if its a first date to a relationship. All im saying is the girls i
love or really like i dont care what they wear as long as im spending
time with them honest to god
answers6: Most guys like girls eyes so a would suggest eye make up
somethign that will make them pop but nothing more than that. Guys
like girls who dont need make up to be pretty. Some peopel though need
make up or they just look strange but some girls can pull off make up
when they want vut still look good when they dont wear it so it just
answers7: Well it's awesome if a girl has the natural beauty to pull
off her look without make up, that is just about the epitome of hot.
But a moderate amount of make up is fine too, just as long as it
doesn't look like you fired your make-up out of a shotgun at your
face. <br>
Thick dark eyelashes are hot.
answers8: Tbh i think its okay if used in moderation but most of the
time girls look much better without it on. Alot of girls seem to think
chucking the stuff on attracts us like some pheromone or something but
it is a major turn off.
answers9: Hi Kacie, <br>
As a guy, I prefer my girls with the natural look. If they wear make
up then let it be a natural look and very simple like a foundation,
sealer. I hate seeing beautiful girls with so much make up or the
wrong make up it looks like they are going to war. <br>
I believe all girls are beautiful, and if they wear makeup it should
only compliment their features. <br>
Hope this helps. <br>
ONETIME, my younger sister had tons of makeup on, and I asked her
where the circus was. I thought she was one of the clowns, lol.
answers10: if you use some keep it moderate, there's nothing that
turns me off more then some chick with tons of it, i hate kissing
girls with thick lipstick and it gets all over my lips soooo nasty~! i
look more for personality then what kinda mudd she has smeared on her
face! hope that helped some.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Makeup Questionairr?

answers1: I don't try to impress anyone by wearing makeup. However
foundation helps to make my skin tone more even. Then I used blush to
define my cheeks. I add a little brush of neutral shadow followed by
an eyeline pencil. Finally I put on a little lipstick and maybe some
gloss. The final touch is mascara.
answers2: Myself. <br>
I just like to present myself in a good way because people generally
treat you better when you look nice, which makes my day better.
answers3: I can't really sense the emotion in this question.. but it
sounds a little condescending.. but I won't take offense seeing as you
can't correctly spell questionnaire. <br>
But, as for the question itself... I don't wear make-up to impress
anyone.. I wear it because it makes ME feel beautiful.. which
interpreted outwardly makes me more appealing to others.. Seeing as
generally people desire confidence. <br>
Make-up done correctly can be a master piece just like a piece of
art.. What better canvas than one on your own body.
answers4: I'm not trying to impress anyone. I wear make up because it
enhances my appearance and since I do make up it's how I express
myself. <br>
answers5: well, i love doing makeup. if i didn't, i wouldn't wear it.
and i don't wear it all the time, because i feel i don't need to. so i
guess when i go out at night and stuff i'm tryin to impress boys!!
answers6: yourself <br>
you look good for your self no one else
answers7: no one it i waer makeup when i feel like it
answers8: Everybody. I don't want to seem sloppy or ugly because I
don't take time to cover up anything. And I want to look nice and
answers9: Nobody, I try to not look disgusting, which my skin is. It's
unfortunate I need to cover it up...I'm young and with acne, plus
nobody else wears makeup at my age.
answers10: truthfully, i don't find it impressive. It just clogs your
pores and wastes time and money! However, my eyes are really big and i
have found that wearing light eyeliner helps take away from the
bigness. ppl always make fun of me for it but make up helps. I still
don't wear it often though, just like once ever two weeks or so cuz
not all of it washes off so its still there a little bit!

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Do you prefer straight hair or curly/wavy hair?

answers1: I have frizzy/curly hair, and I don't really like it because
it gets huge when it's dry (my avatar isn't a photo of me). <br>
But I find straight hair a little boring. <br>
Besides, with curly hair, I can straighten it when I want, or I can
straighten it then curl it. <br>
Here, have a cupcake.
answers2: Not curly...just wavy. thats the boy!
answers3: Straight
answers4: I have curly/wavy hair, and i used to like straight before,
but now.. I love my hair:)
answers5: Wavy. Not curly.
answers6: Curly/wavy.
answers7: I have straight hair and always wanted it to be curly or wavy.
answers8: For me, I like curly/wavy hair as well!
answers9: on some people curly/wavy hair and on some straight :D on
myself straight hair
answers10: Straight

Monday, 18 November 2019

Is straight hair better looking than wavy hair on guys?

answers1: sophisticated point. look into with yahoo. this can assist!
answers2: It just depends on what ya like :)
answers3: Every guy has their preference. But every guy I met likes a
girl that takes care of themselves. So do your hair nice whether it's
straight or curly.
answers4: Wavy ..
answers5: Whatever there natural hair texture is. <br>
I personally like wavy
answers6: I don't like the way straight hair looks. Wavy hair looks
healthy and shiny.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Poll: short hair or long hair (on guys)?

answers1: Long hair :)
answers2: Short of Medium lenght hair
answers3: Medium length hair
answers4: Long to very long
answers5: Long hair for me and as for guys, it just depends on what
looks best on them. I do like long hair though.
answers6: Short hair
answers7: Short hair
answers8: Very short hair
answers9: long hair
answers11: This depends on how it looks upon you. For me, as long
because it's not past your shoulders and then it would be ok but We
prefer anything that doesn't go earlier the ears.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

What do you prefer short hair or long hair?

answers1: Long hair looks good on almost everyone, I think only some
people can really pull of short hair.
answers2: Long hair, not down to my butt long, but like down to my
lower back. I hate short hair, and I have shortish hair now and hate
answers3: Long hair
answers4: Long hair
answers5: complex matter. look into over the search engines. this may help!

Thursday, 14 November 2019

What is laser hair removal?

answers1: Yes a laser hair removal is all about to destroys all active
hair follicles. A laser beam is shone onto the area of unwanted hair
and it destroys the hair follicle under the skin.
answers2: http://bestlaserhairremovalnyc.org has got some great info
on there! Goo Luck, I learned a lot!

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Does anyone know who wholesales cell phone accessories for cheap in texas?

answers1: Dollar stores like Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, Dollar
General, etc, often have cheaper accessories such as pouches, skins,
headphone microphones, etc. <br>
I've also had good luck at many convenience stores to find cheaper
accessories such as chargers.
answers2: eBay

Monday, 11 November 2019

What is your daily makeup and hair routine?do you add accessories?

answers1: Makeup: <br>
-L'Occitane Ultra Matte Face Fluid or Avene Emulsion Lotion. <br>
-Spray Skindinavia No More Shine 4 times and allow it to dry. <br>
-Illamasqua Matt or Larenim Invisi-Pore. <br>
-Bourjois Matte Minerals Mousse or Buff'd Cosmetics Mineral Concealing
foundation (sometimes though skip either of these and just use the
invisipore) <br>
-Terra Firma Cosmetics Hocus Pocus undereye concealer. <br>
-Blush and illuminating dust. <br>
-Translucent finishing powder (mattify! ultra, meow cosmetics top cat,
jurlique rose or tarte micronized clay) <br>
-Tightline with black waterproof gel then do subtle thin lines to top
lids (i don't wear eyeshadow daily), curl lashes, apply black
waterproof mascara. <br>
-Fill in brows with Smashbox Brow Tech To Go. <br>
-Reapply Skindinavia and allow it to dry. <br>
-Origins Underwear for Lips followed by either lipstain/tint or long
wear lip color/cream. On lazier days just tinted lip balm or gloss
instead. <br>
Hair: <br>
I wash it every other day. I work big sexy hair through damp roots
before heat protection spray. Blow dry with my hanaair. Brush after
and part hair/side bangs to the left most days. Sometimes do the
parting and make a headband braid from the middle to the left. Other
days wear it back in a high loose ponytail. Sometimes make waves. <br>
Accessories: <br>
I don't generally wear much jewelry or acessories. I don't like the
feel. Just wear my plain diamond stud earrings and my
wedding/engagement rings.
answers2: I just realized how simple I am. <br>
1. Brush teeth. <br>
2. Rinse face. <br>
3. Brush hair. <br>
4. Put on chapstick if my lips are dry. <br>
That's my routine. If I have a blemish on my face I might dab a dot of
concealer on it, but other than that I'm pretty much au natural. I
just don't personally like the very made up & polished look. <br>
This does not look attractive to me:
But this does: http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/04/16/1/27/273571/4ca2bf437534d22e_4nokatew.jpg
Edit: As for accessories, if I'm going to wear them, it's usually my
favorite locket necklace and butterfly ring.
answers3: Mine: dermis: First I moist my dermis with the intention to
place some sparkling & sparkling cream.. after that I wash it off
needless to say.. and then I save on with on some moisturizer so as
that my dermis does not stay dry. now and returned whilst i don't have
sparkling & sparkling cream then I merely use oil-unfastened cleansing
soap.. i locate that it helps extra appropriate then the cream itself.
makeup: relies upon on the the day truly and what i'm doing. yet
maximum days I merely pass to random places like park, cinema,
determining to purchase blah blah. I frequently save on with on
beginning place, concealer.. and the eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.
now and returned eye shadow as nicely.. yet merely gentle hues like
glittery eco-friendly or some thing.. in spite of the shown fact that
that is totally VERY gentle haha. Hair: frequently I straighten it
down.. yet now and returned I positioned it in a ponytail.. or I
merely positioned it right into a ballerina bun and have an component
fringe.. hehe
answers4: Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, <br>
Pencil eyeliner on lower water line, <br>
Brush hair. My hair is permed straight. <br>
Occasional accessories.
answers5: Here are steps <br>
1 a base compressed power all over your face <br>
Coverage if you get a blemish <br>
2 a little royal ivory pink blush sweaped over your cheek bone <br>
3 a eyeshadow lighter then your skin and a little sparkly <br>
4 Eyeliner on your water line draw from the outer tip of your eye to
the center of your eye <br>
5 a little mascara <br>
6 a lip stain if you play done your eyes a bit <br>
You could wear....( I think you would look good in red and or purple) <br>
For a date <br>
A dress fitted bodes with flowy bottom very simple or a nice shirt and
skirt <br>
A trip into town <br>
skinny jeans or a skirt with leggings or tights <br>
With a solid color skirt a flowy flowery top <br>
With a skirt with a print a solid color shirt <br>
Same outfit you would wear to school works too <br>
School <br>
Skinny jeans with a fun top and earrings OR a necklace to match with
your favorite shoes <br>
I let my hair be or put in a pony
answers6: Moisturize face <br>
Matte gel <br>
Eyeliner (only sometimes) <br>
Eyeshadow. Mostly champagne with a darker metal color on the outside. <br>
Bronzer <br>
Blush <br>
Mascara. <br>
Straighten, brush, or curl, depending on the mood. <br>
Only sometimes.
answers7: - Smashbox Primer <br>
- Laura Mercier Tinted Moiusturizer <br>
- MAC setting powder <br>
- Curl Lashes <br>
- Covergirl Lashblast Mascara <br>
-Tightline eyes <br>
- ELF blush in Tickled Pink <br>
- Clear Gloss <br>
[10 min] <br>
- Brush Hair <br>
- Heat Protectant - Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray <br>
- Loose Waves with Remington Curling Iron <br>
- Hair Spray <br>
[15 min] <br>
I usually add dangly earrings and if I dont a simple necklace
answers8: Mascara <br>
light line of black liquid liner <br>
chapstick, tinted lip gloss <br>
eye shadow if i have time <br>
my hair is naturally pin straight so its usually just down, somtimes
clipped, or with a braid or something <br>
and a necklace. i never leave without a necklace <br>
and usually simple earrings

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Assassins creed accessories?

answers1: Well from what i heard there would be some accessories made
from mad cat. They would be sold at any retailer that sells mad cat

Friday, 8 November 2019

Is this enough accessories/toys for a rabbit?

answers1: It would be helpful if you created an account rather than
posting anonymously. That helps answerers to see all the
rabbit-related questions you ask and helps form a picture as to what
you already know so we don't repeat ourselves. <br>
I looked through your list of rabbit stuff (I think I clicked on all
of them!). One thing to start with is that you may want to wait and
see the personality of your rabbit before getting too many
accessories. Some rabbits will totally ignore chew toys while others
will actually play with them. Just depends on the individual rabbit.
All of the seagrass and wicker balls and mats are great. Most rabbits
do enjoy tearing those to shreds. (That is what they do with those, so
they are considered consumable.) <br>
The rubber food tray is not advised. It isn't necessary and will
likely be chewed. That could cause gut blockage for bunny. Skip it.
The cute ceramic bowls (carrot and cabbage) are fine. Just know that
bunny may try to toss them about. So if they are put on tile, they may
break. The 20 oz size may work for greens (when bunny is slowly
introduced to those). The 16 oz size will be rather large for pellets.
A 5-7 lb rabbit only gets 2 oz (1/4 cup) per day. <br>
The feeder/water fountain can't be used for pellets since pellets must
be limited and measured. It won't be great for water either because a
water bowl needs to be cleaned more often - not waiting until after
the main reservoir is empty. I'd suggest instead either a heavy
ceramic crock (heavier than the other ones you have) or one of those
bowls that twists onto a clamp. (photo attached) <br>
The grooming kit is only half good. The pin brush cannot be used on a
rabbit's delicate skin. A brush made for a human infant is safe, or a
special grooming comb. The chew treat should not be used since they
don't say what it is. <br>
The collapsible cat tunnel is fabric and will probably be chewed by
bunny. Look for ware plastic tunnel (large - size) instead OR a
cardboard tunnel. Plain cardboard boxes make the best rabbit toys.
Just cut out doors and windows. Bunny will chew them up and they can
easily be replaced. <br>
The activity zone rabbit toy is way over-priced at $70. Bunny will
have just as much fun with a cardboard box. Plus, depending on your
bunny, he may totally ignore that toy. <br>
The harness is a huge no. It is not safe. Most harnesses sold are not
safe. And those that are safe, are only safe if used properly. Only
experienced agility trainers are able to properly and safely fit a
rabbit harness. So unless you know someone like this, a harness is not
advised. The following page explains which are safe and which are not:
<a href="http://rabbitsindoors.weebly.com/bringing-outside.html"
More important than accessories is the housing itself. (Sorry. Don't
know if you've already asked about this.) Having roomy housing and a
bunny-proofed area for daily exercise is key. Hay is also not only
necessary for a bunny's diet but it also keeps a bunny busy as well.
They spend much time munching on hay. For a bunny, munching on hay can
be as much fun as any toy they may have. <br>
Here are a few other ideas for toys: <br>
<a href="http://rabbitsindoors.weebly.com/boredom-busters.html"
And here at the following link, you can see how something as simple as
a near-empty raisin container can provide loads of fun: <br>
<a href="http://rabbitsindoors.weebly.com/videos.html"

Thursday, 7 November 2019

How do you explain the bad fashion of the 1980s and 1990s?

answers1: The drugs of the 60's and 70's. I have hope that parachute
pants will make a comeback though.
answers2: The current fashions will be called bad some day.
answers3: The 1990's represented grunge and heroin chic - not the best
in fashion choices.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Catchy blog title about fashion?

answers1: What about "Fashion Forward?" <br>
I don't know anything about fashion, so good luck finding just the right name.
answers2: Fashion Day <br>
hope you like it. keep me informed of what you choose :) <br>
email: shout12345678910@yahoo.com
answers3: Fashion means No Looking Back

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Parisian Fashion Shows?

answers1: Galeries Lafayette has it, Fridays at 3PM on the 7th floor
of the main Haussmann store in the Salon Opéra. <br>
: If you are at a hotel with a good concierge, he or she may
be able to wrangle invitations to the real fashion shows, as opposed
to the mass-market ones offered by department stores. The real ones
only occur at certain times of year, though.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Fashion designing concerns?

answers1: There is always the library.
answers2: First, it's great that you know what you want to be!
Secondly, I'd say San Diego, or San Francisco would be safest. You do
NOT have to have sex with anyone to get a good job, and if the
employer says you do, get out, and find a better company. Contact
FIDM, and see if you can meet them. Bring your mom, and try to put her
at ease about everything. See if the school can put you in touch with
a fashion designer that your mom could talk to and ask questions about
the business. Good luck!!
answers3: polyvore.com!!!!!
answers4: Listen to the other person you can make an outfit at polyvore.com ! =P
answers5: i am only 9 and i want to be a fashion designer,too. that's
why i asked for a sewing machine for Christmas.i got it! i will keep
checking the answers for this question. sorry that i don't have any
answers6: sorry, i tried to find one @ my will but i didn't find one
answers7: Take a fashion designing class at your hs. I enrolled in
college classes. They were fun, but you can't miss any classes because
each class is a big part of your grade. Look at your local community
college and they let you take classes like stripes, prints, sewing and
a lot more.
answers8: ill look for some...one second! <br>
<a href="http://startingaclothingline.com/html/google_-_digital_fashion_pro_p.html?gclid=CMju9d-7-ZECFQV9lgodkhGdvw"
<a href="http://www.risd.edu/kids_teens.cfm"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.risd.edu/kids_teens.cfm</a> <br>
this is a program at risd <br>
<a href="http://www.dressupgames.com/fashion.html"
http://www.thefashionspot.com/ <br>
http://www.fashion-era.com/drawing_fashion.htm <br>
good site for drawing <br>
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/home <br>
hope these help!!
answers9: You can do a Yahoo or google search.
answers10: polyvore <br>

Sunday, 3 November 2019

What kinda stuff will I need for a fashion show??

answers1: lotion (unscented) <br>
vaseline - your face is going to get dry from all that makeup so put
some on before you get your makeup done
answers2: well u are gonna have alot of make up bring face cream so u
dont break out have panty hoes just in case and bring lots of
deoderent u will sweat alot under the lights i would kno i've been a
model for 3 years well good luck to ya
answers3: Nipple Petals, Makeup, various shoes,
answers4: Fashion
answers5: Fashions, models to display the fashions, a runway for the
models to display the fashions from, lights, camera, action, audience.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

What fields are considered not to be in humanities?

answers1: Business Studies, and Engineering are a couple of sujects
not in `Humanities`. <br>
I recommend Anthropology coupled with Political Science, <br>
as you a) get a lot of choices en-route <br>
b) if you are attending an English/European Uni, a year`s
studying abroad is part of the 2-Subjects(inc. Pol. Sci.) is part of
theDegree Course.
answers2: Natural sciences are not included in the humanities.
answers3: I had also asked this same question 3 times, and didn't
receive an answer
answers4: Interesting question!
answers5: lol <br>
-Things that have no functional role. <br>
-No practical purpose. <br>
-No real value.
answers6: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Business, International
Banking, Engineering, Agribusiness, Law, <br>
No, the bighthing now is interdepartmental studies.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Are traditional and digital animation part of the Humanities?

answers1: As the values are changing due to Aquarian age the Pisces
age is terminating on 21 Dec 2012 probably, hence the old style of
education is also being changing. The computer and biochemistry are
the two such modern subjects which are changing dimensions of our
traditional values.This is a complex thing to tell you in a short
answer. You better listen to Benjamin Creme's lecture. <br>
Any way traditional and digital animation are becoming part of
abstract art so art is not only paint brush and chisel rather it is
more than that.