answers1: Brilliancy. <br>
I love art, photos, with light or halos or other picture in the photo. <br>
I even think Comcast commercial for Xfinity with the light & the
clouds is truly beautiful. <br>
When there is brilliancy in the picture of someone or the painting or
other artwork: it appears like Gods LOVE is in it. <br>
But physical pictures can be deceiving. So true beauty is the
brilliancy that comes from within. Even brilliant ideas.
answers2: someone who can give out unconditional love, who loves the
world and treats each person with unconditional love, regardless of
who they are and what they do. It's a pure heart. That's beautiful to
answers3: To quote an old cliché... Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder. It's a shame the expression doesn't include the mind of the
beholder as well. For me, true beauty is that which causes no harm to
anyone... I know this answer sounds weird but I stand by it.
answers4: I believe TRUE beauty is someone that is honest, loyal,
understanding, romantic, funny, passionate, and has morals and values
of family and love.
answers5: True beauty: being open to all our surroundings, the ability
to see the world the way it is for all it's glory & beauty. <br>
True beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder, always.
answers6: true beauty is thee air of perfection ... <br>
like a butterfly for example , afew things about that fluttery bug is
actually perfect , beauty is an expression of perfection , like some
japanese blades they are beautifull beacuse they are perfect . <br>
two different colour eyes are pritty intresting but they are not
beautifull , eyes are beautifull esspecaily eagles eyes because they
can stare into the sun , see minute details at extreemly long ranges
ans up close , there eyes are beautifull ... <br>
a rose is beautifull , as is a razor blade , as are some peoples
personlitys , perfection is alway beautifull IF you can "see" it?
answers7: true beauty lies in a beauty lies in the soul of a
person.....a beautiful soul does good to all....things bout every1 b4
themselves.....such a person practically doent exist <br>
so a true beauty in a person is to accept a person with all its flaws
n still love the other person..... <br>
true beauty lies in a persons ability to accept all imperfect things very well.
answers8: All (BEAUTY) is In the eye of the beholders mind <br>
The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is
associated with such properties as harmony of form or color,
excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality. <br>
True beauty is an awaking of the mind in new forms and colors of
truthfulness in originality <br>
May each and every one of you awaken to your Infinite and Eternal
beauty in Patience, Kindness, Charity, Temperance, Diligence,
Chastity, and Humility. For with every measure of your belief, it is
done unto you as you believe. Believe in yourself you will find God
there, for God is Infinite and Eternal Belief, and this infinite and
Eternal World we live in. <br>
Believe in Peace, Compassion, Generosity, Self-Control, Persistence,
Purity, and Modesty. With this belief you will live a beautiful Life.
answers9: To me True beauty is openness to the world. To be completely
open to new people/experiences, and a GENUINE love for life. Also, 2
different colored eyes is pretty neat too :)
answers10: Somone who is very caring and loving for everyone else.
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