Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Is there any such thing as a classic beauty with acne?

answers1: Well every beauty has a flaw, but that's what makes it
beautiful, take a look at these beautiful females, unique <br>
: nope
answers3: I want to spread the message about acne and how the usage of
drugs, creams or typical acne treatments affects your skin. I know
they sometimes work for acne treatment in a partial way and
temporarily but the side effects are nasty. I know it all so well
because I have tried it first-hand myself. <br>
However, the moment you stop using these treatments, acne will come
back and will come back even strongly. Many have already experienced
this vengeance from the acne monster. Would you perfer a temp or a
perm solution for acne? <br>
Sensitive oil gland receptors, hormone irregularities and toxic
buildup. Only the combination of the three above factors can lead to
the formation of acne. If you have acne, then most certainly you have
sensitive oil gland receptors, and unfortunately you cannot change
that. <br>
However, there are two other main factors involved in the formation of
acne - hormone irregularities and toxic buildup. So logically,
"deactivating" these two factors by taking the necessary means, you
practically ensure the elimination of acne symptoms. <br>
I want to introduce this new and exciting new solution for people
searching for a solution to acne. This system cures acne permanently
and holistically without the use of drugs, creams or typical acne
treatments. <br>
It has to do with how you take care of your body and organs, and I
must admit some of the steps are tedious to follow on a daily basis.
However, it guarantees complete cure of the problem from within. <br>
I introduce to you the system at http://www.mindyourface.com <br>
answers4: you can be a classic beauty as long as the guy who says you
are is a blind dude! <br>
Love, <br>
Le Docteur d'Amour
answers5: Classic beauties differ in each country. <br>
In the US, they'd be someone with Audrey Hepburn/young Brooke
Shields/Scarlett Johansen looks. <br>
In France, in Portugal, in Spain..wherever, they'd be different. <br>
Some classic beauties have had a bit of acne. But that should go away
as you get older.
answers6: to be a beauty you have to have flawless skin. it's just the
way the brain works. When people see acne they subconsciously relate
it to unhealthiness and other things that we humans naturally have the
instinct to think is unattractive. Classic beauty is just plain pretty
and not very exotically beautiful, I think. flawed skin and still a
classic beauty.... very difficult unless you have the best
personality, a gorgeous body, and ....hum... yeah, its actually pretty
impossible. <br>
You have to acknowledge though, that many classic beauties have A LOT
done to make them look the way they look, like special acne treatment
and laser surgery. makeup also. I think about only .01 % of the world
is naturally a classic beauty.

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