Wednesday 25 December 2019

Are the sideburns back in style?

answers1: I am 32 and have my burns 50's style and rock them all the
time. I do if for myself, not based on whats "in" or popular.
answers2: Yes they are. Rock them. Rock them!!!!11!
answers3: If I like it, and I'm comfortable with it ....ITS IN STYLE !!!
answers4: Only if you like them.
answers5: Nuh...unless you're an Elvis impersonator.
answers6: Hairstyles With Bangs/fringe <br>
<a href="http://geebal.blogspot.com/2007/11/hair-bangs.html"
answers7: God I hope not. I'm too old to start something that
shouldn't have existed in the first place.
answers8: When i see side burns on people i want to pull them off =P
answers9: The thought of guys wearing sideburns again makes me want to
shudder. Sorry but was born in the 60's so have had to grow up around
men wearing the silly things. I hope my teenage sons don't want
sideburns. Yuk!
answers10: I've seen a lotta people with them, but I personally think
they're wierd & make the dude look really hairy, I don't like them

Tuesday 24 December 2019

are moccassins in style this fall?

answers1: Yes! All those styles are soo coming back. Another BIG style
are Topsiders!
answers2: yesumms. <br>
i wouldn't get the whole fringy ones, but the basic moccasins are rele
cute and look nice and comfy. <br>
: )
answers3: go to www.moccasinhousehouse.com and get the soft sole
moccasins--you will LOVE them

Monday 23 December 2019

Who has the better style?

answers1: I like both styles and both are pretty..If you WANT me to
answers2: The girl on the left but I like Righties legs more.
answers3: the girl on the left is prettier but the girl on the right
has the better style

Sunday 22 December 2019

do you like preppy style?

answers1: nope hate em all
answers2: I am soooooooooo preppy. I love it . American Eagle and all
that stuff <3. <br>
Its so much better than the other clothes that teens wear today.
Sheesh!! In my school girls look so bad . . . <br>
Anyway PREPS RULE !!!
answers3: GOOD GOD I HATE PREPS.... but the reason that i do, first of
all, im scene.... second, not saying that you do, but they Wear <br>
r VERY skimpy clothes... like, at one of my school dances, they
dressed sooo skimpy it was gross cause there was this fat prep who had
stuff flying out everywhere {ew!}. i LOVE the scene style TeeHee..!!@
as for surfer, cool.
answers4: I think you should be yourself and not label yourself by
what you wear. That's pretty shallow. When you get a little more
mature you'll realize "clothing style" really means nothing.
answers5: Ah, high school. How I don't miss thee. <br>
For the record; preps, skaters, emos.....they all look terrible,
simply because they all lack class. Sorry, but there's nothing cute or
attractive about clothing from teeny stores like Abercrombie or
American Eagle.
answers6: shape club, Polo by using Ralph Lauren, the classics. yet
dressing preppy would not require call producers. merely stick to
classic sort, loafers or boat shoes instead of shoes, khakis (
dockers, chino's) and sweaters with collared shirts below and you will
make each and every of the little wealthy ladies swoon.
answers7: Yes, I like the preppy style. Not the faux preppy style but
real preppy clothes, Abercrombie and Hollister are NOT preppy, they
are just popular teen stores. Raulph Lauren, Vineyard Vines, Lily
Pulitzer, and J. Crew, now those are actually preppy.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Any cute hair styles?

answers1: Nikki, <br>
The last time I had my hair cut, here's what I did: <br>
Shoulder-length, lots of layers (the shortest being above my chin),
and side-swept bangs. <br>
It looked adorable, and I could still put my hair up in a ponytail! :) <br>
If you want an extra touch, have your stylist put in some carmel blond
highlights... it will make the layers more defined.
answers2: you can never go wrong with a mohawk
answers3: You should try side bangs if you don't have them. And get
layers and maybe get it angled. Or just go into a salon and look in
the magazines and if you see something you like ask them if they think
it would look good on you. That's what I did.
answers4: One mini ponytail with pink daisy hair clips. instantly with
4 braids sticking out and beads. Crimp on the accurate and curly on
the bottom. Orange hair extensions. Pigtails with 2 pink -blue feather
hair clips.
answers5: you can never go wrong with a mohawk
answers6: Here are some nice hair style sites. Maybe you can find
something helpful on one of them: <br>
Matrix - <a href="http://www.matrix.com/find_your_hair_style/"
The Hair Styler - <a href="http://www.thehairstyler.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.thehairstyler.com/</a> <br>
2 Hair Styles - <a href="http://www.2hairstyles.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.2hairstyles.com/</a> <br>
Hair Styles - http://www.hair-styles.org/ <br>
Hair Styles Design - http://www.hairstylesdesign.com/ <br>
Hair Finder - http://www.hairfinder.com/ <br>
Wedding Hair Styles - http://www.wedding-hairstyle.com/ <br>
All Things Hair - http://www.visual-makeover.com/ <br>
Good luck! =)
answers7: curly and straight
answers8: i have a great website for you <br>
it is- <br>
http://www.hairstyleeditor.com/join.html <br>
all you have to do is create an acount and then you can download a
picture of your self or use a different picture from the website then
you can try on any hairdo's <br>
its cool!
answers9: short layered cuts are always cute.

Friday 20 December 2019

What is your opinion on beauty pageants?

answers1: I think its degrading people should be awarded for something
greater not beauty, i think beauty comes for within maybe the winner
of that beauty pageants is a real ugly person on the inside.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Help with youtube beauty username?

answers1: LolaAussa just sounds cool..
answers2: Lola Luster <br>
Lola Lollipops :o <br>
Lola Luxurious <br>
Lola Luminosity <br>
answers3: Lola loves beauty? <br>
It'd sound like,"Hey guys, Welcome to Lola loves beauty"...
answers4: lola is lushx or something like that

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Is there any such thing as a classic beauty with acne?

answers1: Well every beauty has a flaw, but that's what makes it
beautiful, take a look at these beautiful females, unique <br>
: nope
answers3: I want to spread the message about acne and how the usage of
drugs, creams or typical acne treatments affects your skin. I know
they sometimes work for acne treatment in a partial way and
temporarily but the side effects are nasty. I know it all so well
because I have tried it first-hand myself. <br>
However, the moment you stop using these treatments, acne will come
back and will come back even strongly. Many have already experienced
this vengeance from the acne monster. Would you perfer a temp or a
perm solution for acne? <br>
Sensitive oil gland receptors, hormone irregularities and toxic
buildup. Only the combination of the three above factors can lead to
the formation of acne. If you have acne, then most certainly you have
sensitive oil gland receptors, and unfortunately you cannot change
that. <br>
However, there are two other main factors involved in the formation of
acne - hormone irregularities and toxic buildup. So logically,
"deactivating" these two factors by taking the necessary means, you
practically ensure the elimination of acne symptoms. <br>
I want to introduce this new and exciting new solution for people
searching for a solution to acne. This system cures acne permanently
and holistically without the use of drugs, creams or typical acne
treatments. <br>
It has to do with how you take care of your body and organs, and I
must admit some of the steps are tedious to follow on a daily basis.
However, it guarantees complete cure of the problem from within. <br>
I introduce to you the system at http://www.mindyourface.com <br>
answers4: you can be a classic beauty as long as the guy who says you
are is a blind dude! <br>
Love, <br>
Le Docteur d'Amour
answers5: Classic beauties differ in each country. <br>
In the US, they'd be someone with Audrey Hepburn/young Brooke
Shields/Scarlett Johansen looks. <br>
In France, in Portugal, in Spain..wherever, they'd be different. <br>
Some classic beauties have had a bit of acne. But that should go away
as you get older.
answers6: to be a beauty you have to have flawless skin. it's just the
way the brain works. When people see acne they subconsciously relate
it to unhealthiness and other things that we humans naturally have the
instinct to think is unattractive. Classic beauty is just plain pretty
and not very exotically beautiful, I think. flawed skin and still a
classic beauty.... very difficult unless you have the best
personality, a gorgeous body, and ....hum... yeah, its actually pretty
impossible. <br>
You have to acknowledge though, that many classic beauties have A LOT
done to make them look the way they look, like special acne treatment
and laser surgery. makeup also. I think about only .01 % of the world
is naturally a classic beauty.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

what define beauty as a facial feature?

answers1: It depends what people like. Thin nose/wide nose, square
face/round face ect. But all agree that good symmetry marks a healthy
answers2: A symmetrical face coupled with features that suit your
face,good health
answers3: proportional facial features <br>
highly symmetrical features
answers4: If they have beautiful straight hair, pale skin, varied
color eyes, and of European pure blood.
answers5: European features. <br>
Especially Northern European.
answers6: Black girl's lips, white girl's nose, Indian girl's hair,
Hispanic girl's complexion, asian girl's smooth skin
answers7: There are beautiful people of every race-----some people
think white skin is best some like olive completions, Blue or green
eyes are praised by many, however brown eyes are considered exotic and
just as lovely. Curly hair is considered to be a blessing by some and
some hate their curls. Lips well That is a strange topic, I have
naturally plump lips and hated them when I was younger, now millions
pay millions to get lips like mine---> This tells it all FASHION
CHANGES from decade to decade. At one time being plump was a sign of
wealth, now skinny is in. Big busted woman like Marilyn Monroe, Anna
Nicole Smith and Pam Anderson are always in, as long as they are
skinny every where else. I think Marilyn's face would be an example
of perfect proportion. Yet, Sophia Loren's nose is on the larger
side but she is a BREATHTAKINGLY exotic beauty. As for teeth---
straight white teeth are always the fashion. The nose that is a
difficult one --->I have seen pictures of woman with less than
perfectly proportioned noses in history books who were the beauties of
their times. Glamorous movie stars like "old school" Ingrid Bergan
and her daughter Isabella Rosalinni are considered Great Beauties and
their profiles are less than perfect. Current stars like Penelope
Cruz, Marsha Harding and Maggie Gyllenthal are classified as current
examples of beautiful women. Their noses are not what many would
consider pleasing. I thing it is a combination of every aspect of a
womans face that must be considered. The PERSONALITY and SMILE plays
a large part. Bottom line even fashion models faces vary
greatly---perfect symmetry can become boring. Check out High Fashion
Models faces, they are so different.
answers8: latinas : ) simple as that

Monday 16 December 2019

What do you believe true beauty is?

answers1: Brilliancy. <br>
I love art, photos, with light or halos or other picture in the photo. <br>
I even think Comcast commercial for Xfinity with the light & the
clouds is truly beautiful. <br>
When there is brilliancy in the picture of someone or the painting or
other artwork: it appears like Gods LOVE is in it. <br>
But physical pictures can be deceiving. So true beauty is the
brilliancy that comes from within. Even brilliant ideas.
answers2: someone who can give out unconditional love, who loves the
world and treats each person with unconditional love, regardless of
who they are and what they do. It's a pure heart. That's beautiful to
answers3: To quote an old cliché... Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder. It's a shame the expression doesn't include the mind of the
beholder as well. For me, true beauty is that which causes no harm to
anyone... I know this answer sounds weird but I stand by it.
answers4: I believe TRUE beauty is someone that is honest, loyal,
understanding, romantic, funny, passionate, and has morals and values
of family and love.
answers5: True beauty: being open to all our surroundings, the ability
to see the world the way it is for all it's glory & beauty. <br>
True beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder, always.
answers6: true beauty is thee air of perfection ... <br>
like a butterfly for example , afew things about that fluttery bug is
actually perfect , beauty is an expression of perfection , like some
japanese blades they are beautifull beacuse they are perfect . <br>
two different colour eyes are pritty intresting but they are not
beautifull , eyes are beautifull esspecaily eagles eyes because they
can stare into the sun , see minute details at extreemly long ranges
ans up close , there eyes are beautifull ... <br>
a rose is beautifull , as is a razor blade , as are some peoples
personlitys , perfection is alway beautifull IF you can "see" it?
answers7: true beauty lies in a beauty lies in the soul of a
person.....a beautiful soul does good to all....things bout every1 b4
themselves.....such a person practically doent exist <br>
so a true beauty in a person is to accept a person with all its flaws
n still love the other person..... <br>
true beauty lies in a persons ability to accept all imperfect things very well.
answers8: All (BEAUTY) is In the eye of the beholders mind <br>
The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is
associated with such properties as harmony of form or color,
excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality. <br>
True beauty is an awaking of the mind in new forms and colors of
truthfulness in originality <br>
May each and every one of you awaken to your Infinite and Eternal
beauty in Patience, Kindness, Charity, Temperance, Diligence,
Chastity, and Humility. For with every measure of your belief, it is
done unto you as you believe. Believe in yourself you will find God
there, for God is Infinite and Eternal Belief, and this infinite and
Eternal World we live in. <br>
Believe in Peace, Compassion, Generosity, Self-Control, Persistence,
Purity, and Modesty. With this belief you will live a beautiful Life.
answers9: To me True beauty is openness to the world. To be completely
open to new people/experiences, and a GENUINE love for life. Also, 2
different colored eyes is pretty neat too :)
answers10: Somone who is very caring and loving for everyone else.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Men only!!! What do you think of Kate Hudson's body?

answers1: Nice pooper.
answers2: I prefer more athletic women. My lover Miyuki from Japan is
a 5'-0.5", 97 pound, 33"/22"/32" dancer who has developed great legs
and butt from her exercises.
answers3: she's a little skinny for my personal tastes, but beautiful though.
answers4: I prefer Ugly Betty. MMMMMMMMMMM Betty AGGHHHHH
answers5: Her body type doesn't turn me on. I like women with hips
and, breasts and butts Having said that if you're naturally slim and
and small breasted that's really sexy too. What's not sexy is if you
are trying hard to achieve a body type that is not naturally yours.
Edit <br>
You need to know this because it's important that you do; Sexiness is
mental not physical . <br>
What makes a woman sexy is a certain" joie de vie" that she has and
not the size and shape of her body parts. Strippers for instance are
some least sexy women you will ever see in your life ;.Sexual they are
sensual they're not. <br>
Kate Hudsons sexiness comes from her mental attitude not her body parts.
answers6: Men Attracted to her body? Some guys are attracted to her <br>
type of body, some are not. I think she is very pretty, but not what
I'm considering in a partner.
answers7: she looks fine to me
answers8: Her body, yes, yours, gotta see it first.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Ladies, toned body or bodybuilder body?

answers1: im not to fond of either but if i had to chose it would be
the toned guy. Personally i prefer a man to look healthy but i don't
really like to much muscle , i also don't mind a man with a little
belly it just looks more natural to me.
answers2: All girls have different preferences, do what makes yourself
happy. If you hate working out then don't work out, life is too short
to do things you don't enjoy doing.
answers3: I think body builders look gross, just a liiiitttle muscle is fine.
answers4: Im not into the overly muscular body builder. I like a guy
who works out and has some muscle, especially his arms. I also dont
like the scrawny looking guy, who's bottom half is bigger than his top
answers5: Neither. A bit bigger than the male model I'd say. He's
rather puny and the other guy is just gross.
answers6: Normal muscular: Has muscle but not overdone. Very toned but
not bodybuilder muscular. Soccer player muscular.
answers7: toned. <br>
personally, the overly muscular body builder type is a turn off. it
gives the impression that the guy just spends all his time in the gym,
and in the back of my mind it makes me wonder if he'll accidentally
crush me if we hug.
answers8: 1
answers9: Definitely the first. Toned.
answers10: First one. I prefer toned bodies. Bodybuilders, I find way

Friday 13 December 2019

Films with body transfer or body change?

answers1: In Freaky Friday the mother and daughter switch bodies. It's
kinda funny. The best movie I would recommend though would be All of
Me with Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin. They share the same body. He has
the left side and she has the right side. It is VERY funny. I hope you

Thursday 12 December 2019

What does "Body rock" means?

answers1: .............. Well seeing your cute innocent avatar, I'll
try to put this to you gently. Body rock is the back and forth motions
that occur when two people are... well.... making love. So the lines
"I wanna see your body rock, I can feel your body rock" mean "I wanna
see your body move as I make love to you, I can feel you move as we
have sex" <br>
hope this answers your question
answers2: It generally refers to dancing and/or other provocative body

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Dead body-writing help? ill answer yours! :)?

answers1: You answered mine, so I'll answer yours. The body would not
be "cut up" after two years, there would be nothing but a skeleton in
the time-frame. Bodies decompose the moment death occurs. When you go
to a wake, a body is embalmed to slow this process. However, a body
that was buried in dirt would decompose quickly because of bacteria
inside the dead body, and animals that would feed on the body (gross,
I know). <br>
After two years, a body will be a skeleton, but a body can be
identified by a number of ways. Was the body wearing clothes, jewelry,
identification? Evidence would be collected by investigators to
determine identification of the body. After investigators have a
possible match, they would likely take dental records/bone marrow
samples to confirm the identity of the body. <br>
After two years, blood tests and fingerprints are null and void, they
cannot be used to identify a body. However, if the victim had surgery,
surgical plants inside the body can identify the victim by tracking
serial numbers in the surgical plates and screws. If the body was
determined within two weeks instead if two years, the body will still
be decomposed considerably, but DNA testing is possible with tissue
samples that have not decomposed fully. <br>
Hope this helped.
answers2: It would only be a skeleton by that point, it could be cut
up if the bones themselves were cut. It would be identifiable by teeth
and DNA only.
answers3: The decomposition of a dead body depends on many factors,
any of which can affect the time necessary to break it down. If a body
is buried in a coffin deep in the ground, for example, it could take
as long as 50 years for all of the tissue to disappear. But if it is
exposed to the elements, it will decay very quickly. <br>
If it's cut up and not in coffin, I think that hardly you could
recognize it. <br>
Hope I helped. :) Here's mine <a
answers4: Unless she was buried in a place that is cold all year long,
she'd be a skeleton

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Why is my unexposed skin darker than my exposed skin?

answers1: Thicker skin <br>
Hyperpigmentation due to abrasion from underwear/ bra/ pants etc <br>
More skin folds

Monday 9 December 2019

Skin problem?

answers1: See a dermatologist if skin turns black.Yia sou.
answers2: dermaline skin whitening cream.. <br>
its safe and potent formula can get rid of dark skin spots.
answers3: Cause is age. Remedy is to lighten them up naturally with
papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are <br>
available online. These work wonders. <br>
Maybe it will work on you too. <br>
Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'

Sunday 8 December 2019

My skin tone is light brown?

answers1: LOL...dumbass...I love yahoo answer
answers2: maybe caramel.
answers3: Why would you want to do that? You could mess up seriously
and end up with something unexpected and terrible. Light brown is a
nice color.
answers4: drinking water and moisturising our skin is a very important
step, I would use yoghurt to lighten my skin since i have a dry skin i
cant use baking soda, goodluck